Source code for celmech.nbody_simulation_utilities

import numpy as np
import rebound as rb
import reboundx as rbx

[docs]def set_time_step(sim,dtfactor): r""" Set the time step of a simulation to a fraction,``dtfactor``, of the minimum perihelion passage timescale, defined as .. math:: \tau_{p} = P\sqrt{\frac{(1-e)^3}{1+e}}~. Generally, the time step of `WHFAST` should be set to :math:`\lesssim\tau_p/20` in order to obtain reliable results (see `Wisdom 2015 <>`_) """ ps=sim.particles[1:sim.N_real] tperi=np.min([p.P * (1-p.e)**1.5 / np.sqrt(1+p.e) for p in ps]) dt = tperi * dtfactor sim.dt = dt
def set_min_distance(sim,rhillfactor): ps=sim.particles[1:sim.N_real] mstar = sim.particles[0].m rhill = np.min([ p.rhill for p in ps if p.m > 0]) mindist = rhillfactor * rhill sim.exit_min_distance = mindist
[docs]def get_simarchive_integration_results(sa,coordinates='jacobi'): """ Read a simulation archive and store orbital elements as arrays in a dictionary. Arguments --------- sa : rebound.SimulationArchive or str The simulation archive to read or the file name of the simulation archive file. Can also be a reboundx simulation archive. coordinates : str The coordinate system to use for calculating orbital elements. This can be: | - 'jacobi' : Use Jacobi coordinates (including Jacobi masses) | - 'barycentric' : Use barycentric coordinates. | - 'heliocentric' : Use canonical heliocentric elements. | The canonical cooridantes are heliocentric distance vectors. | The conjugate momenta are barycentric momenta. Returns ------- sim_results : dict Dictionary containing time and orbital elements at each snapshot of the simulation archive. """ if type(sa) == str: sa = rb.SimulationArchive(sa) if type(sa) == rb.simulationarchive.SimulationArchive: return _get_rebound_simarchive_integration_results(sa,coordinates) elif type(sa) == rbx.simulationarchive.SimulationArchive: return _get_reboundx_simarchive_integration_results(sa,coordinates) raise TypeError("{} is not a rebound or reboundx simulation archive!".format(sa))
def _get_rebound_simarchive_integration_results(sa,coordinates): if coordinates == 'jacobi': get_orbits = lambda sim: sim.calculate_orbits(jacobi_masses=True) elif coordinates == 'heliocentric': get_orbits = get_canonical_heliocentric_orbits elif coordinates == 'barycentric': get_orbits = lambda sim: sim.calculate_orbits(sim.calculate_com()) else: raise ValueError("'Coordinates must be one of 'jacobi','heliocentric', or 'barycentric'") N = len(sa) sim0 = sa[0] Npl= sim0.N_real - 1 shape = (Npl,N) sim_results = { 'time':np.zeros(N), 'P':np.zeros(shape), 'e':np.zeros(shape), 'l':np.zeros(shape), 'inc':np.zeros(shape), 'pomega':np.zeros(shape), 'omega':np.zeros(shape), 'Omega':np.zeros(shape), 'a':np.zeros(shape), 'Energy':np.zeros(N) } for i,sim in enumerate(sa): sim_results['time'][i] = sim.t orbits = get_orbits(sim) sim_results['Energy'][i] = for j,orbit in enumerate(orbits): sim_results['P'][j,i] = orbit.P sim_results['e'][j,i] = orbit.e sim_results['l'][j,i] = orbit.l sim_results['pomega'][j,i] = orbit.pomega sim_results['a'][j,i] = orbit.a sim_results['omega'][j,i] = sim_results['Omega'][j,i] = orbit.Omega sim_results['inc'][j,i] = return sim_results def _get_reboundx_simarchive_integration_results(sa,coordinates): if coordinates == 'jacobi': get_orbits = lambda sim: sim.calculate_orbits(jacobi_masses=True) elif coordinates == 'heliocentric': get_orbits = get_canonical_heliocentric_orbits elif coordinates == 'barycentric': get_orbits = lambda sim: sim.calculate_orbits(sim.calculate_com()) else: raise ValueError("'Coordinates must be one of 'jacobi','heliocentric', or 'barycentric'") N = len(sa) sim0,_ = sa[0] Npl= sim0.N_real - 1 shape = (Npl,N) sim_results = { 'time':np.zeros(N), 'P':np.zeros(shape), 'e':np.zeros(shape), 'l':np.zeros(shape), 'inc':np.zeros(shape), 'pomega':np.zeros(shape), 'omega':np.zeros(shape), 'Omega':np.zeros(shape), 'a':np.zeros(shape), 'Energy':np.zeros(N) } for i,sim_extra in enumerate(sa): sim,extra = sim_extra sim_results['time'][i] = sim.t orbits = get_orbits(sim) sim_results['Energy'][i] = for j,orbit in enumerate(orbits): sim_results['P'][j,i] = orbit.P sim_results['e'][j,i] = orbit.e sim_results['l'][j,i] = orbit.l sim_results['pomega'][j,i] = orbit.pomega sim_results['a'][j,i] = orbit.a sim_results['omega'][j,i] = sim_results['Omega'][j,i] = orbit.Omega sim_results['inc'][j,i] = return sim_results
