Source code for celmech.lie_transformations

import numpy as np
from .poincare import PoincareHamiltonian
from sympy import symbols, S, binomial, summation, sqrt, cos, sin, Function,atan2,expand_trig,diff,Matrix
from sympy import lambdify as sym_lambdify
from sympy.functions import elliptic_f,elliptic_k, elliptic_e
from sympy.core import pi
from .disturbing_function import  _p1_p2_from_k_nu, evaluate_df_coefficient_delta_expansion
from .disturbing_function import df_coefficient_C,evaluate_df_coefficient_dict,get_df_coefficient_symbol
from .disturbing_function import  list_resonance_terms, _nucombos, _lcombos
from .poincare import get_re_im_components, _get_Lambda0_symbol, _get_a0_symbol
from .hamiltonian import _my_elliptic_e, _lambdify_kwargs
import warnings

def _zeroth_order_term_Q_and_dQ(alpha,psi):
    Get expressions for the function

    .. math::
        Q(\alpha,\psi) = -\frac{\sin\psi}{\sqrt{\alpha}} + \int_{0}^\psi (1+\alpha^2-2\alpha\cos\psi)^{-1/2}
    along with its derivative with respect to alpha.

    alpha : sympy.symbol
        symbol representing semi-major axis ratio.
    psi : sp.symbol
        symbol representing synodic angle

        Expressions (Q,dQ)
    ksq = - 4 * alpha/(1-alpha)/(1-alpha)
    alpha_sq = alpha*alpha
    K = elliptic_k(alpha_sq)
    E = elliptic_e(alpha_sq)
    ell_F = elliptic_f(psi/2,ksq)
    ell_E = elliptic_e(psi/2,ksq)
    Q = 2 * ell_F /  (1-alpha) - 2 * K * psi / pi
    dksq = ksq/alpha + 2 * ksq / (1-alpha)

    # dQ = 2 * ell_F / (1-alpha) / (1-alpha)
    # dell_F =  (ell_E + (ksq-1)*ell_F - ksq * cos(psi/2)*sin(psi/2) / sqrt(1-ksq*sin(psi/2)**2))/2/ksq/(1-ksq)
    # dQ+= 2 * dell_F * dksq / (1-alpha)
    # dK = (E - (1-alpha_sq)*K)/alpha/(1-alpha_sq)
    # dQ += -2 * dK  * psi / pi
    dQ = -(2/pi)*psi*E/(alpha-alpha**3)
    dQ+= ell_E / (alpha+alpha*alpha)
    dQ+= ell_F/(alpha)/(-1+alpha)
    return Q,dQ

[docs]class FirstOrderGeneratingFunction(PoincareHamiltonian): """ A class representing a generating function that maps from the 'osculating' canonical variables of the full :math:`N`-body problem to 'mean' variables of an 'averaged' Hamiltonian or normal form. The generating function is constructed to first order in planet-star mass ratios by specifying indivdual cosine terms to be eliminated from the full Hamiltonian. This class is a sub-class of :class:`celmech.poincare.PoincareHamiltonian` and disturbing function terms to be eliminated are added in the same manner that disturbing function terms can be added to :class:`celmech.poincare.PoincareHamiltonian`. Attributes ---------- chi : sympy expression Symbolic expression for the generating function. N_chi : sympy expression Symbolic expression for the generating function with numerical values of paramteters substituted where applicable. state : :class:`celmech.poincare.Poincare` A set of Poincare variables to which transformations are applied. N : int Number of particles particles : list List of :class:`~celmech.poincare.PoincareParticle` objects making up the system. """ def __init__(self,pvars): super(FirstOrderGeneratingFunction,self).__init__(pvars) self.H = S(0) @property def chi(self): return self.H @property def N_chi(self): return self.N_H def _get_approximate_corrections(self,y): return self.flow_func(*y).reshape(-1) #corrections = np.zeros(y.shape) #for i,deriv_func in enumerate(self.N_derivs): # corrections[i] = deriv_func(*y) #return corrections
