Source code for celmech.disturbing_function

from sympy import S, diff, lambdify, symbols, sqrt, cos,sin, numbered_symbols, simplify,binomial, hyper, hyperexpand, Function, factorial,elliptic_k,elliptic_e, expand_trig, Function,bell
from sympy import I,exp,series
from . import clibcelmech
from ctypes import Structure, c_double, POINTER, c_float, c_int, c_uint, c_uint32, c_int64, c_long, c_ulong, c_ulonglong, c_void_p, c_char_p, CFUNCTYPE, byref, create_string_buffer, addressof, pointer, cast
from scipy.integrate import quad
import math
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from scipy.special import poch,factorial2,binom,factorial,gamma,hyp2f1
from collections import defaultdict
import warnings

def get_df_term_latex(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,nu1,nu2,nu3,nu4,l1,l2,indexIn,indexOut):
    Get the latex expression for the disturbing function coefficient

    .. math::

    assert l1 + l2 < 2, "I'm not going to print something so ridiculuous!"
    C  = r"\tilde{{C}}_{{({0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5})}}".format(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6)
    if l1==1:
        C = r"\alpha\frac{d}{d\alpha}" + C
    if l2==1:
        C = r"\alpha\frac{d}{d\alpha}" + C
    C += r"^{{({0},{1},{2},{3})}}".format(nu1,nu2,nu3,nu4)
    C += r"(\alpha_{{{0},{1}}})".format(indexIn,indexOut)
    term = r"{0}\frac{{Gm_{1}m_{2}}}{{a_{{{2},0}}}}".format(["-","+"][l2],indexIn,indexOut)
    term += C
    e1exp = abs(k3) + 2*nu3
    e2exp = abs(k4) + 2*nu4
    s1exp = abs(k5) + 2*nu1
    s2exp = abs(k6) + 2*nu2
    if l1==1:
        term+=r"\left(\frac{{\delta a_{0}}}{{a_{{{0},0}}}}\right)".format(indexIn)
    if l2==1:
        term+=r"\left(\frac{{\delta a_{0}}}{{a_{{{0},0}}}}\right)".format(indexOut)
    if e1exp > 0:
        if e1exp == 1:
            term += r"e_{0}".format(indexIn)
            term += r"e_{0}^{1}".format(indexIn, e1exp)
    if e2exp > 0:
        if e2exp == 1:
            term += r"e_{0}".format(indexOut)
            term += r"e_{0}^{1}".format(indexOut, e2exp)
    if s1exp > 0:
        if s1exp == 1:
            term += r"s_{0}".format(indexIn)
            term += r"s_{0}^{1}".format(indexIn, s1exp)
    if s2exp > 0:
        if s2exp == 1:
            term += r"s_{0}".format(indexOut)
            term += r"s_{0}^{1}".format(indexOut, s2exp)
    arg = r""
    if k1 == 0 and k2 == 0 and k3 == 0 and k4 == 0 and k5==0 and k6 == 0:
        pass # don't write cosine
        if k1 < 0:
            arg += r"-"
        if abs(k1) > 1:
            arg += r"{0}".format(abs(k1))
        if k1 != 0:
            arg += r"\lambda_{0}".format(indexOut)
        if k2 != 0:
            arg += r"+" if k2 > 0 else r"-"
            if abs(k2) > 1:
                arg += r"{0}".format(abs(k2))
            arg += r"\lambda_{0}".format(indexIn)
        if k3 != 0:
            arg += r"+" if k3 > 0 else r"-"
            if abs(k3) > 1:
                arg += r"{0}".format(abs(k3))
            arg += r"\varpi_{0}".format(indexIn)  
        if k4 != 0:
            arg += r"+" if k4 > 0 else r"-"
            if abs(k4) > 1:
                arg += r"{0}".format(abs(k4))
            arg += r"\varpi_{0}".format(indexOut)
        if k5 != 0:
            arg += r"+" if k5 > 0 else r"-"
            if abs(k5) > 1:
                arg += r"{0}".format(abs(k5))
            arg += r"\Omega_{0}".format(indexIn)
        if k6 != 0:
            arg += r"+" if k6 > 0 else r"-"
            if abs(k6) > 1:
                arg += r"{0}".format(abs(k6))
            arg += r"\Omega_{0}".format(indexOut)
        term += r"\cos({0})".format(arg)
    return term

def get_df_coefficient_symbol(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,nu1,nu2,nu3,nu4,l1,l2,indexIn,indexOut):
    Get a sympy symbol for the disturbing function coefficient

    .. math::

    sympy symbol
    symbol_str  = r"C_{{({0}\,{1}\,{2}\,{3}\,{4}\,{5})}}".format(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6)
    symbol_str += r"^{{({0}\,{1}\,{2}\,{3})\,({4}\,{5})}}".format(nu1,nu2,nu3,nu4,l1,l2)
    symbol_str += r"(\alpha_{{{0}\,{1}}})".format(indexIn,indexOut)
    return symbols(symbol_str)

def _delta(*args):
    Return 0 if all arguments are 0, otherwise return 1.