[docs]def get_canonical_heliocentric_orbits(sim): """ Compute orbital elements in canonical heliocentric coordinates (e.g., `Laskar & Robutel 1995`_), in the center-of-mass frame. .. _Laskar & Robutel 1995: Arguments: ---------- sim : rb.Simulation simulation for which to compute orbits Returns ------- list of rebound.Orbits Orbits of particles in canonical heliocentric coordinates. """ return reb_calculate_orbits(sim, coordinates="canonical heliocentric")
def reb_calculate_orbits(sim, coordinates="canonical heliocentric"): """ Compute orbital elements in passed canonical coordinates Arguments: ---------- sim : rebound.Simulation simulation for which to compute orbits coordinates: str Specifices the canonical coordinate system. This determines the appropriate definitions of mu and M. Options: 'canonical heliocentric' (default): canonical heliocentric coordinates in the COM frame e.g. Laskar & Robutel 1995 'democratic heliocentric': e.g. Duncan et al. 1998 Returns ------- list of rebound.Orbits Orbits of particles in passed canonical coordinates """ if coordinates not in ['canonical heliocentric', 'democratic heliocentric']: raise AttributeError("coordinates must either be 'canonical heliocentric' (default) or 'democratic heliocentric") star = sim.particles[0] orbits = [] # the central body in this splitting should have star.m + mu, but # this is already accounted for in REBOUND's orbit calculation fictitious_star = rb.Particle(m=star.m) for planet in sim.particles[1:sim.N_real]: # Heliocentric position r = np.array( - np.array( # For canonical heliocentric coordinates the momentum # is the same as the inertial momentum, pi=mi*vi v = np.array(planet.vxyz) # Mapping from (coordinate,momentum) pair to # orbital elments requires that the 'velocity' # be defined as the canonical momentum divided # by 'mu' appearing in the definition of the # Delauney variables (see, e.g., pg. 34 of # Morbidelli 2002). # # For Laskar & Robutel (1995)'s definition # of canonical action-angle pairs, this is # the reduced mass, so v_for_orbit = mi * vi / mu_i = (m0 + mi)/m0 * vi # We write it this way to remain well behaved in test particle limit # For DHC: v_for_orbit = mi*vi/mi = vi # Need to set right central mass for REBOUND calculation # for CH, set m so central M = Mstar + m # for DHC, m=0 so central M = Mstar if coordinates == 'canonical heliocentric': m = planet.m v_for_orbit = (m + star.m)/star.m*v elif coordinates == 'democratic heliocentric': m = 0 v_for_orbit = v fictitious_particle = rb.Particle( m=m, x = r[0], y = r[1], z = r[2], vx = v_for_orbit[0], vy = v_for_orbit[1], vz = v_for_orbit[2] ) orbit = fictitious_particle.calculate_orbit(primary=fictitious_star,G = sim.G) orbits.append(orbit) return orbits def reb_add_poincare_particle(p, sim): elements = {element:getattr(p,element) for element in ['a','e','inc','l','pomega','Omega']} reb_add_from_elements(p.m, elements, sim, p.coordinates)
[docs]def add_canonical_heliocentric_elements_particle(m,elements,sim): """ Add a new particle to a rebound simulation by specifying its mass and canonical heliocentric orbital elements. Arguments --------- m : float Physical mass of particle to add. elements : dict Dictionary of orbital elements for particle. Dictionary must contain valid set of orbital elements accepted by REBOUND. sim : rebound.Simulation Simulation to add particle to. """ reb_add_from_elements(m, elements, sim, coordinates = 'canonical heliocentric')
def reb_add_from_elements(m,elements,sim,coordinates='canonical heliocentric'): """ Add a new particle to a rebound simulation by specifying its mass, orbital elements, and the set of canonical coordinates the elements are in. Arguments --------- m : float Physical mass of particle to add. elements : dict Dictionary of orbital elements for particle. Dictionary must contain valid set of orbital elements accepted by REBOUND. sim : rebound.Simulation Simulation to add particle to. coordinates: str Specifices the canonical coordinate system. This determines the appropriate definitions of mu and M. Options: 'canonical heliocentric' (default): canonical heliocentric