Source code for celmech.numerical_resonance_models

import rebound as rb
import reboundx
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
from warnings import warn
from scipy.optimize import lsq_linear
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import warnings
from tqdm import tqdm

from .numerical_resonance_utils import planar_els2xv,calc_Hint_components_spatial,calc_Hint_components_planar
from .nbody_simulation_utilities import get_canonical_heliocentric_orbits, add_canonical_heliocentric_elements_particle, align_simulation
from .miscellaneous import getOmegaMatrix
# set to fast compile, for testing at least...
####### PLANAR #######
def _get_planar_compiled_Hpert_full():
        # Planet masses: m1,m2
        m1,m2 = T.dscalars(2)
        mstar = 1
        mu1  = m1 * mstar / (mstar  + m1) 
        mu2  = m2 * mstar / (mstar  + m2) 
        Mstar1 = mstar + m1
        Mstar2 = mstar + m2
        beta1 = mu1 * T.sqrt(Mstar1/mstar) / (mu1 + mu2)
        beta2 = mu2 * T.sqrt(Mstar2/mstar) / (mu1 + mu2)
        j,k = T.lscalars('jk')
        s = (j-k) / k

        # Dynamical variables:
        Ndof = 2
        Nconst = 1
        psi = T.scalar()
        dyvars = T.vector()
        y1, y2, x1, x2, amd = [dyvars[i] for i in range(2*Ndof + Nconst)]

        a20 = T.constant(1.)
        a10 = ((j-k)/j)**(2/3) * (Mstar1 / Mstar2)**(1/3)
        L10 = beta1 * T.sqrt(a10)
        L20 = beta2 * T.sqrt(a20)
        Ltot = L10 + L20
        f = L10/L20
        L2res = (Ltot + amd) / (1+f)
        Psi = -k * (s * L2res + (1+s) * f * L2res) 
        # actions
        I1 = 0.5 * (x1*x1 + y1*y1)
        I2 = 0.5 * (x2*x2 + y2*y2)
        L1 = -s*Ltot - Psi/k - s * (I1 + I2)
        L2 = (1+s)*Ltot + Psi/k + (1+s) * (I1 + I2)

        # Set lambda2=0
        l2 = T.constant(0.)
        l1 = -1 * k * psi 
        theta_res = (1+s) * l2 - s * l1
        cos_theta_res = T.cos(theta_res)
        sin_theta_res = T.sin(theta_res)
        kappa1 = x1 * cos_theta_res + y1 * sin_theta_res
        eta1   = y1 * cos_theta_res - x1 * sin_theta_res
        kappa2 = x2 * cos_theta_res + y2 * sin_theta_res
        eta2   = y2 * cos_theta_res - x2 * sin_theta_res
        Xre1 = kappa1 / T.sqrt(L1)
        Xim1 = -eta1 / T.sqrt(L1)

        Xre2 = kappa2 / T.sqrt(L2)
        Xim2 = -eta2 / T.sqrt(L2)

        absX1_sq = 2 * I1 / L1
        absX2_sq = 2 * I2 / L2
        X_to_z1 = T.sqrt(1 - absX1_sq / 4 )
        X_to_z2 = T.sqrt(1 - absX2_sq / 4 )

        a1 = (L1 / beta1 )**2 
        k1 = Xre1 * X_to_z1
        h1 = Xim1 * X_to_z1
        e1 = T.sqrt( absX1_sq ) * X_to_z1

        a2 = (L2 / beta2 )**2 
        k2 = Xre2 * X_to_z2
        h2 = Xim2 * X_to_z2

        Hdir,Hind = calc_Hint_components_planar(
        eps = m1*m2/ (mu1 + mu2) / T.sqrt(mstar)
        extra_ins = [m1,m2,j,k]
        ins = [psi] + [dyvars] + extra_ins
        Hpert = eps * (Hdir + Hind/mstar)
        gradHpert = T.grad(Hpert,wrt=dyvars)
        # Scalars
        Hpert_fn = theano.function(
        # Gradients
        gradHpert_fn = theano.function(
        return Hpert_fn, gradHpert_fn

def _get_planar_compiled_theano_functions(N_QUAD_PTS):
        # Planet masses: m1,m2
        m1,m2 = T.dscalars(2)
        mstar = 1
        mu1  = m1 * mstar / (mstar  + m1) 
        mu2  = m2 * mstar / (mstar  + m2) 
        Mstar1 = mstar + m1
        Mstar2 = mstar + m2
        beta1 = mu1 * T.sqrt(Mstar1/mstar) / (mu1 + mu2)
        beta2 = mu2 * T.sqrt(Mstar2/mstar) / (mu1 + mu2)
        j,k = T.lscalars('jk')
        s = (j-k) / k
        # Angle variable for averaging over
        psi = T.dvector()