[docs] def osculating_to_mean_state_vector(self,y,approximate=True,**integrator_kwargs): r""" Convert a state vector of canonical variables of the the un-averaged :math:`N`-body Hamiltonian to a state vector of mean variables used by a normal form. Arguments --------- y : array-like State vector of un-averaged variables. approximate : bool, optional If True, Lie transformation is computed approximately to first order. In other words, the approximation .. math:: \exp[{\cal L}_{\chi}]f \approx f + \left[f,\chi \right] is used. If False, the exact Lie transformation is computed numerically. Returns ------- ymean : array-like State vector of transformed (averaged) variables. """ if approximate: yarr = np.atleast_1d(y) corrections = self._get_approximate_corrections(yarr) return yarr - corrections else: self.integrator.set_initial_value(y,t=0) self.integrator.integrate(-1,**integrator_kwargs) return self.integrator.y
[docs] def mean_to_osculating_state_vector(self,y,approximate=True,**integrator_kwargs): r""" Convert a state vector of canonical variables of mean variables used by a normal form to un-averaged variables of the full :math:`N`-body Hamiltonian. Arguments --------- y : array-like State vector of 'averaged' canonical variables. approximate : bool, optional If True, Lie transformation is computed approximately to first order. In other words, the approximation .. math:: \exp[{\cal L}_{\chi}]f \approx f + \left[f,\chi \right] is used. Otherwise, the exact Lie transformation is computed numerically. Returns ------- yosc : array-like State vector of osculating canonical variables. """ if approximate: yarr = np.atleast_1d(y) corrections = self._get_approximate_corrections(yarr) return yarr + corrections else: self.integrator.set_initial_value(y,t=0) self.integrator.integrate(+1,**integrator_kwargs) return self.integrator.y
[docs] def osculating_to_mean(self,**integrator_kwargs): """ Convert the :attr:`state <celmech.generating_functions.FirstOrderGeneratingFunction.state>`'s variables from osculating to mean canonical variables. """ y_osc = self.state.values y_mean = self.osculating_to_mean_state_vector(y_osc) self.state.values = y_mean
[docs] def mean_to_osculating(self,**integrator_kwargs): """ Convert the :attr:`state <celmech.generating_functions.FirstOrderGeneratingFunction.state>`'s variables from osculating to mean canonical variables. """ y_mean = self.state.values y_osc = self.mean_to_osculating_state_vector(y_mean) self.state.values = y_osc
[docs] def add_zeroth_order_term(self,indexIn=1,indexOut=2): r""" Add generating function term that elimiates planet-planet interactions to 0th order in inclinations and eccentricities. The added generating function term cancels the term .. math:: -\frac{Gm_im_j}{a_j}\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{1+\alpha^2-2\cos(\lambda_j-\lambda_i)}} - \frac{1}{2}b_{1/2}^{(0)}(\alpha) -\frac{\cos(\lambda_j-\lambda_i)}{\sqrt{\alpha}} \right) from the Hamiltonian to first order in planet-star mass ratios. Arguments --------- indexIn : int, optional Index of inner planet indexOut : int, optional Index of outer planet """ G = symbols('G') mIn,muIn,MIn,LambdaIn,lambdaIn = symbols('m{0},mu{0},M{0},Lambda{0},lambda{0}'.format(indexIn)) mOut,muOut,MOut,LambdaOut,lambdaOut = symbols('m{0},mu{0},M{0},Lambda{0},lambda{0}'.format(indexOut)) Lambda0In,Lambda0Out = _get_Lambda0_symbol(indexIn),_get_Lambda0_symbol(indexOut) alpha = symbols(r"\alpha_{{{0}\,{1}}}".format(indexIn,indexOut)) alpha_val = self.H_params[alpha] aOut0 = _get_a0_symbol(indexOut) deltaIn = (LambdaIn - Lambda0In) / Lambda0In deltaOut = (LambdaOut - Lambda0Out) / Lambda0Out aOut_inv = 1/aOut0 prefactor = -G * mIn * mOut * aOut_inv psi = lambdaOut - lambdaIn omega_syn = self.kvec_to_omega((1,-1,0,0,0,0),indexIn,indexOut) Q, dQ = _zeroth_order_term_Q_and_dQ(alpha,psi) f = Q - sin(psi) / sqrt(alpha) df = dQ + sin(psi) / sqrt(alpha) / alpha / 2 term = prefactor * (f + 2 * alpha * df * deltaIn + deltaOut * (- 2 * alpha * df - 2 * f)) / omega_syn self.H += term
def get_mean_motion(self,index): G,mu,M,Lambda = symbols('G,mu{0},M{0},Lambda{0}'.format(index)) return G*G*M*M*mu*mu*mu / Lambda / Lambda / Lambda def kvec_to_omega(self,kvec,indexIn,indexOut): nIn = self.get_mean_motion(indexIn) nOut = self.get_mean_motion(indexOut) return kvec[0] * nOut + kvec[1] * nIn
[docs] def add_cosine_term(self,k_vec,max_order=None,l_max=0,nu_vecs=None,l_vecs=None,indexIn=1,indexOut=2,eccentricities=True,inclinations=True): """ Add a specific cosine term to the disturbing function up to an optional max_order in the eccentricities and inclinations. Arguments --------- k_vec : Tuple of 6 ints Coefficients (k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6) for a cosine term of the form cos(k1*lambdaOut + k2*lambdaIn + k3*pomegaIn + k4*pomegaOut + k5*OmegaIn + k6*OmegaOut) Note the ks must sum to zero, and by convention we write lambdaOut first, e.g., (3, -2, -1, 0, 0, 0) is cos(3*lambdaOut - 2*lambdaIn - pomega1) max_order : int, optional Maximum order to go to in the (combined) eccentricities and inclinations. Can specify either max_order OR nu_vecs (see below), but not both (most users will use max_order). If neither are passed, max_order defaults to the leading order of the cosine term specified by k_vec. l_max : int, optional Maximum degree of expansion in :math:`\delta = (\Lambda-\Lambda_0)/\Lambda_0` to include in cosine coefficients. Default is 0. Can specify either l_max OR l_vecs (see below), but not both (most users will use l_max). nu_vecs: List of 4-tuples, optional A list of the specific combinations of nu indices to include for the cosine term coefficient, e.g., [(0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0, 0), ...] See paper and examples for definition and use. Can specify either max_order OR nu_vecs, but not both (max_order makes more sense for most use cases). l_vecs: List of 2-tuples, optional A list of the specific combinations of l indices to include for the cosine term coefficient, e.g., [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), ...] See paper and examples for definition and use. Can specify either l_max OR l_vecs, but not both (l_max makes more sense for most use cases). One use case for passing particular l_vecs is if one body is massless, so the other Lambda doesn't vary (and doesn't need expansion) indexIn : int, optional Index of inner planet. Default 1. indexOut : int, optional Index of outer planet. Default 2. eccentricities: bool, optional By default, includes all eccentricity terms. Can set to False to exclude any eccentricity terms (e.g., fixed circular orbits). inclinations: bool, optional By default, includes all inclination terms. Can set to False to exclude any inclination terms (e.g., co-planar systems). """ if np.sum(k_vec) != 0: raise AttributeError("Invalid k_vec={0}. The