    intarr  = np.array([args],dtype=np.int64)
    if np.alltrue(intarr == 0):
        return 0
        return 1
[docs]def df_arguments_dictionary(Nmax): r""" Get the arguments appearing in the disturbing function up to order Nmax. Arguments are returned as a nested dictionary. The outer level keys are orders. The inner level keys are :math:`\Delta k = |k_1-k_2|`, denoting the order of MMR for which the argument appears. The values of the inner level dictionaries are lists of tuples containing :math:`(k_3,k_4,k_5,k_6)`. Specifically, the dictionary is returned in the form: | { | 0:{0:[(0,0,0,0)], | 1:{1:[(-1,0,0,0),(0,-1,0,0)]}, | ... | Nmax:{ | 0:[(k3,k4,k5,k6)], | ... | Nmax:[(k3,k4,k5,k6),...] | } | } Arguments --------- Nmax: int Maximum order of dictionary arguments. Returns ------- arguments : defaultdict Nested defaultdicts containing the cosine arguments appearing in the disurbing function. """ args_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) Nmax_by_2 = Nmax // 2 for h in range(Nmax_by_2 + 1): khi = 2 * Nmax_by_2 klo = -khi * _delta(h) for k in range(klo,khi + 1): hplusk = (h+k) hminusk = (h-k) s_hi = Nmax - abs(hplusk) - abs(hminusk) s_lo = -s_hi * _delta(h,k) for s in range(s_lo,s_hi + 1): s1_hi = Nmax - abs(hplusk) - abs(hminusk) - abs(s) s1_lo = -1 * s1_hi * _delta(h,k,s) for s1 in range(s1_lo,s1_hi + 1): dj = 2 * h + s + s1 sgn = 1 if dj == 0 else np.sign(dj) k3=-sgn*s k4=-sgn*s1 k5=-sgn*(hplusk) k6=-sgn*(hminusk) N = abs(k3) + abs(k4) + abs(k5) + abs(k6) args_dict[N][dj*sgn].append((k3,k4,k5,k6)) return args_dict
def _nucombos(nutot): nucombos = [] for nu1 in range(nutot+1): for nu2 in range(nutot+1-nu1): for nu3 in range(nutot+1-nu1-nu2): nu4 = nutot - nu1 - nu2 - nu3 nucombos.append((nu1, nu2, nu3, nu4)) return nucombos def _lcombos(ltot): lcombos = [] for l1 in range(ltot+1): l2 = ltot - l1 lcombos.append((l1, l2)) return lcombos def k_nu_depend_on_inclinations(k,nu): _,_,_,_,k5,k6 = k nu1,nu2,_,_ = nu arr=np.array([k5,k6,nu1,nu2]) return np.any(arr!=0) def k_nu_depend_on_eccentricities(k,nu): _,_,k3,k4,_,_ = k _,_,nu3,nu4 = nu arr=np.array([k3,k4,nu3,nu4]) return np.any(arr!=0)
[docs]def list_resonance_terms(p,q,min_order=None,max_order=None,eccentricities=True,inclinations=True): """ Generate the list of disturbing function terms for a p:p-q resonance with eccentricity/inclination order between min_order and max_order Arguments --------- p : int Determines resonance q : int Order of the resonance min_order : int, optional Minimum order in eccentricities and inclinations to include. Defaults to order of the resonance q (leading order) max_order: int Maximum order in eccentricities and inclinations to include. Defaults to order of the resonance q (leading order) eccentricities: bool, optional By default, includes all eccentricity terms. Can set to False to exclude any eccentricity terms (e.g., fixed circular orbits). inclinations: bool, optional By default, includes all inclination terms. Can set to False to exclude any inclination terms (e.g., co-planar systems). Returns ------- term : list A list of disturbing function terms. Each entry in the list is of the form (k_vec, nu_vec) (see PoincareHamiltonian.add_cosine_term in """ if not min_order: min_order = q if not max_order: max_order = q args_dict = df_arguments_dictionary(max_order) args = [] for N in range(min_order,max_order+1): for q1 in range(q,N+1,q): if (N-q1) % 2: continue p1 = (q1//q) * p for N1 in range(q1,N+1,2): nutot = (N-N1)//2 for arg in args_dict[N1][q1]: for nu_vec in _nucombos(nutot): k_vec = (p1,q1 - p1,*arg) if inclinations == False and k_nu_depend_on_inclinations(k_vec, nu_vec) == True: continue if eccentricities == False and k_nu_depend_on_eccentricities(k_vec, nu_vec) == True: continue args.append((k_vec,nu_vec)) return args
[docs]def list_secular_terms(min_order,max_order,eccentricities=True,inclinations=True): """ Generate the list of secular disturbing function terms with eccentricity/inclination order between min_order and max_order. Arguments --------- min_order : int Minimum order in eccentricities and inclinations to include. max_order : int Maximum order in eccentricities and inclinations to include. eccentricities: bool, optional By default, includes all eccentricity terms. Can set to False to exclude any eccentricity terms (e.g., fixed circular orbits). inclinations: bool, optional By default, includes all inclination terms. Can set to False to exclude any inclination terms (e.g., co-planar systems). Returns ------- term : list A list of disturbing function terms. Each entry in the list is of the form (k_vec, nu_vec) (see PoincareHamiltonian.add_cosine_term in """ args_dict = df_arguments_dictionary(max_order) args = [] Nmax1 = (max_order//2) * 2 Nmin1 = (min_order//2) * 2 for N in range(0,Nmax1 + 1,2): argsN = args_dict[N][0] nutot_min = max( (Nmin1 - N)//2 , 0) nutot_max = (Nmax1 - N)//2 for nutot in range(nutot_min,nutot_max + 1): for nu_vec in _nucombos(nutot): for arg in argsN: k_vec = (0,0,*arg) if inclinations == False and k_nu_depend_on_inclinations(k_vec, nu_vec) == True: continue if eccentricities == False and k_nu_depend_on_eccentricities(k_vec, nu_vec) == True: continue args.append((k_vec,nu_vec)) return args