        # Quadrature weights
        quad_weights = T.dvector('w')

        # Dynamical variables:
        Ndof = 2
        Nconst = 1
        dyvars = T.vector()
        y1, y2, x1, x2, amd = [dyvars[i] for i in range(2*Ndof + Nconst)]

        a20 = T.constant(1.)
        a10 = ((j-k)/j)**(2/3) * (Mstar1 / Mstar2)**(1/3)
        L10 = beta1 * T.sqrt(a10)
        L20 = beta2 * T.sqrt(a20)
        Ltot = L10 + L20
        f = L10/L20
        L2res = (Ltot + amd) / (1+f)
        Psi = -k * (s * L2res + (1+s) * f * L2res) 
        # actions
        I1 = 0.5 * (x1*x1 + y1*y1)
        I2 = 0.5 * (x2*x2 + y2*y2)
        L1 = -s*Ltot - Psi/k - s * (I1 + I2)
        L2 = (1+s)*Ltot + Psi/k + (1+s) * (I1 + I2)

        # Set lambda2=0
        l2 = T.constant(0.)
        l1 = -1 * k * psi 
        theta_res = (1+s) * l2 - s * l1
        cos_theta_res = T.cos(theta_res)
        sin_theta_res = T.sin(theta_res)
        kappa1 = x1 * cos_theta_res + y1 * sin_theta_res
        eta1   = y1 * cos_theta_res - x1 * sin_theta_res
        kappa2 = x2 * cos_theta_res + y2 * sin_theta_res
        eta2   = y2 * cos_theta_res - x2 * sin_theta_res
        Xre1 = kappa1 / T.sqrt(L1)
        Xim1 = -eta1 / T.sqrt(L1)

        Xre2 = kappa2 / T.sqrt(L2)
        Xim2 = -eta2 / T.sqrt(L2)

        absX1_sq = 2 * I1 / L1
        absX2_sq = 2 * I2 / L2
        X_to_z1 = T.sqrt(1 - absX1_sq / 4 )
        X_to_z2 = T.sqrt(1 - absX2_sq / 4 )

        a1 = (L1 / beta1 )**2 
        k1 = Xre1 * X_to_z1
        h1 = Xim1 * X_to_z1
        e1 = T.sqrt( absX1_sq ) * X_to_z1

        a2 = (L2 / beta2 )**2 
        k2 = Xre2 * X_to_z2
        h2 = Xim2 * X_to_z2
        e2 = T.sqrt( absX2_sq ) * X_to_z2

        beta1p = T.sqrt(Mstar1) * beta1
        beta2p = T.sqrt(Mstar2) * beta2
        Hkep = -0.5 * beta1p / a1 - 0.5 * beta2p / a2
        Hdir,Hind = calc_Hint_components_planar(
        eps = m1*m2/ (mu1 + mu2) / T.sqrt(mstar)
        Hpert = eps * (Hdir + Hind/mstar)
        Hpert_av =
        Htot = Hkep + Hpert_av

        # Dissipative dynamics
        tau_alpha_0, K1, K2, p = T.dscalars(4)
        y1dot_dis,y2dot_dis,x1dot_dis,x2dot_dis,amddot_dis = T.dscalars(5)
        tau_m_inv = 1/tau_alpha_0
        alpha_res = a10/a20
        # Define timescales
        tau_e1 = tau_alpha_0 / K1
        tau_e2 = tau_alpha_0 / K2
        tau_a1_0_inv = -beta2p * alpha_res * tau_m_inv / (beta1p + alpha_res * beta2p)
        tau_a2_0_inv = beta1p * tau_m_inv / (beta1p + alpha_res * beta2p)
        tau_a1 = 1 / (tau_a1_0_inv + 2 * p * e1*e1 / tau_e1 )
        tau_a2 = 1 / (tau_a2_0_inv + 2 * p * e2*e2 / tau_e2 )
        tau_L1 = 2 * tau_a1
        tau_L2 = 2 * tau_a2
        tau_Gamma1_inv = 1/tau_L1 + (Gamma1-2*L1) / (Gamma1-L1) / tau_e1 
        tau_Gamma2_inv = 1/tau_L2 + (Gamma2-2*L2) / (Gamma2-L2) / tau_e2 
        # Time derivatives of canonical variables
        x1dot_dis = -0.5 * x1 * tau_Gamma1_inv
        x2dot_dis = -0.5 * x2 * tau_Gamma2_inv
        y1dot_dis = -0.5 * y1 * tau_Gamma1_inv
        y2dot_dis = -0.5 * y2 * tau_Gamma2_inv

