Source code for celmech.hamiltonian

from sympy import S, diff, lambdify, symbols, Matrix, Expr
    from import MutableMapping
    from collections import MutableMapping
import pprint
from numpy import array
from collections import OrderedDict, UserDict
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import ode
import scipy.special
from .miscellaneous import poisson_bracket

def _my_elliptic_e(*args):
    if len(args) == 1:
        return scipy.special.ellipe(*args)
        return scipy.special.ellipeinc(*args)

_lambdify_kwargs = {'modules':['numpy', {
    'elliptic_k': scipy.special.ellipk,
    'elliptic_f': scipy.special.ellipkinc,
    'elliptic_e': _my_elliptic_e

# Should reduce hamiltonian only check for cyclic q, and then set both q and p as parameters? 
# There are cases where p shows up in hamiltonian but not q

# Do we call update in fullqp setter? Do we add a needs_update that only gets called on integrate(or others)?

# units in canonical transformation, Ham doesn't know about that

# All params and units are owned by Hamiltonians. PhaseSpaceStates are just numbers with no
# knowledge of units. 

# tracked and untracked variables handled by Hamiltonian
# we do want to be able to set things in phasespacestate from hamiltonian and update hamiltonian
# state is a property in hamiltonian that sets update if we call setter, and can handle the logic on 
# which phasepsacestate variables to return based on which dof are being tracked or not

