Source code for celmech.miscellaneous

import numpy as np
from sympy import symbols, series
from scipy.special import k0,k1,p_roots
import warnings
from . import clibcelmech
from .nbody_simulation_utilities import get_canonical_heliocentric_orbits
from ctypes import POINTER,c_int,c_double,c_long

_machine_eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps

[docs]def get_symbol(latex, subscript=None, **kwargs): # i=None, kwargs """ Get a sympy sympy based on an input LaTeX string. Valid keyword arguments for the function ``sympy.symbols`` can also be passed. Arguments --------- latex : string LaTeX expression to render as a sympy symbol subscript : string or int, optional A subscript for the sympy symbol Returns ------- sympy symbol """ if subscript: return symbols(r"{0}_{{{1}}}".format(latex, subscript), **kwargs) else: return symbols(r"{0}".format(latex), **kwargs)
[docs]def get_symbol0(latex, subscript=None, **kwargs): # i=None, kwargs """ Same as :func:`get_symbol`, but appends a "0" to the subscript. """ if subscript: return symbols(r"{0}_{{{1}\,0}}".format(latex, subscript), **kwargs) else: return symbols(r"{0}_0".format(latex), **kwargs)
[docs]def sk(k,y,tol=1.49e-08,rtol=1.49e-08,maxiter=50,miniter=1): """ Approximate disturibing function coefficient described in `Hadden & Lithwick (2018)`_ .. _Hadden & Lithwick (2018): Quadrature routine based on scipy.quadrature. Arguments --------- k : int Order of resonance y : float e / ecross; must be y<1 tol, rtol: float, optional Control absolute and relative tolerance of integration. Iteration stops when error between last two iterates is less than `tol` OR the relative change is less than `rtol`. maxiter : int, optional Maximum order of Gaussian quadrature. miniter : int, optional Minimum order of Gaussian quadrature Returns ------- val : float Gaussian quadrature approximation of s_k(y) """ if y>1: raise ValueError("sk(k,y) called with y={:f}." "Value of y must be less than 1.") maxiter=max(miniter+1,maxiter) val = np.inf err = np.inf for n in xrange(miniter,maxiter+1): newval = _sk_integral_fixed_quad(k,y,n) err = abs(newval-val) val = newval if err<tol or err< rtol*abs(val): break else: warnings.warn("maxiter (%d) exceeded. Latest difference = %e" % (maxiter, err)) return val
def _sk_integral_fixed_quad(k,y,Nquad): # Get numerical quadrature nodes and weight nodes,weights = p_roots(Nquad) # Rescale for integration interval from [-1,1] to [-pi,pi] nodes = nodes * np.pi weights = weights * 0.5 arg1 = 2 * k * (1 + y * np.cos(nodes)) / 3 arg2 = k * nodes + 4 * k * y * np.sin(nodes) / 3 integrand = k0(arg1) * np.cos(arg2) return (2/np.pi) * integrand @ weights
[docs]def Dsk(k,y,tol=1.49e-08,rtol=1.49e-08,maxiter=50,miniter=1): """ Derivative of disturibing function coefficient s_k with respect to argument y. Coefficients are described in `Hadden & Lithwick (2018)`_ .. _Hadden & Lithwick (2018): Quadrature routine based on scipy.quadrature. Arguments --------- k : int Order of resonance y : float e / ecross; must be y<1 tol, rtol: float, optional Control absolute and relative tolerance of integration. Iteration stops when error between last two iterates is less than `tol` OR the relative change is less than `rtol`. maxiter : int, optional Maximum order of Gaussian quadrature. miniter : int, optional Minimum order of Gaussian quadrature Returns ------- val : float Gaussian quadrature approximation of s_k(y) """ if y>1: raise ValueError("sk(k,y) called with y={:f}." "Value of y must be less than 1.") maxiter=max(miniter+1,maxiter) val = np.inf err = np.inf for n in xrange(miniter,maxiter+1): newval = _Dsk_integral_fixed_quad(k,y,n) err = abs(newval-val) val = newval if err<tol or err< rtol*abs(val): break else: warnings.warn("maxiter (%d) exceeded. Latest difference = %e" % (maxiter, err)) return val
