.. _andoyer: Andoyer Module ============== Introduction ------------ The Andoyer module is used to represent the dynamical state of pair of planets in a standardized manner. Using a series of canonical transformations and re-scalings, the Hamiltonian governing the dynamics of a :math:`k`-th order MMR, for :math:`k \le 3`, can (to leading order in eccentricity) be reduced the 'Andoyer Hamiltonian', .. math:: H_k(\Phi,\phi;\Phi') = 4\Phi^2 - 3\Phi'\Phi + \Phi^{k/2}\cos\phi with the time measured in units of .. math:: \tau \propto \left(\mu\right)^{k} t~. This form of the Hamltonian... API --- .. automodule:: celmech.andoyer :members: :special-members: __init__