# full values gives additional variables including conserved quantitties

[docs]class PhaseSpaceState(object): """ A general class for describing the phase-space state of a Hamiltonian dynamical system. Attributes ---------- qp : OrderedDict An ordered dictionary containing the canonical coordiantes and momenta as keys and their numerical values as dictionary values. qp_vars : list List of variable symbols used for the canonical coordinates and momenta. qp_pairs : list A list of the 2-tuples :math:`(q_i,p_i)`. N_dof : int The number of degrees of freedom. values : list List of the numerical values of `qp_vars`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, qp_vars, values, t=0): """ Arguments --------- qp_vars : list of symbols List of symbols to use for the canonical coordiantes and momenta. The list should be of length 2*N for an integer N with entries 0,...,N-1 representing the canonical coordiante variables and entries N,...,2*N-1 representing the corresponding conjugate momenta. values : array-like The numerical values assigned to the canonical coordiantes and momenta. t : float, optional The current time of system represented by the phase-space state. Default value is 0. """ self.t = t msg="'qp_vars' and 'values' must have the same dimension." assert len(qp_vars)==len(values), msg self.qp = qpDict(qp_vars, values)
@property def qp_vars(self): return list(self.qp.keys()) @property def qp_pairs(self): return [(self.qp_vars[i], self.qp_vars[i+self.N_dof]) for i in range(self.N_dof)] @property def N_dim(self): return len(self.qp_vars) @property def N_dof(self): return int(self.N_dim/2) @property def values(self): return list(self.qp.values()) @values.setter def values(self,values): for key, value in zip(self.qp_vars, values): self.qp[key] = value def __str__(self): s = "t={0}".format(self.t) for var, val in self.qp.items(): s += ", {0}={1}".format(var, val) return s def __repr__(self): return "PhaseSpaceState(qp_vars={0}, values={1}, t={2})".format(self.qp_vars, self.values, self.t)
[docs]class Hamiltonian(object): """ A general class for describing and evolving Hamiltonian systems. Attributes ---------- state : object An object that stores the dynamical state of the system. H : sympy expression Symbolic expression for system's Hamiltonian. pqpars : list List of canonical variable pairs. """
[docs] def __init__(self, H, H_params, state, full_qp_vars=None): """ Arguments --------- H : sympy expression Hamiltonian made up only of sympy symbols in state.qp_pairs and keys in H_params H_params : dict dictionary from sympy symbols for the constant parameters in H to their value state : PhaseSpaceState Object for holding the dynamical state. In addition to the above, one needs to write 2 methods to map between the two objects: def state_to_list(self, state): returns a list of values from state in the same order as pqpairs e.g. [P1,Q1,P2,Q2] def update_state_from_list(self, state, y, t): updates state object from a list of values y for the variables in the same order as pqpairs and integrator time 't' """ self._H_params = ParamDict(self, H_params) self._H = H self.state = state self._full_qp_vars = full_qp_vars self._needs_update = True
@property def t(self): return self.state.t # Property so that user can't inadvertently replace it with a regular dictionary @property def H_params(self): return self._H_params @property def N_dim(self): return self.state.N_dim @property def full_N_dim(self): return len(self.full_qp_vars) @property def N_dof(self): return self.state.N_dof @property def full_N_dof(self): return int(self.full_N_dim/2) @property def qp(self): return self.state.qp @property def full_qp(self): full_qp = Fullqp(self) return full_qp @property def qp_pairs(self): return self.state.qp_pairs @property def full_qp_pairs(self): if self._full_qp_vars: return [(self._full_qp_vars[i], self.full_qp_vars[i+self.full_N_dof]) for i in range(self.full_N_dof)] else: return self.qp_pairs @property def qp_vars(self): return self.state.qp_vars @property def full_qp_vars(self): if self._full_qp_vars: return self._full_qp_vars else: return self.qp_vars @property def values(self): return self.state.values @values.setter def values(self,vals): self.state.values = values @property def full_values(self): return list(self.full_qp.values()) @full_values.setter def full_values(self,vals): assert len(vals) == self.full_N_dim qpvars = self.qp_vars for var,val in zip(self.full_qp_vars,vals): if var in qpvars: self.state.qp[var] = val else: self.H_params[var] = val ############## # symbolic Hamiltonian, flow, and Jacobian ############## @property def H(self): return self._H @H.setter def H(self, H): self._H = H self._needs_update = True @property def flow(self): r"""Symbolic representation of the flow, :math:`(\frac{\partial}{\partial p}H,-\frac{\partial}{\partial q}H)`""" if self._needs_update: self._update() return self._flow @property def jacobian(self): r"""Symbolic representation of the Jacobian of the