def _Dsk_integral_fixed_quad(k,y,Nquad): # Get numerical quadrature nodes and weight nodes,weights = p_roots(Nquad) # Rescale for integration interval from [-1,1] to [-pi,pi] nodes = nodes * np.pi weights = weights * 0.5 arg1 = 2 * k * (1 + y * np.cos(nodes)) / 3 arg2 = k * nodes + 4 * k * y * np.sin(nodes) / 3 integrand = -2 * k * k1(arg1) * np.cos(nodes) * np.cos(arg2) / 3 - 4 * k * k0(arg1) * np.sin(nodes) * np.sin(arg2) / 3 return (2/np.pi) * integrand @ weights
[docs]def getOmegaMatrix(n): r""" Get the 2n x 2n skew-symmetric block matrix .. math:: \begin{pmatrix} 0 & I_n \\ -I_n & 0 \end{pmatrix}, where :math:`I_n` is the :math:`n \times n` identity matrix, that appears in Hamilton's equations. Arguments --------- n : int Determines matrix dimension Returns ------- numpy.array """ zeros = np.zeros((n,n),dtype=int) I = np.eye(n,dtype=int) return np.vstack( ( np.concatenate([zeros,I]).T, np.concatenate([-I,zeros]).T ) )
###################################################### ################ AMD Calculation ##################### ###################################################### from scipy.optimize import brenth def _F(e,alpha,gamma): """Equation 35 of Laskar & Petit (2017)""" denom = np.sqrt(alpha*(1-e*e)+gamma*gamma*e*e) return alpha*e -1 + alpha + gamma*e / denom def _F_for_res_overlap(e,alpha,gamma,mutot): """Equation 35 of Laskar & Petit (2017)""" fByg = alpha**(0.825) ecross = 1/alpha - 1 daBya= 1 - alpha ecrit = ecross * np.exp(-2.2 * mutot**(1/3) * daBya**(-4/3)) denom = np.sqrt( (1 - e*e) * fByg**2 + e*e*alpha*gamma*gamma ) e1 = gamma * np.sqrt(alpha) * e / denom return fByg * e + e1 - fByg * ecrit
[docs]def critical_relative_AMD(alpha,gamma): r""" The critical value of 'relative AMD', :math:`{\cal C} = C/\Lambda_\mathrm{out}`, of a planet pair above which intersecting orbits are allowed. See Equation 29 of `Laskar & Petit (2017) <>`_ Arguments --------- alpha : float The semi-major axis ratio, :math:`\alpha=a_\mathrm{in}/a_\mathrm{out}` of the planet pair. gamma : float The mass ratio of the planet pair, :math:`\gamma = m_\mathrm{in}/m_\mathrm{out}`. Returns ------- Ccrit : float The value of the the critical AMD (:math:`C_c(\alpha,\gamma)` in the notation of `Laskar & Petit (2017) <>`_ """ e0 = np.min((1,1/alpha-1)) ec = brenth(_F,0,e0,args=(alpha,gamma)) e1c = np.sin(np.arctan(gamma*ec / np.sqrt(alpha*(1-ec*ec)))) curlyC = gamma*np.sqrt(alpha) * (1-np.sqrt(1-ec*ec)) + (1 - np.sqrt(1-e1c*e1c)) return curlyC
[docs]def critical_relative_AMD_resonance_overlap(alpha,gamma,mutot): r""" The critical value of 'relative AMD', :math:`{\cal C} = C/\Lambda_\mathrm{out}`, of a planet pair above which resonance overlap can occur based on the resonance overlap criterion of Hadden & Lithwick (2018) Arguments --------- alpha : float The semi-major axis ratio, :math:`\alpha=a_\mathrm{in}/a_\mathrm{out}` of the planet pair. gamma : float The mass ratio of the planet pair, :math:`\gamma = m_\mathrm{in}/m_\mathrm{out}`. mutot : float The total mass of the planet pair relative to the star, i.e., :math:`(\mu_\mathrm{in} + \mu_\mathrm{out}) / M_*` Returns ------- Ccrit : float The value of the the critical AMD (:math:`C_c(\alpha,\gamma)` in the notation of `Laskar & Petit (2017) <>`_ """ e0 = np.min((1,1/alpha-1)) ec = brenth(_F_for_res_overlap,0,e0,args=(alpha,gamma,mutot)) fByg = alpha**(0.825) denom = np.sqrt( (1 - ec*ec) * fByg**2 + ec*ec*alpha*gamma*gamma ) e1c = gamma * np.sqrt(alpha) * ec / denom curlyC = gamma*np.sqrt(alpha) * (1-np.sqrt(1-ec*ec)) + (1 - np.sqrt(1-e1c*e1c)) return curlyC