        L1dot_dis = -1 * L1/tau_L1
        L2dot_dis = -1 * L2/tau_L2
        Gamma1dot_dis = -1 * I1 * tau_Gamma1_inv 
        Gamma2dot_dis = -1 * I2 * tau_Gamma2_inv 
        Ltot_dot_dis = L1dot_dis + L2dot_dis - Gamma1dot_dis - Gamma2dot_dis
        Psi_dot_dis = -k * (s * L2dot_dis + (1+s) * L1dot_dis) 
        amddot_dis = -1 * Ltot_dot_dis - Psi_dot_dis * (1+f) /(s + f*(1+s)) / k
        # Set parameters for compiling functions with Theano
        # Get numerical quadrature nodes and weight
        nodes,weights = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(N_QUAD_PTS)
        # Rescale for integration interval from [-1,1] to [-pi,pi]
        nodes = nodes * np.pi
        weights = weights * 0.5
        # 'givens' will fix some parameters of Theano functions compiled below
        givens = [(psi,nodes),(quad_weights,weights)]

        # 'ins' will set the inputs of Theano functions compiled below
        #   Note: 'extra_ins' will be passed as values of object attributes
        #   of the 'ResonanceEquations' class defined below
        extra_ins = [m1,m2,j,k,tau_alpha_0,K1,K2,p]
        ins = [dyvars] + extra_ins
        # Define flows and jacobians.

        #  Conservative flow
        gradHtot = T.grad(Htot,wrt=dyvars)
        gradHpert = T.grad(Hpert_av,wrt=dyvars)
        gradHkep = T.grad(Hkep,wrt=dyvars)

        hessHtot = theano.gradient.hessian(Htot,wrt=dyvars)
        hessHpert = theano.gradient.hessian(Hpert_av,wrt=dyvars)
        hessHkep = theano.gradient.hessian(Hkep,wrt=dyvars)

        Jtens = T.as_tensor(np.pad(getOmegaMatrix(Ndof),(0,Nconst),'constant'))
        H_flow_vec =
        Hpert_flow_vec =
        Hkep_flow_vec =

        H_flow_jac =
        Hpert_flow_jac =
        Hkep_flow_jac =
        # Dissipative flow
        dis_flow_vec = T.stack(y1dot_dis,y2dot_dis,x1dot_dis,x2dot_dis,amddot_dis)
        dis_flow_jac = theano.gradient.jacobian(dis_flow_vec,dyvars)

        # Extras
        sigma1 = T.arctan2(y1,x1)
        sigma2 = T.arctan2(y2,x2)
        orbels = [a1,e1,k*sigma1,a2,e2,k*sigma2]
        dis_timescales = [1/tau_a1_0_inv,1/tau_a2_0_inv,tau_e1,tau_e2]

        orbels_dict = dict(zip(

        actions = [L1,L2,I1,I2]
        actions_dict = dict(
        timescales_dict = dict(zip(
        # Compile Theano functions
         # Hamiltonians
         # Hamiltonian flows
         # Hamiltonian flow Jacobians
         # Dissipative flow and Jacobian
         # Extras
        for key,val in func_dict.items():
            if key == 'timescales':
                inputs = extra_ins
                inputs = ins 
            cf = theano.function(
        return compiled_func_dict