flow.""" if self._needs_update: self._update() return self._jacobian ############## # numerical Hamiltonian, flow, and Jacobian ############## @property def N_H(self): if self._needs_update: self._update() return self._N_H @property def N_flow(self): if self._needs_update: self._update() return self._N_flow @property def N_jacobian(self): if self._needs_update: self._update() return self._N_jacobian ############## # functions for Hamiltonian, flow, and Jacobian ############## @property def H_func(self): r"""Hamiltonian function, taking canonical variables as arguments.""" if self._needs_update: self._update() return self._H_func @property def flow_func(self): r"""Fucntion of canonical variables that returns the Hamiltonian flow vector.""" if self._needs_update: self._update() return self._flow_func @property def jacobian_func(self): r"""Function of canonical variables that returns the Jacobian of the Hamiltonian flow with respect to the canonical variables.""" if self._needs_update: self._update() return self._jacobian_func ################## # evaluate Hamiltonian, flow, and jacobian at current state #################
[docs] def calculate_H(self): """ Calculate the Hamiltonian of the system in its current state. Arguments --------- None Returns ------- energy : float The numerical value of the Hamiltonian evaluated at the current phase space state of the system. """ energy = self.H_func(*self.values) return energy
# Alias for calculate H calculate_energy = calculate_H
[docs] def calculate_flow(self): """ Calculate the flow vector for the system in its current state. Arguments --------- None Returns ------- flow : ndarray, shape (N,) The numerical value of the flow vector evaluated at the current phase space state of the system. N is twice the number of degrees of freedom of the system. """ flow = self.flow_func(*self.values).reshape(-1) return flow
[docs] def calculate_jacobian(self): """ Calculate the jacobian matrix of the equations of motion for the system in its current state. Arguments --------- None Returns ------- jacobian : ndarray, shape (N,N) The numerical value of the Jacobian matrix evaluated at the current phase space state of the system. N is twice the number of degrees of freedom of the system. """ jac = self.jacobian_func(*self.values) return jac
@property def integrator(self): if self._needs_update: self._update() return self._integrator
[docs] def Lie_deriv(self,exprn): r""" Return the Lie derivative of an expression with respect to the Hamiltonian. In other word, compute .. math:: \mathcal{L}_{H}f where :math:`f` is the argument passed and :math:`\mathcal{L}_H \equiv [\cdot,H]` is the Lie derivative operator. Arguments --------- exprn : sympy expression The expression to take the Lie derivative of. Returns ------- sympy expression sympy expression for the resulting derivative. """ return poisson_bracket(exprn,self.H,self.qp_vars,[])
[docs] def N_Lie_deriv(self,exprn): r""" Return the Lie derivative of an expression with respect to the Hamiltonian with numerical values substituted for parameters. Equivalent to :meth:`~poincare.Hamiltonian.N_Lie_deriv` but using the NH attribute rather than the H attribute to compute brackets. Arguments --------- exprn : sympy expression The expression to take the Lie derivative of. Returns ------- sympy expression sympy expression for the resulting derivative. """ return poisson_bracket(exprn,self.N_H,self.qp_vars,[])
[docs] def set_integrator(self,name,**integrator_params): """ Set the integrator and corresponding integration parameters. This method provides a wrapper to the :meth:`scipy.integrate.ode.set_integrator` method. See `here <>`_ for additional details. Arguments --------- name : str Name of the integrator. integrator_params : Additional parameters for the integrator. """ if self._needs_update: self._update() # Override scipy's default relative tolerance integrator_params.setdefault('rtol',1e-14) self._integrator.set_integrator(name,**integrator_params)
[docs] def integrate(self, time): """ Evolve Hamiltonian system from current state to input time by integrating the equations of motion. Arguments --------- time : float Time to advance Hamiltonian system to. """ # Sync the integrator time and values with what's in self.state in case user has changed it if self._needs_update: self._update() self.integrator.set_initial_value(y=self.state.values, t=self.state.t) try: self.integrator.integrate(time) except: raise AttributeError("Need to initialize Hamiltonian") # Sync self.state with outcome of integration self.state.t = self.integrator.t self.state.values = self.integrator.y