[docs]def compute_AMD(sim): """ Compute total AMD of a planetary system. The angular momentum deficit (AMD) of a planetary system is the difference between the angular momentum of a hypothetical system with the same masses and semi-major axes but with circular, coplanar orbits and the actual angular momentum of a planetary system. It is a conserved quantity of the purely secular dynamics of a system. Arguments --------- sim : :class:`rebound.Simulation` A REBOUND simulation of a planetary system. Returns ------- AMD : float The value of the systems angular momentum deficit. """ # copy sim and move to center of mass sim = sim.copy() sim.move_to_com() pstar = sim.particles[0] Mstar = pstar.m Ltot = pstar.m * np.cross(,pstar.vxyz) ps = sim.particles[1:] Lmbda=np.zeros(len(ps)) G = np.zeros(len(ps)) Lhat = np.zeros((len(ps),3)) ch_orbits = get_canonical_heliocentric_orbits(sim) for k,p in enumerate(sim.particles[1:]): orb = ch_orbits[k] GMi = sim.G * (p.m + Mstar) mu = p.m*Mstar/(p.m + Mstar) Lmbda[k] = mu * np.sqrt(GMi * orb.a) G[k] = Lmbda[k] * np.sqrt(1-orb.e*orb.e) hvec = np.cross(,p.vxyz) Lhat[k] = hvec / np.linalg.norm(hvec) Ltot = Ltot + p.m * hvec cosi = np.array([ for Lh in Lhat]) / np.linalg.norm(Ltot) return np.sum(Lmbda) - np.sum(G * cosi)
[docs]def AMD_stable_Q(sim): """ Test the AMD-stability of a planetary system. Returns :code:`True` if a planetary system is AMD-stable and :code:`False` if not. Arguments --------- sim : :class:`rebound.Simulation` Simulation object to copmute stability criterion for. Returns ------- bool : :code:`True` if the sytem is AMD-stable, otherwise :code:`False`. """ AMD = compute_AMD(sim) pstar = sim.particles[0] ps = sim.particles[1:] for i in range(len(ps)-1): pIn = ps[i] pOut = ps[i+1] orbIn = pIn.calculate_orbit(pstar) orbOut = pOut.calculate_orbit(pstar) alpha = orbIn.a / orbOut.a gamma = pIn.m / pOut.m LmbdaOut = pOut.m * np.sqrt(orbOut.a) Ccrit = critical_relative_AMD(alpha,gamma) C = AMD / LmbdaOut if C>Ccrit: return False return True
[docs]def AMD_stability_coefficients(sim,overlap=False): r""" Compute AMD stability coefficients of the successive adjacent planet pairs of a planetary system. A planet pair's AMD stability coefficicent is defined as the total planetary system's AMD divided by the critical AMD required for the pair's orbits to cross. (Equation 58 of `Laskar & Petit (2017) <>`_) Arguments --------- sim : rebound.Simulation Simulation object to copmute AMD coefficients for. overlap : bool, optional If True, planet pairs' critical AMD values are computed as the critical AMD value for resonance overlap. By default the critical values are computed as the value required for orbit crossing. Returns ------- ndarray : Values of :math:`\beta = \frac{C}{\Lambda'C_c}` for planet pairs. """ AMD = compute_AMD(sim) pstar = sim.particles[0] ps = sim.particles[1:] coeffs = np.zeros(len(ps)-1) for i in range(len(ps)-1): pIn = ps[i] pOut = ps[i+1] orbIn = pIn.calculate_orbit(pstar) orbOut = pOut.calculate_orbit(pstar) alpha = orbIn.a / orbOut.a gamma = pIn.m / pOut.m LmbdaOut = pOut.m * np.sqrt(orbOut.a) if overlap: mutot = (pIn.m + pOut.m) / pstar.m Ccrit = critical_relative_AMD_resonance_overlap(alpha,gamma,mutot) else: Ccrit = critical_relative_AMD(alpha,gamma) C = AMD / LmbdaOut coeffs[i] = C / Ccrit return coeffs