[docs]def laplace_b(s,j,n,alpha): r""" Calculates :math:`n`-th derivative with respect to :math:`\alpha` of Laplace coefficient :math:`b_s^j(\alpha)`. Uses recursion and scipy special functions. Arguments --------- s : float half-integer parameter of Laplace coefficient. j : int integer parameter of Laplace coefficient. n : int Specify the :math:`n`th derivative with respect to :math:`alpha`. alpha : float Semi-major axis ratio, :math:`\alpha=a_{in}/a_{out}`. Returns ------- float The value of the coefficient. """ assert alpha>=0 and alpha<1, "alpha not in range [0,1): alpha={}".format(alpha) if j<0: return laplace_b(s,-j,n,alpha) if n >= 2: return s * ( laplace_b(s+1,j-1,n-1,alpha) - 2 * alpha * laplace_b(s+1,j,n-1,alpha) + laplace_b(s+1,j+1,n-1,alpha) - 2 * (n-1) * laplace_b(s+1,j,n-2,alpha) ) if n==1: return s * ( laplace_b(s+1,j-1,0,alpha) - 2 * alpha * laplace_b(s+1,j,0,alpha) + laplace_b(s+1,j+1,0,alpha) ) return 2 * poch(s,j) * alpha**j * hyp2f1(s,s+j,j+1,alpha**2)/ factorial(j)
[docs]def evaluate_df_coefficient_dict(coeff_dict,alpha): r""" Evaluate a dictionary representing a sum of Laplace coefficient terms like those returned by df_coefficient_C and df_coefficient_Ctilde evaluated at a specific value of semi-major axis ratio, alpha. Arguments --------- coeff_dict : dictionary Dictionary with entries {(p,(s,j,n)) : coeff} representing a sum of Laplace coefficients: .. math:: \mathrm{coeff} \times \alpha^p \frac{ d^n b_s^{(j)}(\alpha)} { d\alpha^n} alpha : float Value of semi-major axis ratio, :math:`\alpha=a_i/a_j`, appearing as an argument of Laplace coefficients. Returns ------- float : The sum of Laplace coefficeint terms represented by dictionary entries. """ tot = 0 for key,val in coeff_dict.items(): if key[0] == 'indirect': pwer = key[1] rt_alpha_inv = 1 / np.sqrt(alpha) tot += val * rt_alpha_inv**pwer else: p,arg = key tot += val * alpha**p * laplace_b(*arg,alpha) return tot
def calB(n,k,p): arglist = [negative_binom(p,l) * factorial(l) for l in range(1,n-k+3)] return bell(n,k,arglist) def falling_factorial(x,n): return poch(-x,n) * (-1)**n def _Psi_coeff(l1,l2,p1,p2,m1,m2,r1,r2): return binom(l1,m1) * binom(l2,m2) *\ falling_factorial(-2*r1 - p2/2,m2) * falling_factorial(-p1/2,m1) *\ calB(l1-m1,r1,2) * calB(l2-m2,r2,-2) def _calc_df_coefficient_C_l1_l2_Taylor_coeff(l1,l2,p1,p2,derivs_list): tot = 0 l1fact_inv = 1/factorial(l1) l2fact_inv = 1/factorial(l2) prefactor = l1fact_inv * l2fact_inv for m1 in range(l1+1): for r1 in range(l1-m1+1): for m2 in range(l2+1): for r2 in range(l2-m2+1): val = prefactor * derivs_list[r1+r2] * _Psi_coeff(l1,l2,p1,p2,m1,m2,r1,r2) tot=tot+val return tot def _p1_p2_from_k_nu(kvec,nuvec): r""" Convenience function for calculate integers p1 and p2 defined as p1 = abs(k3) + abs(k5) + 2 * nu1 + 2 * nu3 p2 = 4 + abs(k4) + abs(k6) + 2 * nu2 + 2 * nu4 These definitions appear in the formula for the expansion of DF coefficients in powers delta """ k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6 = kvec nu1,nu2,nu3,nu4 = nuvec p1 = abs(k3) + abs(k5) + 2 * nu1 + 2 * nu3 p2 = 4 + abs(k4) + abs(k6) + 2 * nu2 + 2 * nu4 return p1,p2 def evaluate_df_coefficient_delta_expansion(Coeff_dict,p1,p2,lmax,alpha): r""" Calculate coefficients of the Taylor series of `Coeff_dict` in powers math:`\delta_i` and math::`\delta_j` evaluated at semi-major axis ratio math:`\alpha=a_1/a_2`. Arguments --------- Coeff_dict : dict Dictionary representation of DF coefficient p1 : int Integer specific to the DF term's (k,nu) values given by p1 = abs(k3) + abs(k5) + 2 * nu1 + 2 * nu3 p2 : int Integer specific to the DF term's (k,nu) values given by p2 = 4 + abs(k4) + abs(k6) + 2 * nu2 + 2 * nu4 lmax : int Maximum power of Taylor expansion. alpha : float Semi-major axis ratio at which to evaluate coefficients. """ answer = dict() C = Coeff_dict # Derivatives of C w.r.t. alpha NC_derivs = [evaluate_df_coefficient_dict(C,alpha)] for ltot in range(lmax+1): C=deriv_df_coefficient(C) NC_derivs.append(alpha**(ltot+1) * evaluate_df_coefficient_dict(C,alpha)) for lIn in range(ltot+1): lOut = ltot - lIn answer[(lIn,lOut)] = _calc_df_coefficient_C_l1_l2_Taylor_coeff(lIn,lOut,p1,p2,NC_derivs) return answer # Vector of resonance coefficients def get_res_coefficient_vector(j,k,include_indirect_terms=True): r""" Get a vector comprised of all sub-resonance coefficients for the j:j-k mean motion resonance. Arguments --------- j : int Specify the j:j-k resonance k : int Order of the resonance include_indirect_terms : boole, optional whether the contribution of indirect terms should be accounted for when computing the coefficients. default is true. Returns ------- vals : ndarray Array of coefficient values from l=0 to l=k """ res_pratio = float(j - k) /float(j) alpha = res_pratio**(2./3.) res_ecc_arg = lambda j,k,l: (j,k-j,-l,l-k,0,0,0,0,0,0) # k and nu values Cjkl = lambda j,k,l,alpha: evaluate_df_coefficient_dict(df_coefficient_C(*res_ecc_arg(j,k,l),include_indirect_terms=include_indirect_terms),alpha) vals = np.array([Cjkl(j,k,l,alpha) for l in range(k+1)],dtype=np.float64) return vals def get_fg_coefficients(res_j,res_k): """Get 'f' and 'g' coefficients for approximating the