coefficients must sum to zero to satisfy the d'Alembert relation.".format(k_vec)) k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6 = k_vec k_vec = tuple(k_vec) # ensure k_vec is a tuple if nu_vecs: nu_vecs = [tuple(nu_vec) for nu_vec in nu_vecs] if max_order: raise AttributeError('Must pass EITHER max_order OR nu_vecs to add_cos_term, but not both. See docstring.') else: # this is the leading order for the cosine term chosen (k3+k4+k5+k6 = -(k1+k2) by d'Alembert) min_order = abs(k3) + abs(k4) + abs(k5) + abs(k6) if not max_order: max_order = min_order nu_max = (max_order - min_order)//2 # each nu contributes 2 powers of e or i, so divide by 2 rounding down nu_vecs = [] for nu_tot in range(nu_max+1): nu_vecs += _nucombos(nutot=nu_tot) # Make list of [(nu1, nu2, nu3, nu4), ... ] tuples if l_vecs: l_vecs = [tuple(l_vec) for l_vec in l_vecs] if l_max > 0: raise AttributeError('Can only pass l_max OR l_vecs to add_cos_term. See docstring.') else: l_vecs = [] for l_tot in range(l_max+1): l_vecs += _lcombos(ltot=l_tot) # Make list of [(l1, l2), ... ] tuples try: if np.array(l_vecs).shape[1] != 2: raise except: raise AttributeError("l_vecs = {0} must be a list of (l1, l2) pairs, e.g., [(0, 0), (0, 1), ...]".format(l_vecs)) try: if np.array(nu_vecs).shape[1] != 4: raise except: raise AttributeError("nu_vecs = {0} must be a list of (nu1, nu2, nu3, nu4) tuples, e.g., [(0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0, 0), ...]".format(nu_vecs)) lmax = np.max([l1+l2 for l1, l2 in l_vecs]) # maximum total l=l1+l2 G = symbols('G') mIn,muIn,MIn,LambdaIn,lambdaIn,kappaIn,etaIn,sigmaIn,rhoIn = symbols('m{0},mu{0},M{0},Lambda{0},lambda{0},kappa{0},eta{0},sigma{0},rho{0}'.format(indexIn)) mOut,muOut,MOut,LambdaOut,lambdaOut,kappaOut,etaOut,sigmaOut,rhoOut = symbols('m{0},mu{0},M{0},Lambda{0},lambda{0},kappa{0},eta{0},sigma{0},rho{0}'.format(indexOut)) Lambda0In,Lambda0Out = _get_Lambda0_symbol(indexIn),_get_Lambda0_symbol(indexOut) alpha_sym = symbols(r"\alpha_{{{0}\,{1}}}".format(indexIn,indexOut)) alpha_val = self.H_params[alpha_sym] aOut0 = _get_a0_symbol(indexOut) deltaIn = (LambdaIn - Lambda0In) / Lambda0In deltaOut = (LambdaOut - Lambda0Out) / Lambda0Out # alpha = aIn/aOut # Resonance components omega = self.kvec_to_omega(k_vec,indexIn,indexOut) omega_inv = 1/omega for nu_vec in nu_vecs: if eccentricities == False and k_nu_depend_on_eccentricities(k_vec, nu_vec) == True: continue if inclinations == False and k_nu_depend_on_inclinations(k_vec, nu_vec) == True: continue C_dict = df_coefficient_C(*k_vec, *nu_vec)#k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,nu1,nu2,nu3,nu4) p1,p2 = _p1_p2_from_k_nu(k_vec,nu_vec) C_delta_expansion_dict = evaluate_df_coefficient_delta_expansion(C_dict,p1,p2,lmax,alpha_val) Ctot = 0 for l_vec,C_val in C_delta_expansion_dict.items(): if l_vec not in l_vecs: # have to calculate all terms up to lmax, but only consider if in l_vecs continue if l_vecs and (indexIn,indexOut,(k_vec,nu_vec,l_vec)) in self.resonance_indices: warnings.warn("Cosine term k_vec={0}, nu_vec={1}, l_vec={2} already included Hamiltonian; no new term added.".format(k_vec, nu_vec, l_vec)) continue if l_vecs and (indexIn,indexOut,(tuple([-k for k in k_vec]),nu_vec,l_vec)) in self.resonance_indices: warnings.warn("Cosine term k_vec={0}, nu_vec={1}, l_vec={2} already included Hamiltonian; no new term added.".format(k_vec, nu_vec, l_vec)) continue