###################################################### ######################## FMFT ######################## ###################################################### p2d = np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype = np.float64,ndim = 2,flags = 'C') _fmft = clibcelmech.fmft_wrapper _fmft.argtypes =[p2d, c_int, c_double, c_double, c_int, p2d, c_long] _fmft.restype = c_int def _check_errors(ret, func, args): if ret<=0: raise RuntimeError("FMFT returned error code %d for the given arguments"%ret) return ret _fmft.errcheck = _check_errors def _nearest_pow2(x): return int(2**np.floor(np.log2(x)))
[docs]def frequency_modified_fourier_transform(time, z, Nfreq, method_flag = 3, min_freq = None, max_freq = None): """ Apply the frequency-modified Fourier transfrorm algorithm of `Šidlichovský & Nesvorný (1996)`_ to a time series to determine the series' principle Fourier modes. This function simply proivdes a wrapper to to C implementation written by D. Nesvorný available at ``_. .. _Šidlichovský & Nesvorný (1996):> .. Arguments --------- time : ndarray, shape (N,) Times of input data values. z : complex ndarray, shape (N,) Input data time series in the form. Nfreq : int Number of Fourier modes to determine. method_flag : int The FMFT algorithm Basic Fourier Transform algorithm if flag = 0; not implemented Modified Fourier Transform if flag = 1; Frequency Modified Fourier Transform if flag = 2; FMFT with additional non-linear correction if flag = 3 """ output_arr = np.empty((Nfreq,3),order='C',dtype=np.float64) input_arr = np.array(np.vstack((time,np.real(z),np.imag(z))).T,order='C',dtype=np.float64) Ndata = _nearest_pow2(len(input_arr)) dt = time[1]-time[0] _Nyq = np.pi / dt if not min_freq: min_freq = -1 * _Nyq if not max_freq: max_freq = _Nyq _fmft( output_arr, Nfreq, min_freq, max_freq, c_int(method_flag), input_arr, c_long(Ndata) ) return {x[0]:x[1]*np.exp(1j*x[2]) for x in output_arr}
[docs]def holman_weigert_stability_boundary(mu,e,Ptype=True): r""" Compute the critical semi-major axis represnting an approximate stability boundary for circumbinary planets in P- or S-type orbits. Formulas for critical semi-major axes are taken from `Holman & Wiegert (1999)`_ .. _Holman & Wiegert (1999): Arguments --------- mu : float The mass-ratio of the binary, .. math:: \mu = \frac{m_B}{m_A+m_B} where math:`m_A` and math:`m_B` are the component masses of the binary. e : float The eccentricity of the binary. Ptype : bool, optional If ``True`` (default) orbit is assumed to be a P-type circumbinary orbit. If ``False``, a S-type circum-primary/secondary orbit is considered. Returns ------- aC : float The critical semi-major axis marking the stability boundary """ if Ptype: if mu<0.1 or mu>0.5: warnings.warn("Input 'mu'={:.2g} is outside range [0.1,0.5] for which the stability boundary has been computed".format(mu)) if e<0.0 or e>0.7: warnings.warn("Input 'e'={:.2g} is outside range [0.0,0.7] for which the stability boundary has been computed".format(e)) aC = 1.6 aC += 5.1 * e aC += -2.22 * e * e aC += 4.12 * mu aC += -4.27 * mu * e aC += -5.09 * mu * mu aC += 4.61 * mu * mu * e * e else: if mu<0.1 or mu>0.9: warnings.warn("Input 'mu'={:.2g} is outside range [0.1,0.5] for which the stability boundary has been computed".format(mu)) if e<0.0 or e>0.8: warnings.warn("Input 'e'={:.2g} is outside range [0.0,0.7] for which the stability boundary has been computed".format(e)) aC = 0.464 aC += -0.38 * mu aC += -0.631 * e aC += 0.586 * mu * e aC += 0.150 * e * e aC += -0.198 * mu * e * e return aC