[docs]class PlanarResonanceEquations(): r""" A class for the model describing the dynamics of a pair of planar planets in/near a mean motion resonance. Includes the effects of dissipation. Attributes ---------- j : int Together with k specifies j:j-k resonance k : int Order of resonance. alpha : float Semi-major axis ratio :math:`a_1/a_2` eps : float Mass parameter m1*mu2 / (mu1+mu2) m1 : float Inner planet mass m2 : float Outer planet mass tau_alpha : float Migration timescale defined by :math:`\tau_\alpha^{-1} =\tau_{m,2}^{-1} - \tau_{m,1}^{-1}` K1 : float Ratio of inner planet eccentricity damping timescale to migration timescale, tau_alpha. K2 : float Ratio of outer planet eccentricity damping timescale to migration timescale, tau_alpha. p : float Sets coupling between eccentricity damping and semi-major axis damping so that .. math:: \frac{d}{dt}a_i = -a_i/\tau_{m,i} - 2pe_i^2/\tau_{e,i} A value of p=1 corresponds to eccentricity damping at constant angular momentum. timescales : dict Dictionary containing the migration and eccentricity damping time-scales of the inner and outer planets based on the damping parameters of the resonance model. """ def __init__(self,j,k, n_quad_pts = 40, m1 = 1e-5 , m2 = 1e-5,K1=100, K2=100, tau_alpha = 1e5, p = 1): self.j = j self.k = k self.m1 = m1 self.m2 = m2 self.K1 = K1 self.K2 = K2 self.tau_alpha = tau_alpha self.p = p self.n_quad_pts = n_quad_pts self._Hpert_full,self._grad_Hpert_full = _get_planar_compiled_Hpert_full() self._funcs = _get_planar_compiled_theano_functions(n_quad_pts) @property def extra_args(self): return [self.m1,self.m2,self.j,self.k,self.tau_alpha,self.K1,self.K2,self.p] @property def extra_args_short(self): return [self.m1,self.m2,self.j,self.k] @property def mu1(self): return self.m1 / (1 + self.m1) @property def mu2(self): return self.m2 / (1 + self.m2) @property def beta1(self): return self.mu1 * np.sqrt(1+self.m1) / (self.mu1 + self.mu2) @property def beta2(self): return self.mu2 * np.sqrt(1+self.m2) / (self.mu1 + self.mu2) @property def eps(self): return self.m1 * self.m2 / (self.mu1 + self.mu2) @property def alpha(self): alpha0 = ((self.j-self.k)/self.j)**(2/3) return alpha0 * ((1 + self.m1) / (1+self.m2))**(1/3) @property def timescales(self): return self._funcs['timescales'](*self.extra_args)
[docs] def H(self,z): """ Calculate the value of the Hamiltonian. Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- float : The value of the Hamiltonian evaluated at z. """ return self._funcs['H'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def H_kep(self,z): """ Calculate the value of the Keplerian component of the Hamiltonian. Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- float : The value of the Keplerian part of the Hamiltonian evaluated at z. """ return self._funcs['Hkep'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def H_kep_flow(self,z): """ Calculate the flow vector generated by the Keplerian component of the Hamiltonian. Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- ndarray : The flow vector of the Keplerian component of the Hamiltonian """ return self._funcs['Hkep_flow'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def H_pert(self,z): r""" Calculate the value of the perturbation component of the Hamiltonian. Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- float : The value of the perturbation part of the Hamiltonian evaluated at z. """ return self._funcs['Hpert'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def H_pert_flow(self,z): r""" Calculate the flow vector generated by the perturbation component of the Hamiltonian. Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- ndarray : The flow vector generated by the perturbation part of the Hamiltonian evaluated at z. """ return self._funcs['Hpert_flow'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def H_pert_full(self,psi,z): r""" Calculate the value of the perturbation component of the full, unaveraged Hamiltonian. Arguments --------- psi : float Angle variable .. math:: (\lambda_2-\lambda_1)/k z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- float : The value of the perturbation part of the Hamiltonian evaluated at :math:`(\psi,z)`. """ return self._Hpert_full(psi,z,*self.extra_args_short)