disturbing function coefficients associated with an MMR.""" res_pratio = float(res_j - res_k) /float(res_j) alpha = res_pratio**(2./3.) vec = get_res_coefficient_vector(res_j,res_k) resids_vec_fn = lambda fg: vec - np.array([binomial(res_k,l) * fg[0]**(l) * fg[1]**(res_k-l) for l in range(res_k+1)],dtype=np.float64) ex = (1-alpha) f0 = -1 / ex g0 = 1 / ex f,g = leastsq(resids_vec_fn,(f0,g0))[0] return f,g def NCOd0(a,b,c): """ Value of of Newcomb operator X^{a,b}_{c,0} Arguments --------- a : int b : int c : int Returns ------- X^{a,b}_{c,0} : float """ if c==0: return 1 if c==1: return b - a /2 nc1 = NCOd0(a,b+1,c-1) nc2 = NCOd0(a,b+2,c-2) return (2 * (2*b-a) * nc1 + (b-a) * nc2 )/ c / 4 def NewcombOperator(a,b,c,d): """ Value of of Newcomb operator X^{a,b}_{c,d} Arguments --------- a : int b : int c : int d : int Returns ------- X^{a,b}_{c,d} : float """ if c<0 or d<0: return 0 if d==0: return NCOd0(a,b,c) tot = -2 * (2 * b + a) * NewcombOperator(a,b-1,c,d-1) tot += -1 * (b + a) * NewcombOperator(a,b-2,c,d-2) tot += -1 * (c - 5 * d + 4 + 4 * b + a ) * NewcombOperator(a,b,c-1,d-1) for j in range(2,d+1): tot += 2 * (c-d+b) * (-1)**j * binom(3/2,j) * NewcombOperator(a,b,c-j,d-j) return tot / 4 / d def HansenCoefficient_term(a,b,c,sigma): r""" Series coefficient in Taylor series of the Hansen coefficient X^{a,b}_c(e). The Hansen coefficient is given by: .. math:: X^{a,b}_c(e) = e^{|c-b|} \times \sum_{\sigma=0}^\infty \mathrm{HansenCoefficient\_term(a,b,c,sigma)}e^{2\sigma} Arguments --------- a : int b : int c : int sigma : int Returns ------- float """ alpha = max(c-b,0) beta = max(b-c,0) return NewcombOperator(a,b,alpha+sigma,beta+sigma) def calX_term(a,b,c,d): r""" Series coefficient in Taylor series of the expession calX^{a,b}_c(e) = (1-e^2)^{-1/2} * X^{a,b}_c(e) where X^{a,b}_c is a traditional Hansen coefficient math:: calX^{a,b}_c(e) = e^{|c-b|} \times \sum_{\sigma=0}^\infty calX_term(a,b,c,sigma)e^{2\sigma} Arguments --------- a : int b : int c : int d : int Returns ------- float """ tot = 0 for n in xrange(d+1): tot += binom(-0.5,n) * (-1)**n * HansenCoefficient_term(a,b,c,d - n) return tot def threeFtwo(a,b): """ Hypergerometric 3_F_2([a1,a2,a3],[b1,b2],1) Used in calcluations of KaulaF function Arguments --------- a : list of ints b : list of ints Returns ------- float """ a1,a2,a3 = a b1,b2 = b kmax = min(1-a1,1-a2,1-a3) tot = 0 for k in range(0,kmax): tot += poch(a1,k) * poch(a2,k) *poch(a3,k) / poch(b1,k) / poch(b2,k) / factorial(k) return tot def KaulaF(n,q,p,j): """ Series coefficient in the Taylor expansion of the Kaula inclination function F_{nqp}(I). See, e.g., `Kaula (1962,1966)`_ or `Ellis & Murray (2000)`_. The function returns the jth term of the Taylor expansion in the variable s = sin(I/2). I.e. KaulaF(n,q,p,j) = (1/j!) d^j F{nqp}/ ds^j This implementation is based on the Mathematica package by Fabio Zugno available at: .. _Kaula (1962,1966): .. _Ellis & Murray (2000): Arguments --------- n : int q : int p : int j : int Returns ------- float """ if q==0 and 2 * p == n: return (-1)**(j+n) * binom(n,j) * binom(n+j,j) * factorial2(n-1) / factorial2(n) if n - 2*p - q < 0: if n-q<0: return 0 return (-1)**(n-q) * factorial(n+q) * KaulaF(n,-q,n-p,j) / factorial(n-q) numerator = (-1)**j * factorial2(2*n-2*p-1) numerator *= binom(n/2+p+q/2,j) numerator *= threeFtwo([-j,-2*p,-n-q],[1+n-2*p-q,-(n/2)-p-q/2]) if p<0: return 0. denom = factorial(n -2 * p - q) * factorial2(2 * p) return numerator / denom def KK(i,n,m): numerator = (-1)**(i-n) * (1 + 2 * n) * gamma(1/2 + i) * gamma(3/2 + i) denom = 4 * gamma((2 + i-m-n)/2) * gamma((2 + i + m-n)/2) * gamma((3 + i - m + n)/2) * gamma((3 + i + m + n)/2) return numerator / denom def getrange(lim1,lim2,n=1): assert n>0, "Negative interval n={} passed to getrange".format(n) if lim1 < lim2: return range(lim1,lim2 + n,n) else: return range(lim1,lim2-n,-n) def FX(h,k,i,p,u,v1,v2,v3,v4,z1,z2,z3,z4): nlim1 = int(np.ceil(max(h,(h + abs(k)) / 2))) nlim2 = i hplusk_mod2 = (h+k) % 2 delta = 1 - np.alltrue(np.array([h,k,v1-v2,v4-v3]) == 0) inc_total= 0 for n in getrange(nlim1,nlim2,1): mlim1 = max(n-i,p-n+h,p-k-n+hplusk_mod2) mlim2 = min(i-n,p+n-h,n+p-k-hplusk_mod2) for m in getrange(mlim1,mlim2,2): term = (-1)**abs(k+m+n-p) * KK(i,n,m) term *= KaulaF(n,-k-m+p,(-h + m + n - p)//2,z1) term *= KaulaF(n, k+m-p,(-h - m + n + p)//2,z2) inc_total += term ecc_total = 0 for t in range(0,u+1): term = (-1)**(u + t) / factorial(u-t) / factorial(t) term *= HansenCoefficient_term(i+t,v1,v2,z3) term *= HansenCoefficient_term(-1-i-t,v3,v4,z4) ecc_total += term return (1 + delta) * inc_total * ecc_total