####################### from sympy import diff, Matrix
[docs]def poisson_bracket(f,g,re_varslist,complex_varslist): r""" Calculate the Poisson bracket .. math:: [f,g] = \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{\partial f}{\partial q_i} \frac{\partial g}{\partial p_i} - \frac{\partial f}{\partial p_i} \frac{\partial g}{\partial q_i} - i \sum_{j=1}^{M} \frac{\partial f}{\partial z_j} \frac{\partial g}{\partial \bar{z}_j} - \frac{\partial f}{\partial \bar{z}_j} \frac{\partial g}{\partial {z}_i} where :code:`re_varslist` is :math:`=(q_1,...,q_N,p_1,...,p_N)` and :code:`complex_varslist` is :math:`=(x_1,...,x_M,\bar{x}_1,...,\bar{x}_M)`. Arguments --------- f : sympy expression Function appearing in Poisson bracket. g : sympy expression Other function appearing in Poisson bracket. re_varslist : list of sympy symbols List of real canonical variables in the form :math:`(q_1,...,q_N,p_1,...,p_N)` complex_varslist : list of sympy symbols List of complex canonical variables in the form :math:`(x_1,...,x_M,\bar{x}_1,...,\bar{x}_M)` Returns ------- sympy expression """ br = 0 if len(complex_varslist)>0: Omega_c =Matrix(-1j * getOmegaMatrix(len(complex_varslist)//2)) gradf_c = Matrix([diff(f,v) for v in complex_varslist]) gradg_c = Matrix([diff(g,v) for v in complex_varslist]) br += * gradg_c) if len(re_varslist)>0: Omega_re=Matrix(getOmegaMatrix(len(re_varslist)//2)) gradf_re = Matrix([diff(f,v) for v in re_varslist]) gradg_re = Matrix([diff(g,v) for v in re_varslist]) br+= * gradg_re) return br
[docs]def truncated_expansion(exprn,order_rules,max_order): r""" Expand a sympy expression up to a maximum order in a small book-keeping parameter after assigning variables appearing in the expression a given order using the `order_rules` argument. Arguments --------- exprn : sympy expression The original expression from which to calculate expansion. order_rules : dict A dictionary specifying what order various variables should be assumed to have in the book-keeping parameter. Each key-value pair ``{n:[x_1,x_2,..,x_m]}`` in ``order_rules`` specifies that a set of variables .. math:: (x_1,...,x_m) \sim \mathcal{O}(\epsilon^n) where :math:`\epsilon` is the book-keeping parameter. max_order : int The order at which the resulting series expansion in the book-keeping parameter :math:`\epsilon` should be truncated. Returns ------- sympy expression """ eps = symbols("epsilon") assert eps not in exprn.free_symbols, "Epsilon appears as a free symbols in 'exprn'." rule = dict() for n,variables in order_rules.items(): rule.update({v:eps**n * v for v in variables}) sexprn = series(exprn.subs(rule),eps,0,max_order+1) result = sexprn.removeO().subs({eps:1}) return result
################################################ ########### Levin Method Integration ########### ################################################ from scipy.linalg import lu_factor, lu_solve
[docs]def linsolve(A,y): """ Solve linear system of equations .. math:: A \cdot x = y for y. """ return lu_solve(lu_factor(A),y)