[docs] def H_pert_osc(self,psi,z): r""" Calculate the oscillating part of value of the perturbation component of the unaveraged Hamiltonian. Arguments --------- psi : float Angle variable .. math:: (\lambda_2-\lambda_1)/k z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- float : The value of the perturbation part of the Hamiltonian evaluated at :math:`(\psi,z)`. """ return self.H_pert_full(psi,z) - self.H_pert(z)
[docs] def grad_H_pert_full(self,psi,z): r""" Calculate the gradient of the perturbation component of the full, unaveraged Hamiltonian with respect to variables :math:`z`. Arguments --------- psi : float Angle variable .. math:: (\lambda_2-\lambda_1)/k z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- grad : ndarray The gradient the perturbation part of the Hamiltonian with respect to :math:`z` evaluated at :math:`(\psi,z)`. """ return self._grad_Hpert_full(psi,z,*self.extra_args_short)
[docs] def H_flow(self,z): r""" Calculate flow induced by the Hamiltonian .. math:: \dot{z} = \Omega \cdot \nabla_{z}H(z) Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- ndarray : Flow vector """ return self._funcs['H_flow'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def H_flow_jac(self,z): r""" Calculate the Jacobian of the flow induced by the Hamiltonian .. math:: \Omega \cdot \Delta H(z) Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- ndarray : Jacobian matrix """ return self._funcs['H_flow_jac'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def flow(self,z): r""" Calculate the flow vector of the equations of motion .. math:: \dot{z} = \Omega \cdot \nabla_{z}H(z) + f_{dis}(z) Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- ndarray : Flow vector """ return self._funcs['H_flow'](z,*self.extra_args) + self._funcs['dissipative_flow'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def flow_jac(self,z): r""" Calculate the Jacobian of the equations of motion given by .. math:: \Omega \cdot \Delta H(z) + \nabla f_{dis}(z) Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- ndarray : Jacobian matrix """ return self._funcs['H_flow_jac'](z,*self.extra_args) + self._funcs['dissipative_flow_jac'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def omega_syn(self,z): r""" Calculate the synodic frequency, .. math:: \omega_{syn} = n_2 - n_1 as a function of dynamical variables :math:`z` Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- float : Synodic frequency """ actions = self.dyvars_to_Poincare_actions(z) L1,L2 = actions['L1'],actions['L2'] n1 = np.sqrt(1 + self.m1) * self.beta1**3 / L1**3 n2 = np.sqrt(1 + self.m2) * self.beta2**3 / L2**3 return n2 - n1
[docs] def grad_omega_syn(self,z): r""" Calculate the gradient of the synodic frequency, .. math:: \nabla_{\pmb{z}} \omega_{syn} as a function of dynamical variables :math:`\pmb{z}` Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- float Synodic frequency """ s = (self.j - self.k) / self.k y1,y2,x1,x2,amd = z actions = self.dyvars_to_Poincare_actions(z) L1,L2 = actions['L1'],actions['L2'] n1 = np.sqrt(1 + self.m1) * self.beta1**3 / L1**3 n2 = np.sqrt(1 + self.m2) * self.beta2**3 / L2**3 dn1_dL1 = -3 * n1 / L1 dn2_dL2 = -3 * n2 / L2 dL1dx1 = -1 * s * x1 dL1dy1 = -1 * s * y1 dL1dx2 = -1 * s * x2 dL1dy2 = -1 * s * y2 dL2dx1 = (1+s) * x1 dL2dy1 = (1+s) * y1 dL2dx2 = (1+s) * x2 dL2dy2 = (1+s) * y2 return np.array(( dn2_dL2 * dL2dy1 - dn1_dL1 * dL1dy1, dn2_dL2 * dL2dy2 - dn1_dL1 * dL1dy2, dn2_dL2 * dL2dx1 - dn1_dL1 * dL1dx1, dn2_dL2 * dL2dx2 - dn1_dL1 * dL1dx2 ))