[docs]def df_coefficient_Ctilde(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,nu1,nu2,nu3,nu4,include_indirect = True): r""" Get the coefficient of the disturbing function term: .. math:: s_i^{|k_5|+2\nu_1} s_j^{|k_6|+2\nu_2} e_i^{|k_3|+2\nu_4} e_j^{|k_4|+2\nu_3} \times \cos[ k_1\lambda_j + k_2\lambda_i + k_3 \varpi_i + k_4 \varpi_j + k_5 \Omega_i + k_6 \Omega_j ] where the indices :math:`i` and :math:`j` corresponds to the inner and outer planets, respectively. The result is returned as a dictionary of Laplace coefficient arguemnts and their numerical coefficents. Arguments: ---------- k1 : int Coefficient of outer planet's mean longitude in cosine argument k2 : int Coefficient of inner planet's mean longitude in cosine argument k3 : int Coefficient of inner planet's mean longitude in cosine argument k4 : int Coefficient of outer planet's mean longitude in cosine argument k5 : int Coefficient of inner planet's longitude of ascending node in cosine argument k6 : int Coefficient of outer planet's longitude of ascending node in cosine argument nu1 : int Select specific term where the exponent of :math:`s_i` is :math:`|k_5|+2\nu_1` nu2 : int Select specific term where the exponent of :math:`s_j` is :math:`|k_6|+2\nu_2` nu3 : int Select specific term where the exponent of :math:`e_i` is :math:`|k_3|+2\nu_3` nu4 : int Select specific term where the exponent of :math:`e_j` is :math:`|k_4|+2\nu_4` include_indirect : booole, optional Whether to include the indirect contribution to the disturibing function coefficient. Returns ------- dictionary The coefficient is given by the sum over laplace coefficients contained in the dictionary entries: ..math:: \sum A \times \alpha^p \frac{d^{n}}{d\alpha^{n}} b_{s}^{j}(\alpha) where the dictionary entries are in the form { (p,(s,j,n)) : A } """ total = defaultdict(float) # must be even power in inclination if abs(k5 + k6) % 2: warnings.warn( "\n df_coefficient called with an argument not symmetric w.r.t. planet inclinations:\n" + "\t (k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6)=({},{},{},{},{},{})".format(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6) ) return dict(total) # Sum of integer coefficients must be 0 if k1 + k2 + k3 + k4 + k5 + k6: warnings.warn( "\n df_coefficient called with an argument that does not satisfy D'Alembert relation:\n" + "\t (k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6)=({},{},{},{},{},{})".format(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6) ) return dict(total) kvec = np.array([k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6]) if np.alltrue(kvec==0): for i in getrange(0,nu1+nu2,1): for p in getrange(i%2,i,2): for u in getrange(0,2*nu3+2*nu4): cf = FX(0,0,i,p,u,0,0,0,0,nu1,nu2,nu3,nu4) * (1 + (p != 0)) if not np.isclose(cf,0): total[(i+u,(i+1/2,abs(p),u))]+=cf elif np.alltrue(kvec[2:]==0): j = abs(k1) for i in getrange(0,nu1+nu2,1): for p in getrange(i%2,i,2): for u in getrange(0,2*nu3+2*nu4): cf = FX(0,0,i,p,u,j,j,j,j,nu1,nu2,nu3,nu4) if not np.isclose(cf,0): total[(i+u,(i+1/2,abs(j+p),u))]+=cf if p != 0: total[(i+u,(i+1/2,abs(j-p),u))]+=cf else: h = (-k5-k6)//2 k = (k6-k5)//2 n0 = int(np.ceil(max(h,-k5/2,-k6/2))) for i in getrange(n0,nu1 + nu2 + (abs(k5)+abs(k6)//2),1): for p in getrange(h-i,i-h,2): for u in getrange(0,2*nu3 + 2*nu4 + abs(k3) + abs(k4),1): cf = FX(h, k, i, p, u, k2 + k3, k2, k1 + k4, k1, nu1, nu2, nu3, nu4) if not np.isclose(cf,0): total[(i+u,(i+1/2,abs(k1+k4-h+p),u))]+=cf # add indirect term if include_indirect: coeff = df_coefficient_Ctilde_indirect_piece(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,nu1,nu2,nu3,nu4) total[('indirect',1)] = coeff return dict(total)
def _df_coeff_mult_by_alpha_power(coeffdict,r): """ For a DF coefficient 'coeff' represented by 'coeffdict', return the new coefficient dictionary alpha^r * coeff """ new = dict() for key,val in coeffdict.items(): if key[0]=='indirect': newkey = (key[0],key[1]-2*r) else: p,sjn = key newkey = (p+r,sjn) new[newkey]=val return new def _df_coefficient_scalar_mult(coeffdict,s): """ Return dictionary for s * coeffdict for scalar value 's' """ return {key:s*val for key,val in coeffdict.items()} def _get_alpha_times_derivs_list(coeffdict, ltot): derivs_list=[coeffdict] dcoeff = coeffdict.copy() for l in range(ltot): dcoeff = deriv_df_coefficient(dcoeff) derivs_list.append(_df_coeff_mult_by_alpha_power(dcoeff,l+1)) return derivs_list
[docs]def df_coefficient_C(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,nu1,nu2,nu3,nu4,l1=0,l2=0,include_indirect_terms = True): r""" Get the coefficient of the disturbing function term .. math :: |Y_i|^{|k_5|+2\nu_1} |Y_j|^{|k_6|+2\nu_2} |X_i|^{|k_3|+2\nu_3} |X_j|^{|k_4|+2\nu_4} \delta_i^{l_1} \delta_j^{l_2} \times \cos[ k_1 \lambda_j + k_2 \lambda_i + k_3 \varpi_i + k_4 \varpi_j + k_5 \Omega_i + k_6 \Omega_j ]~, where the indices :math:`i` and :math:`j` corresponds to the inner and outer planets, respectively. The result it returned as a dictionary of Laplace coefficient arguemnts and their numerical coefficents. Arguments: ---------- k1 : int Coefficient of outer planet's mean longitude in cosine argument k2 : int Coefficient of inner planet's mean longitude in cosine argument k3 : int Coefficient of inner planet's mean longitude in cosine argument k4 : int Coefficient of outer planet's mean longitude in cosine argument k5 : int Coefficient of inner planet's longitude of ascending node in cosine argument k6 : int Coefficient of outer planet's longitude of ascending node in cosine argument nu1 : int Select specific term where the exponent of :math:`|Y_i|` is :math:`|k_5|+2\nu_1` nu2 : int Select specific term where the exponent of :math:`|Y_j|` is :math:`|k_6|+2\nu_2` nu3 : int Select specific term where the exponent of :math:`|X_i|` is :math:`|k_3|+2\nu_3` nu4 : int Select specific term where the exponent of :math:`|X_j|` is :math:`|k_4|+2\nu_4` l1 : int, optional Select specifc term where exponent of :math:`\delta_1 = (\Lambda_1 - \Lambda_{1,0})/\Lambda_{1,0})` is l1. Default value is l1 = 0 l2 : int, optional Select specifc term where exponent of :math:`\delta_2 = (\Lambda_2 - \Lambda_{2,0})/\Lambda_{2,0})` is l2. Default value is l2 = 0 include_indirect_terms : boole, optional whether the contribution of indirect terms should be accounted for when computing the coefficients. default is true. Returns ------- dictionary The coefficient is given by the sum over laplace coefficients contained in the dictionary entries: .. math:: \sum C \times \alpha^p \frac{d^{n}}{d\alpha^{n}} b_{s}^{j}(\alpha) where the dictionary entries are in the form { (p,(s,j,n)) : C } """ Chat = defaultdict(float) msg = "Integer arguments nu_i and l_i must be non-negative." assert np.alltrue(np.array([nu1,nu2,nu3,nu4,l1,l2])>=0), msg for n3 in range(nu3+1): for n4 in range(nu4+1): term_dict = df_coefficient_Ctilde(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,nu1,nu2,n3,n4,include_indirect_terms) prefactor = Xi(nu3-n3,n3+abs(k3)/2,nu1+abs(k5)/2) * Xi(nu4-n4,n4+abs(k4)/2,nu2+abs(k6)/2) if prefactor != 0.: for key,val in term_dict.items(): Chat[key] += prefactor * val ltot = l1 + l2 if ltot==0: result = Chat else: result = defaultdict(float) derivs_list = _get_alpha_times_derivs_list(Chat,ltot) l1fact_inv = 1/factorial(l1) l2fact_inv = 1/factorial(l2) prefactor = l1fact_inv * l2fact_inv p1,p2= _p1_p2_from_k_nu([k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6],[nu1,nu2,nu3,nu4]) for m1 in range(l1+1): for r1 in range(l1-m1+1): for m2 in range(l2+1): for r2 in range(l2-m2+1): to_add = _df_coefficient_scalar_mult(derivs_list[r1+r2],prefactor * _Psi_coeff(l1,l2,p1,p2,m1,m2,r1,r2)) result = _add_dicts(result,to_add) return result
def has_indirect_component(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6): two_p = k2 + k4 + 1 two_p1 = -1 * (k1 + k3 - 1) m = k5 - two_p1 + 1 m_is_zero_or_one = m == 0 or m == 1 return is_zero_or_two(two_p) and is_zero_or_two(two_p1) and m_is_zero_or_one def is_zero_or_two(n): return n == 0 or n == 2 def deriv_df_coefficient(coeff): r""" Derivative of a disturbing function coefficient with repsect to alpha. Argument -------- coeff : dict The coefficient is given by the sum over laplace coefficients contained in the dictionary entries: .. math:: \sum C \times \alpha^p \frac{d^{n}}{d\alpha^{n}} b_{s}^{j}(\alpha) where the dictionary entries are in the form { (p,(s,j,n)) : C } Returns ------- dict A new dictionary in the same form as the input 'coeff' representing the derivative of coeff with respect to alpha. """ dcoeff = defaultdict(float) for key,val in coeff.items(): if key[0]=='indirect': # term \propto \alpha^{-p/2} pwer = key[1] dcoeff[('indirect',pwer + 2)] = -0.5 * pwer * val else: p,sjn= key s,j,n = sjn if p>0: dcoeff[(p-1,sjn)] += p * val dcoeff[(p,(s,j,n+1))] += val return dict(dcoeff) def Xi(N,p,q): tot = 0 for l in range(0,N+1): tot += binom(p,l) * negative_binom(-q,N-l) * (1/2)**l tot *= (-1/2)**N return tot def negative_binom(minus_q,l): # scipy.special.binom returns a NaN when called at a # negative integer so I use this alternate formulation # when the argument is potenially a negative integer return (-1)**l * poch(-1 * minus_q,l) / factorial(l) def _Cindirect_type1(k1,k2,m,z1,z2,z3,z4): r""" Indirect term cosine coefficient for argument: \theta = k_1\lambda_j + k_2\lambda_i - (k_1-1)\varpi_j - (k_2+1) \varpi_i + m(\Omega_i-\Omega_j) """ if m > 2 or m < 0: return 0 base_case = -1 * calX_term(0,1,-k1,z4) * calX_term(0,1,k2,z3) if m == 0: return binom(1,z1) * binom(1,z2) * (-1)**(z1) * (-1)**(z2) * base_case if m == 1: return 2 * binom(0.5 ,z1) * binom(0.5, z2 ) * (-1)**(z1) * (-1)**(z2) *\ base_case if m == 2: return (1 - _delta(z1)) * (1 - _delta(z2)) * base_case def _Cindirect_type2(k1,k2,m,z1,z2,z3,z4): r""" Indirect term cosine coefficient for argument: .. math:: \theta = k_1\lambda_j + k_2\lambda_i - (k_1-1)\varpi_j - (k_2-1) \varpi_i - \Omega_i - \Omega_j + m(\Omega_j-\Omega_i) """ if m > 2 or m <0: return 0 base_case = -1 * calX_term(0,1,k1,z4) * calX_term(0,1,k2,z3) if m == 0: return binom(1 ,z1) * (1 - _delta(z2)) * (-1)**(z1) * base_case if m == 1: return -2 * binom(0.5 ,z1) * binom(0.5, z2 ) * (-1)**(z1) * (-1)**(z2) * base_case if m == 2: return binom(1 ,z2) * (1 - _delta(z1)) * (-1)**(z2) * base_case def df_coefficient_Ctilde_indirect_piece(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,z1,z2,z3,z4): r""" Get the indirect contribution to disturbing function coefficient .. math:: \bar{C}_{\pmb{k}}^{(z_1,z_2,z_3,z_4)} """ if np.sum([k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6]) !