def _chebyshev_gauss_lobatto_points(n,a,b): """Get Gauss-Lobatto quadrature points for Chebyshev polynomials""" return 0.5 * (a+b) + 0.5 * (a-b) * np.cos(np.pi*np.arange(n)/(n-1)) def _chebyshev_Dmatrix(n): """Chebyshev derivative matrix for pseudo-spectral method""" x = np.cos(np.pi*np.arange(n)/(n-1)) c = lambda j: 2 if j==0 or j==n-1 else 1 Dkj = lambda k,j: (c(k)/c(j))*(-1)**(k+j+1) / (x[k]-x[j]) if k!=j else 0 Dmtrx = np.array([[Dkj(k,j) for j in range(n)]for k in range(n)]) Dmtrx -= np.diag(np.sum(Dmtrx,axis=1)) return Dmtrx
[docs]def levin_method_integrate(fvec_fn,wvec_fn,Amtrx_fns,a,b,N=32): r"""Evlauate integrals of the form .. math:: I(a,b) = \int_{a}^{b} \vec{f}(x)\cdot\vec{w}(x) dx where the functions :math:`\vec{w}(x)` satisfy a linear differential equation of the form :math:`\frac{d}{dx}\vec{w}(x) = A(x) \cdot \vec{w}(x)`. Evaluation is done using `Levin's method`_. .. _Levin's method: Parameters ---------- fvec_fn : function A function that returns the vector :math:`\vec{f}(x)`. wvec_fn : function A function that returns the vector :math:`\vec{w}(x)`. Amtrx_fns : list of functions A list of functions giving the entries of matrix :math:`A(x)` appearing in the differential equation obeyed by :math:`\vec{w}(x)`. Input should use nested lists to match the structure of the matrix. a : float Lower integration limit b : float Upper integration limit N : int Number of quadrature points to use Returns ------- float """ chebD = _chebyshev_Dmatrix(N) wa = wvec_fn(a) wb = wvec_fn(b) f = 0.5 * (b-a) xj = _chebyshev_gauss_lobatto_points(N,a,b) zeroN = np.zeros((N,N)) M = len(wa) D = np.block([[chebD if j==i else zeroN for j in range(M)] for i in range(M)]) A_tr_mtrx = np.block([[np.diag(Amtrx_fns[i][j](xj)) for i in range(M)] for j in range(M)]) Fsoln = linsolve(D + f*A_tr_mtrx,f*np.reshape(fvec_fn(xj),-1)) Fa,Fb = Fsoln[::N],Fsoln[N-1::N] ans=Fb@wb - Fa@wa return ans
[docs]def levin_method_integrate_adaptive(fvec_fn,wvec_fn,Amtrx_fns,a,b,N0=32,Nmax=128,rtol = 1.49e-08,atol = 1.49e-08 ): r"""Evlauate integrals of the form .. math:: I(a,b) = \int_{a}^{b} \vec{f}(x)\cdot\vec{w}(x) dx where the functions :math:`\vec{w}(x)` satisfy a linear differential equation of the form :math:`\frac{d}{dx}\vec{w}(x) = A(x) \cdot \vec{w}(x)`. Evaluation is done using `Levin's method`_. Method is applied adaptively with increasing number of quadrature points until the estimated error, :math:`\delta` satisfies :math:`\delta < \epsilon_\mathrm{rel}|I(a,b)| + \epsilon_\mathrm{abs}`. .. _Levin's method: Parameters ---------- fvec_fn : function A function that returns the vector :math:`\vec{f}(x)`. wvec_fn : function A function that returns the vector :math:`\vec{w}(x)`. Amtrx_fns : list of functions A list of functions giving the entries of matrix :math:`A(x)` appearing in the differential equation obeyed by :math:`\vec{w}(x)`. Input should use nested lists to match the structure of the matrix. a : float Lower integration limit b : float Upper integration limit N0 : int Initial number of Gauss-Lobatto quadrature points to use. Nmax : int Maximum number of quadrature points to use. rtol : float Relative tolerance atol : float Absolute tolerance Returns ------- float """ delta = np.inf ans_old = np.inf N=N0 while N<=Nmax: ans = levin_method_integrate(fvec_fn,wvec_fn,Amtrx_fns,a,b,N) delta = np.abs(ans-ans_old) ans_old = ans N*=2 if delta < rtol * np.abs(ans) + atol: break else: msg="Exceeded maximum number of quadruature points without converging.\n" msg+="N={}, delta = {}, target = {}".format(N,delta,rtol * np.abs(ans) + atol) warnings.warn(msg) return ans