[docs] def dyvars_to_orbital_elements(self,z): r""" Convert dynamical variables .. math:: z = (y_1,y_2,x_1,x_2,{\cal D}) to orbital elements .. math:: (a_1,e_1,\theta_1,a_2,e_2,\theta_2) """ return self._funcs['orbital_elements'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def orbital_elements_to_dyvars(self,orbels): r""" Convert orbital elements .. math:: (a_1,e_1,\theta_1,a_2,e_2,\theta_2) to dynamical variables .. math:: z = (y_1,y_2,x_1,x_2,{\cal D}) """ # Total angular momentum constrained by # Ltot = beta1 * sqrt(alpha_res) + beta2 - amd Mstar = 1 m1 = self.m1 m2 = self.m2 k = self.k j = self.j alpha_res = self.alpha s = (j - k) / k keys=['a1','e1','theta1','a2','e2','theta2'] a1,e1,theta1,a2,e2,theta2 = [orbels[key] for key in keys] L1 = self.beta1 * np.sqrt(a1) L2 = self.beta2 * np.sqrt(a2) Gamma1 = L1 * (1 - np.sqrt(1-e1**2)) Gamma2 = L2 * (1 - np.sqrt(1-e2**2)) I1 = Gamma1 I2 = Gamma2 Ltot = L1 + L2 - I1 - I2 Psi = -k * ( s * L2 + (1+s) * L1) rt_a20 = Ltot / (self.beta2 + self.beta1 * np.sqrt(alpha_res)) I1 /= rt_a20 I2 /= rt_a20 Psi /= rt_a20 Ltot /= rt_a20 L1byL2res = self.beta1 * np.sqrt(alpha_res) / self.beta2 denom = L1byL2res + s * (1 + L1byL2res) amd = (-Psi/k) * (1+L1byL2res) / denom - Ltot sigma1 = theta1 / k sigma2 = theta2 / k x1 = np.sqrt(2 * I1) * np.cos(sigma1) y1 = np.sqrt(2 * I1) * np.sin(sigma1) x2 = np.sqrt(2 * I2) * np.cos(sigma2) y2 = np.sqrt(2 * I2) * np.sin(sigma2) #dscale = 1 / action_scale**2 #tscale = dscale**(1.5) #scales = {'action':action_scale,'distance':dscale, 'time':tscale} return np.array((y1,y2,x1,x2,amd))
[docs] def find_equilibrium(self,guess,dissipation=False,tolerance=1e-9,max_iter=10): """ Use Newton's method to locate an equilibrium solution of the equations of motion. By default, an equilibrium of the dissipation-free equations is sought. In this case, the AMD value of the equilibrium solution will be equal to the value of the initially supplied guess of dynamical variables. If dissipative terms are included then the equilibrium will depend on the parameters K1 and K2 as well as tau_alpha. Arguments --------- guess : ndarray Initial guess for the dynamical variables at the equilibrium. dissipation : bool, optional Whether dissipative terms are considered in the equations of motion. Default is False. tolerance : float, optional Tolerance for root-finding such that solution satisfies :math:`|f(z)|` < tolerance Default value is 1E-9. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of Newton's method iterations. Default is 10. If maximum is reached, result will be returned with a warning. include_dissipation : bool, optional Include dissipative terms in the equations of motion. Default is False Returns ------- zeq : ndarray Equilibrium value of dynamical variables. """ if dissipation: return self._find_dissipative_equilibrium(guess,tolerance,max_iter) else: return self._find_conservative_equilibrium(guess,tolerance,max_iter)
def _find_dissipative_equilibrium(self,guess,tolerance=1e-9,max_iter=10): y = guess fun = self.flow jac = self.flow_jac f = fun(y) J = jac(y) it=0 # Newton method iteration while np.linalg.norm(f)>tolerance and it < max_iter: dy = lsq_linear(J,-f).x y = y + dy f = fun(y) J = jac(y) it+=1 if it==max_iter: warn("Newton's method failed to converge before the maximum of {} iterations were completed. Try re-running with a higher value of 'max_iter' or choose a better initial guess for the equilibrium configuration.".format(max_iter)) return y def _find_conservative_equilibrium(self,guess,tolerance=1e-9,max_iter=10): y = guess fun = self.H_flow jac = self.H_flow_jac f = fun(y)[:-1] J = jac(y)[:-1,:-1] it=0 # Newton method iteration while np.linalg.norm(f)>tolerance and it < max_iter: dy = lsq_linear(J,-f).x y[:-1] = y[:-1] + dy f = fun(y)[:-1] J = jac(y)[:-1,:-1] it+=1 if it==max_iter: raise RuntimeError("Max iterations reached!") return y