=0: warnings.warn( "\n df_coefficient called with an argument that does not satisfy D'Alembert relation:\n" + "\t (k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6)=({},{},{},{},{},{})".format(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6) ) return 0 if k1 == 0 or k2 == 0: return 0 s1 = k1 + k4 s2 = k2 + k3 if abs(s1) == 1 and abs(s2)==1: if s1 == -1*s2: return _Cindirect_type1(s2 * k1,s2 * k2,s2 * k6,z1,z2,z3,z4) else: return _Cindirect_type2(s1 * k1,s1 * k2,-1 * s1 * k5,z1,z2,z3,z4) else: return 0 # SH --- Needs modified to accomodate expansion in delta. def terms_list_to_HamiltonianCoefficients_dict(terms_list,G,mIn,mOut,MIn,MOut,Lambda0In,Lambda0Out,include_alpha_derivs=False): """ Retrieve the a dictionary with the coefficient values of terms appearing in the Hamiltonian. Arguments --------- terms_list : list List of terms to copmute coefficients for. List entries should be in the form (kvec, zvec) where kvec and zvec are tuples of integers. G : float Value of gravitational constant. mIn : float Inner planet mass parameter mOut : float Outer planet mass parameter MIn : float Inner planet stellar mass parameter MOut : float Outer planet stellar mass parameter Lambda0In : float Lambda of inner planet for evaluating coefficient. Lambda0Out : float Lambda of outer planet for evaluating coefficient. include_alpha_derivs : bool, optional If True, dictionary values are tuple containing both the coefficient values and their derivatives with respect to alpha = aIn/aOut. Returns ------- coeff_dictionary : dict Coefficients given in dictionary where entries are given in the form {(kvec,zvec):Coeff} or, if include_alpha_derivs=True, in the form {(kvec,zvec):(Coeff,dCoeff/dalpha} where 'Coeff' represents the coefficient the term (1/2) * Coeff * \exp[i * (k[0] *\lambda_{out} + k[1] *\lambda_{in})] * X_{in}^{|kvec[2]| + zvec[2]} * X_{out}^{|kvec[3]| + zvec[3]} * Y_{in}^{|kvec[4]| + zvec[0]} * Y_{out}^{|kvec[5]| + zvec[1]} + complex conjugate appearing in the interaction Hamiltonian between a pair of planets. """ muIn = mIn * (MIn - mIn) / MIn muOut = mOut * (MOut - mOut) / MOut aIn0 = (Lambda0In / muIn)**2 / MIn / G aOut0 = (Lambda0Out / muOut)**2 / MOut / G alpha = aIn0 / aOut0 assert alpha < 1, "Particles are not in order by semi-major axis." aOut_inv = G*MOut*muOut*muOut / Lambda0Out / Lambda0Out prefactor = -G * mIn * mOut * aOut_inv result = dict() for kvec,zvec in terms_list: C = df_coefficient_C(*kvec,*zvec) coeff = prefactor * evaluate_df_coefficient_dict(C,alpha) if include_alpha_derivs: ind = C.pop(('indirect',1)) dC = deriv_df_coefficient(C) dcoeff = prefactor * ( evaluate_df_coefficient_dict(dC,alpha) - 0.5 * ind / np.sqrt(alpha*alpha*alpha)) result[(kvec,zvec)] = coeff,dcoeff else: result[(kvec,zvec)] = coeff return result def kz_to_xx1yy1_powers(kz): """ Convert (kvec,zvec) Poisson series term designation to the integer powers of variables x_{in},x_{out},y{in}, and y_{out} and their complex conjugates. Arguments --------- kz : tuple tuple (kvec,zvec) designating the Poisson series term. Returns ------- pows : array Poisson series powers x_{in}^{pows[0]} * x_{out}^{pows[1]} * y_{in}^{pows[2]} * y_{out}^{pows[3]} xbar_{in}^{pows[4]} * xbar_{out}^{pows[5]} * ybar_{in}^{pows[6]} * ybar_{out}^{pows[7]} """ k,z = kz zpow = lambda x: max(x,0) zbarpow = lambda x: max(-x,0) xx1yy1_pows = [ z[2] + zpow(k[2]), z[3] + zpow(k[3]), z[0] + zpow(k[4]), z[1] + zpow(k[5]) ] xx1yy1_bar_pows = [ z[2] + zbarpow(k[2]), z[3] + zbarpow(k[3]), z[0] + zbarpow(k[4]), z[1] + zbarpow(k[5]) ] return np.array(xx1yy1_pows + xx1yy1_bar_pows,dtype=np.int64) def xx1yy1_powers_to_kz(xx1yy1_powers,k1=0,k2=0): """ Inverse of 'kz_to_xx1yy1_powers' """ pows = xx1yy1_powers[:4] bar_pows = xx1yy1_powers[4:] zpows = np.min(np.vstack((pows,bar_pows)),axis=0) kvec=np.concatenate(([k1,k2],pows - bar_pows)) zvec = np.concatenate((zpows[2:],zpows[:2])) return tuple(kvec),tuple(zvec) def xx1yy1_powers_conj(xx1yy1_powers): return np.concatenate([xx1yy1_powers[-4:],xx1yy1_powers[:4]]) def _add_ppbar_bracket_terms(coeff1,k1z1,coeff2,k2z2,results,LambdaIn,LambdaOut): pows1 = kz_to_xx1yy1_powers(k1z1) pows2 = kz_to_xx1yy1_powers(k2z2) pows1conj = xx1yy1_powers_conj(pows1) pows2conj = xx1yy1_powers_conj(pows2) LmbdaInv_factors = np.array((2/LambdaIn,2/LambdaOut,0.5/LambdaIn,0.5/LambdaOut)) p1conjp2 = pows1conj + pows2 for i,p1bar,p2 in zip(range(4),pows1conj[:4],pows2[4:]): if p1bar > 0 and p2 > 0: v = p1conjp2.copy() v[i]-=1 v[4+i]-=1 coeff = p1bar * p2 * coeff1 * coeff2 * LmbdaInv_factors[i] kznew = xx1yy1_powers_to_kz(v) results[kznew] -= coeff p1p2conj = pows1 + pows2conj for i,p1,p2bar in zip(range(4),pows1[:4],pows2conj[4:]): if p1 > 0 and p2bar > 0: v = p1p2conj.copy() v[i]-=1 v[4+i]-=1 coeff = p1 * p2bar * coeff1 * coeff2 * LmbdaInv_factors[i] kznew = xx1yy1_powers_to_kz(v) results[kznew] += coeff def _consolidate_dictionary_terms(d): """ Combine all terms (kvec,zvec) that are conjugates of one another into single terms with a positive coefficient for pomega_in (i.e., k[2]) or, if k[2]=0, Omega_in (k[4]), or, if k[4]=0, pomega_out k[3] """ dnew = defaultdict(int) for kz, val in d.items(): k,z = kz k = np.array(k,dtype=np.int64) if k[2] != 0: k *= np.sign(k[2]) elif k[4] !=0: k *= np.sign(k[4]) elif k[3] !