coordinates in the COM frame e.g. Laskar & Robutel 1995 'democratic heliocentric': e.g. Duncan et al. 1998 """ if coordinates not in ['canonical heliocentric', 'democratic heliocentric']: raise AttributeError("coordinates must either be 'canonical heliocentric' (default) or 'democratic heliocentric") star = sim.particles[0] # Make a 2body simulation with star mass m, # particle mass = mu (so REBOUND assigns central mass star.m+mu) # Given canonical heliocentric elements, # this yields xtilde = xi-xstar, vtilde = (mstar+mi)/mstar * vi _sim = rb.Simulation() _sim.G = sim.G _star = star.copy() _sim.add(m=star.m) # REBOUND will use central mass M = star.m + m, so need to set so that correct M set if coordinates == 'canonical heliocentric': _sim.add(m=m, **elements) # so REBOUND uses central M = Mstar + m elif coordinates == 'democratic heliocentric': _sim.add(m=0, **elements) # so REBOUND uses central M = Mstar _p = _sim.particles[1] p = rb.Particle(m=m) # we cache the planet positions so we can later correct to stay in COM frame x = star.x + _p.x y = star.y + _p.y z = star.z + _p.z p.x = x p.y = y p.z = z # Fictitious particle provides vtilde, convert back to inertial velocities # vtilde = momentum/canonical mass (see get_canonical_heliocentric_orbits) # CH: vtilde = m*v/mu, so v = f*vtilde # DHC: vtilde = m*v/m, so v = vtilde if coordinates == 'canonical heliocentric': f = star.m / (m + star.m) elif coordinates == 'democratic heliocentric': f = 1. p.vx = f * _p.vx p.vy = f * _p.vy p.vz = f * _p.vz # All of these need to be the final velocities in the COM frame, so the # only way to do that is to compensate for the shift in COM with the star star.vx -= m/star.m * p.vx star.vy -= m/star.m * p.vy star.vz -= m/star.m * p.vz sim.add(p) # We now move all particles by the same offset to keep the COM at 0 # This ensures that the xi-x0 remain the same Mtot = np.array([p.m for p in sim.particles[:sim.N_real]]).sum() for p in sim.particles[:sim.N_real]: p.x -= m/Mtot*x p.y -= m/Mtot*y p.z -= m/Mtot*z def _compute_transformation_angles(sim): Gtot_vec = sim.angular_momentum() Gtot_vec = np.array(Gtot_vec) Gtot = np.sqrt(Gtot_vec @ Gtot_vec) Ghat = Gtot_vec / Gtot Ghat_z = Ghat[-1] Ghat_perp = np.sqrt(1 - Ghat_z**2) theta1 = np.pi/2 - np.arctan2(Ghat[1],Ghat[0]) theta2 = np.pi/2 - np.arctan2(Ghat_z,Ghat_perp) return theta1,theta2 def npEulerAnglesTransform(xyz,Omega,I,omega): x,y,z = xyz s1,c1 = np.sin(omega),np.cos(omega) x1 = c1 * x - s1 * y y1 = s1 * x + c1 * y z1 = z s2,c2 = np.sin(I),np.cos(I) x2 = x1 y2 = c2 * y1 - s2 * z1 z2 = s2 * y1 + c2 * z1 s3,c3 = np.sin(Omega),np.cos(Omega) x3 = c3 * x2 - s3 * y2 y3 = s3 * x2 + c3 * y2 z3 = z2 return np.array([x3,y3,z3])
[docs]def align_simulation(sim): """ Change particle positions and velocities of a rebound simulations so that the z-axis corresponds with the direction of the angular momentum. Arguments --------- sim : rebound.Simulation """ theta1,theta2 = _compute_transformation_angles(sim) for p in sim.particles[:sim.N_real]: p.x,p.y,p.z = npEulerAnglesTransform(,0,theta2,theta1) p.vx,p.vy,p.vz = npEulerAnglesTransform(p.vxyz,0,theta2,theta1)
def _get_lhat(p): xyz = vxyz = p.vxyz lvec = np.cross(xyz,vxyz) lhat = lvec / np.linalg.norm(lvec) return lhat from itertools import combinations
[docs]def calculate_mutual_inclinations(s): """ Calculate the mutual inclination between pairs of bodies in a simulation archive Arguments --------- s : rebound.Simulation or rebound.SimulationArchive Returns ------- imutuals : dictionary Dictionary of mutual inclinations. Keys are pairs of particle numbers, (i,j), where i and j are integers and values are arrays of mutual inclination values for that key pair. """ if type(s)==rb.Simulation: return _calculate_mutual_inc(s) combs = combinations(range(1,sa[0].N_real),2) imut = {comb:np.zeros(len(sa)) for comb in combs} for i,sim in enumerate(sa): lhats = [_get_lhat(p) for p in sim.particles[1:]] for comb in combinations(range(1,sa[0].N_real),2): j,k = comb cosimut = lhats[j-1] @ lhats[k-1] imut[comb][i] = np.arccos(cosimut) return imut
def _calculate_mutual_inc(sim): combs = combinations(range(1,sim.N_real),2) lhats = [_get_lhat(p) for p in sim.particles[1:]] return {(j,k):np.arccos(lhats[j-1]@lhats[k-1]) for j,k in combs}