self.resonance_indices.append((indexIn,indexOut,(k_vec,nu_vec,l_vec))) Csym = get_df_coefficient_symbol(*k_vec,*nu_vec,*l_vec,indexIn,indexOut) self.H_params[Csym] = C_val l1,l2=l_vec Ctot += Csym * deltaIn**l1 * deltaOut**l2 nu1,nu2,nu3,nu4 = nu_vec rtLIn = sqrt(Lambda0In) rtLOut = sqrt(Lambda0Out) xin,yin = get_re_im_components(kappaIn/rtLIn ,-etaIn / rtLIn,k3) xout,yout = get_re_im_components( kappaOut/rtLOut, -etaOut/rtLOut,k4) uin,vin = get_re_im_components(sigmaIn/rtLIn/2, -rhoIn/rtLIn/2,k5) uout,vout = get_re_im_components(sigmaOut/rtLOut/2, -rhoOut/rtLOut/2,k6) re = uin*uout*xin*xout - vin*vout*xin*xout - uout*vin*xout*yin - uin*vout*xout*yin - uout*vin*xin*yout - uin*vout*xin*yout - uin*uout*yin*yout + vin*vout*yin*yout im = uout*vin*xin*xout + uin*vout*xin*xout + uin*uout*xout*yin - vin*vout*xout*yin + uin*uout*xin*yout - vin*vout*xin*yout - uout*vin*yin*yout - uin*vout*yin*yout GammaIn = (kappaIn*kappaIn + etaIn*etaIn)/2 GammaOut = (kappaOut*kappaOut + etaOut*etaOut)/2 QIn = (sigmaIn*sigmaIn + rhoIn*rhoIn)/2 QOut = (sigmaOut*sigmaOut + rhoOut*rhoOut)/2 eIn_sq_term = (2 * GammaIn / Lambda0In )**nu3 eOut_sq_term = (2 * GammaOut / Lambda0Out )**nu4 incIn_sq_term = ( QIn / Lambda0In / 2 )**nu1 incOut_sq_term = ( QOut / Lambda0Out / 2 )**nu2 # Update internal Hamiltonian prefactor1 = -G * mIn * mOut / aOut0 prefactor2 = eIn_sq_term * eOut_sq_term * incIn_sq_term * incOut_sq_term trig_term = re * sin(k1 * lambdaOut + k2 * lambdaIn) + im * cos(k1 * lambdaOut + k2 * lambdaIn) self.H += prefactor1 * Ctot * prefactor2 * trig_term * omega_inv
[docs] def get_perturbative_solution(self,expression,free_variables=[],correction_only=False,lambdify=False,time_symbol=None): r""" Calculate a solution for the time evolution of an expression using first-order perturbation theory. Arguments --------- expression : sympy expression Expression in terms of canonical variables for which to compute a perturbative solution. free_variables : list, optional List of canonical variables to leave undetermined in the derived expression. By default, `free_variables` is empty and numerical values are substituted for all canonical variables correction_only : bool, optional If `True`, only return the perturbative correction to the `expression`. I.e., if `expression` is :math:`f(q,p)` then only return :math:`[f(q,p),\chi(q,p)]`. Otherwise, return :math:`f(p,q) + [f(q,p),\chi(q,p)]. Default is `False`. lambdify : bool, optional If `True`, return a function using sympy.lambdify. The list of arguments accepted by the returned function will the list `free_variables`, followed by the time at which to evaluate the expression. time_symbol : sympy.Symbol, optional Symbol to use for denoting time. If no symbol is given, :math:`t` is used. Returns ------- result: sympy expression or function An expression for the solution as a function of time. """ subsrule = {k:v for k,v in self.qp.items() if k not in free_variables} if time_symbol is None: t = symbols('t') else: t = time_symbol for i in range(1,self.N): n=self.get_mean_motion(i).subs(self.H_params) lsymb = symbols("lambda{}".format(i)) exprn = n * t + lsymb subsrule[lsymb] = exprn.subs(subsrule) if correction_only: pt_solution = self.N_Lie_deriv(expression) else: pt_solution = expression + self.N_Lie_deriv(expression) result = pt_solution.subs(subsrule) if lambdify: args = list(free_variables) + [t] return sym_lambdify(args,result , **_lambdify_kwargs) else: return result