=0: k *= np.sign(k[3]) else: assert np.alltrue(k==0) and not np.alltrue(np.array(z)==0), "Suspected bad k,z={},{} pair in term dictionary!".format(k,z) dnew[(tuple(k),z)] += val return dict(dnew) def resonant_terms_list_to_secular_contribution_dictionary(terms_list,j,k,Nmin,Nmax,G,mIn,mOut,MIn,MOut,Lambda0In,Lambda0Out): """ Generate a dictionary containing the secular terms generated by a list of resonant terms. The secular contributions arise at second order in planet masses. Arguments --------- terms_list : list List of resonance terms in (kvec,zvec) form. j : int Specifies resonance as the j:j-k MMR. k : int Order of MMR. G : float Value of gravitational constant. mIn : float Inner planet mass parameter mOut : float Outer planet mass parameter MIn : float Inner planet stellar mass parameter MOut : float Outer planet stellar mass parameter Lambda0In : float Lambda of inner planet for evaluating coefficient. Lambda0Out : float Lambda of outer planet for evaluating coefficient. Nmin : int Minimum power (in inclination/eccentricity) of terms to include in result. Nmax : int Maximum power (in inclination/eccentricity) of terms to include in result. Returns ------- result : dict A dictionary containing the secular terms with entries in the form {(kvec,zvec):Coeff} """ muIn = mIn * (MIn - mIn) / MIn muOut = mOut * (MOut - mOut) / MOut omega_vec = G * G * np.array([ MIn * MIn * muIn * muIn * muIn / Lambda0In / Lambda0In / Lambda0In, MOut * MOut * muOut * muOut * muOut / Lambda0Out / Lambda0Out / Lambda0Out ]) Domega = np.diag(-3 * omega_vec / np.array([Lambda0In,Lambda0Out])) res_kvec = np.array([k-j,j]) res_omega = res_kvec @ omega_vec res_factor = 0.25 * (res_kvec @ Domega @ res_kvec) / res_omega / res_omega p = terms_list_to_HamiltonianCoefficients_dict(terms_list,G,mIn,mOut,MIn,MOut,Lambda0In,Lambda0Out,include_alpha_derivs=True) aIn0 = (Lambda0In / muIn)**2 / MIn / G aOut0 = (Lambda0Out / muOut)**2 / MOut / G alpha = aIn0 / aOut0 dalpha_dLambdaIn = 2 * alpha / Lambda0In dalpha_dLambdaOut = -2 * alpha / Lambda0Out result = defaultdict(int) for kz1,coeffs1 in p.items(): coeff1,dcoeff1 = coeffs1 for kz2, coeffs2 in p.items(): coeff2,dcoeff2 = coeffs2 pows1 = kz_to_xx1yy1_powers(kz1) pows2 = kz_to_xx1yy1_powers(kz2) pows2conj = xx1yy1_powers_conj(pows2) powsnew = pows1 + pows2conj tot_pow = np.sum(powsnew) if Nmin<=tot_pow<=Nmax: rtLambda_inv_pow_In = powsnew[0] + powsnew[2] rtLambda_inv_pow_Out = powsnew[1] + powsnew[3] newk,newz = xx1yy1_powers_to_kz(powsnew) # term 1 part val = res_factor*coeff1*coeff2 # term 2 part d_ppbar_dLambdaIn = (dcoeff1 * coeff2 + coeff1 * dcoeff2) * dalpha_dLambdaIn - 0.5 * rtLambda_inv_pow_In * coeff1 * coeff2 / Lambda0In d_ppbar_dLambdaOut = (dcoeff1 * coeff2 + coeff1 * dcoeff2) * dalpha_dLambdaOut - 0.5 * rtLambda_inv_pow_Out * coeff1 * coeff2 / Lambda0Out val -= 0.25 * res_kvec @ np.array([d_ppbar_dLambdaIn,d_ppbar_dLambdaOut]) / res_omega result[(newk,newz)] += val if Nmin<=tot_pow-2<=Nmax: _add_ppbar_bracket_terms((+0.25/res_omega) * coeff1,kz1,coeff2,kz2,result,Lambda0In,Lambda0Out) return _consolidate_dictionary_terms(result) def _add_dicts(*dicts): keys = set().union(*[d.keys() for d in dicts]) dsum = {k:np.sum([d.get(k,0) for d in dicts]) for k in keys} return dsum def _resonance_arguments_of_fixed_order(j,k,N): args_dict = df_arguments_dictionary(N) args = [] for N1 in range(k,N+1,2): if (N-N1) % 2: continue nutot = (N-N1)//2 for arg in args_dict[N1][k]: for nuc in _nucombos(nutot): js = (j,k - j,*arg) args.append((js,nuc)) return args def resonant_secular_contribution_dictionary(j,k,Nmin,Nmax,G,mIn,mOut,MIn,MOut,Lambda0In,Lambda0Out): """ Generate a dictionary containing the secular terms with order between Nmin and Nmax generated by a j:j-k MMR (including its harmonics). The secular contributions arise at second order in planet masses. Arguments --------- j : int Specifies resonance as the j:j-k MMR. k : int Order of MMR. G : float Value of gravitational constant. mIn : float Inner planet mass parameter mOut : float Outer planet mass parameter MIn : float Inner planet stellar mass parameter MOut : float Outer planet stellar mass parameter Lambda0In : float Lambda of inner planet for evaluating coefficient. Lambda0Out : float Lambda of outer planet for evaluating coefficient. Nmin : int Minimum power (in inclination/eccentricity) of terms to include in result. Nmax : int Maximum power (in inclination/eccentricity) of terms to include in result. Returns ------- result : dict A dictionary containing the secular terms with entries in the form {(kvec,zvec):Coeff} """ extra_args = (G,mIn,mOut,MIn,MOut,Lambda0In,Lambda0Out) # ensure even orders Nmin = 2 * (Nmin//2) Nmax = 2 * (Nmax//2) all_dicts = [] # highest harmonic of j:j-k resonance to include nmax = (Nmax + 2) // (2*k) # Complete secular contribution at desired order # loop over harmonics for n in range(1,nmax+1): j1 = n * j k1 = n * k res_args = [] # With resonant coefficient p(z,zbar) # expanded to order e^(k1 + 2* Mmax + 2), # maximum order secular terms are: # D_e[e^k1] * D_e [e^(k1 + 2 * Mmax + 2)] = e^Nmax # These come from the ~{pbar,p} / omega_res # term in the transformed Hamiltonian so they're # subdominant but we'll add them for completeness. Mmax = 1 + (Nmax - 2 * k1)//2 # Mmax = (Nmax - 2 * k1)//2 for M in range(0,Mmax+1): # res_args += _resonance_arguments_of_fixed_order(j1,k1,k1 + 2 * M) dres = resonant_terms_list_to_secular_contribution_dictionary( res_args, j1, k1,Nmin,Nmax, *extra_args ) all_dicts.append(dres) return _add_dicts(*all_dicts)