def _update(self): self._needs_update=False # reset flag up top to avoid infinite recursion self._N_H = self._H # reset to Hamiltonian with all parameters unset # # Change subs to xreplace here, Dec 7 2022 self._N_H = self._N_H.xreplace(self._H_params) qp_vars = self.qp_vars flow = [] Nflow = [] for v in self.qp_vars: deriv = self.Lie_deriv(v) Nderiv = self.N_Lie_deriv(v) flow.append(deriv) Nflow.append(Nderiv) N_dim = 2*self.N_dof self._flow = Matrix(flow) self._N_flow = Matrix(Nflow) self._jacobian = Matrix(N_dim,N_dim, lambda i,j: diff(flow[i],qp_vars[j])) self._N_jacobian = Matrix(N_dim,N_dim, lambda i,j: diff(Nflow[i],qp_vars[j])) self._H_func = lambdify(qp_vars,self._N_H,**_lambdify_kwargs) self._flow_func = lambdify(qp_vars,self._N_flow,**_lambdify_kwargs) self._jacobian_func = lambdify(qp_vars,self._N_jacobian,**_lambdify_kwargs) self._integrator = ode( lambda t,y: self._flow_func(*y), jac = lambda t,y: self._jacobian_func(*y)) self._integrator.set_integrator('vode',method='adams',rtol=1e-14)
[docs]def reduce_hamiltonian(ham,retain_explicit=[]): r""" Given a :class:`~celmech.hamiltonian.Hamiltonian` object, generate a new :class:`~celmech.hamiltonian.Hamiltonian` object with fewer degrees of freedom by determining which (if any) canonical variables do not appear explicitly in the Hamiltonian. Arguments --------- ham : Hamiltonian The original Hamiltonian to reduce. retain_explicit: list List of variables for which to retain explicit dependence on in the transformed Hamiltonian. List entries should be either indices or variable symbols. Returns ------- rham : Hamiltonian The reduced Hamiltonian. """ state = ham.state new_params = ham.H_params.copy() untracked_q, untracked_p = [], [] new_q, new_p = [], [] new_qvals, new_pvals = [], [] qp_pairs = state.qp_pairs for i,qp_pair in enumerate(qp_pairs): q,p = qp_pair retain_explicitQ = (i in retain_explicit) or (q in retain_explicit) or\ (p in retain_explicit) pval,qval = state.qp[p],state.qp[q] # if q is cyclic, p is conserved or vice versa and we ignore this dof dof_doesnt_appearQ = q not in ham.H.free_symbols or p not in ham.H.free_symbols if dof_doesnt_appearQ and not retain_explicitQ: untracked_q.append(q) untracked_p.append(p) new_params[q] = qval new_params[p] = pval else: new_q.append(q) new_p.append(p) new_qvals.append(qval) new_pvals.append(pval) new_vals = np.array(new_qvals + new_pvals) new_qp_vars = new_q + new_p untracked_qp_vars = untracked_q + untracked_p new_state = PhaseSpaceState(new_qp_vars, new_vals,state.t) new_ham = Hamiltonian(ham.H,new_params,new_state, full_qp_vars = ham.full_qp_vars) return new_ham
class qpDict(MutableMapping): def __init__(self, qp_vars, values): self._qp = OrderedDict(zip(qp_vars, values)) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): if key >= len(self._qp) or key < -len(self._qp): raise AttributeError("Accessing qp dictionary with an index ({0}) that is out of bounds".format(key)) symbolkey = list(self._qp.keys())[key] return self._qp[symbolkey] else: return self._qp[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(key, int): if key >= len(self._qp) or key < -len(self._qp): raise AttributeError("Setting qp dictionary with an index ({0}) that is out of bounds".format(key)) symbolkey = list(self._qp.keys())[key] self._qp[symbolkey] = value else: self._qp[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): if key >= len(self._qp) or key < -len(self._qp): raise AttributeError("Deleting item in qp dictionary with an index ({0}) that is out of bounds".format(key)) symbolkey = list(self._qp.keys())[key] del self._qp[symbolkey] else: del self._qp[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._qp) def __len__(self): return len(self._qp) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._qp) class Fullqp(MutableMapping): def __init__(self, hamiltonian): self.hamiltonian = hamiltonian def __getitem__(self, key): try: # first try to find in the dynamical variables qp, if not, look for conserved quantities in H_params (in case of reduced hamiltonian) return self.hamiltonian.qp[key] except: try: return self.hamiltonian.H_params[key] except: raise AttributeError('Variable {0} not found'.format(key)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): try: # first try to find in the dynamical variables qp, if not, look for conserved quantities in H_params (in case of reduced hamiltonian) self.hamiltonian.qp[key] = value except: try: self.hamiltonian.H_params[key] = value except: raise AttributeError('Variable {0} not found'.format(key)) def __delitem__(self, key): raise AttributeError("deleting variables not implemented.") def __iter__(self): for key in self.hamiltonian.full_qp_vars: yield key def __len__(self): return len(self.hamiltonian.full_qp_vars) class ParamDict(MutableMapping): def __init__(self, hamiltonian, params): self.hamiltonian = hamiltonian self._params = params.copy() def copy(self): return ParamDict(self.hamiltonian, self._params) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._params[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.hamiltonian._needs_update = True self._params[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self._params[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._params) def __len__(self): return len(self._params) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._params)