[docs] def dyvars_to_rebound_simulation(self,z,Q=0,pomega1=0,osculating_correction = True,include_dissipation = False,**kwargs): r""" Convert dynamical variables .. math:: z = (y_1,y_2,x_1,x_2,{\cal D} to a Rebound simulation. Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables pomega1 : float, optional Planet 1's longitude of periapse. Default is 0 Q : float, optional Angle variable Q = (lambda2-lambda1) / k. Default is Q=0. Resonant periodic orbits are 2pi-periodic in Q. osculating_correction : bool, optional If True, apply correction from the 'averaged' variables employed by the resonance model to osculating variables used in the un-averaged three-body problem. Correction is done to first order in planet masses and assumes that the system is near an equilibrium configuration of the resonance model. Default is True. include_dissipation : bool, optional Include dissipative effects through reboundx's external forces. Default is False Keyword Arguments ----------------- inc : float, default = 0.0 Inclination of planets' orbits. Returns ------- tuple : Returns a tuple. The first item of the tuple is a rebound simulation. The second item is a reboundx.Extras object if 'include_dissipation' is True, otherwise the second item is None. """ mean_orbels = self.dyvars_to_orbital_elements(z) if osculating_correction: zosc = self.mean_to_osculating_dyvars(Q,z) orbels = self.dyvars_to_orbital_elements(zosc) else: orbels = mean_orbels j,k = self.j, self.k keys=['a1','e1','theta1','a2','e2','theta2'] a1,e1,theta1,a2,e2,theta2 = [orbels[key] for key in keys] syn_angle = self.k * Q pomega2 = np.mod( pomega1 - (theta2 - theta1) / k, 2*np.pi) M1 = np.mod( (theta1 - j*syn_angle) / k ,2*np.pi ) l1 = np.mod(M1 + pomega1,2*np.pi) l2 = np.mod( syn_angle + l1,2*np.pi) inc = kwargs.pop('inc',0.0) sim = rb.Simulation() sim.add(m=1) for i in range(1,3): els={'a':orbels['a{}'.format(i)],'e':orbels['e{}'.format(i)],'inc':inc} els['l']=[l1,l2][i-1] els['omega']=[pomega1,pomega2][i-1] els['Omega']=0. m = [self.m1,self.m2][i-1] add_canonical_heliocentric_elements_particle(m,els,sim) sim.move_to_com() if include_dissipation: ps = sim.particles rebx = reboundx.Extras(sim) mod = rebx.load_operator("modify_orbits_direct") rebx.add_operator(mod) mod.params["p"] = self.p timescales = self.timescales ps[1].params["tau_a"]=-1*timescales['tau_m1'] ps[2].params["tau_a"]=-1*timescales['tau_m2'] ps[1].params["tau_e"]=-1*timescales['tau_e1'] ps[2].params["tau_e"]=-1*timescales['tau_e2'] return sim,rebx else: return sim
[docs] def dyvars_from_rebound_simulation(self,sim,iIn=1,iOut=2, osculating_correction = False): r""" Convert dynamical variables .. math: z = (\sigma_1,\sigma_2,I_1,I_2,{\cal C} to a Rebound simulation. Arguments --------- sim : rebound.Simulation Simulation object to iIn : int, optional Integer index of inner planet to use for computing dynamical variables. Default is 1 iOut : int, optional Integer index of outer planet to use for computing dynamical variables. Default is 2 osculating_correction : boole, optional If True, correct the orbital elements of the rebound simulation by transforming to the mean variables of the resonance model. Returns --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables """ els=dict() orbits = get_canonical_heliocentric_orbits(sim) o1 = orbits[iIn-1] o2 = orbits[iOut-1] for i,o in enumerate([o1,o2]): els['a{}'.format(i+1)] = o.a els['e{}'.format(i+1)] = o.e els['pomega{}'.format(i+1)] = o.pomega els['l{}'.format(i+1)] = o.l theta = self.j * els['l2'] - (self.j-self.k) * els['l1'] for i in range(1,3): els['theta{}'.format(i)] = np.mod(theta-self.k * els['pomega{}'.format(i)],2*np.pi) if osculating_correction: warnings.warn("Osculating corrections are currently not implemented.") return self.orbital_elements_to_dyvars(els)
[docs] def dyvars_to_Poincare_actions(self,dyvars): """ Convert a set of dynamical variables to Poincare actions Arguments --------- dyvars : ndarray Dynamical variables to convert Returns ------- actions : dict Poincare actions stored as dictionary entries. """ return self._funcs['actions'](dyvars,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def mean_to_osculating_dyvars(self,Q,z,N = 256): r""" Apply perturbation theory to transfrom from the phase space coordiantes of the averaged model to osculating phase space coordintates of the full phase space. Assumes that the transformation is being applied at the fixed point of the averaged model. Details are described in the appendix of `Hadden & Payne (2020) <>`_ Arguemnts --------- Q : float or ndarry Value(s) of angle :math:`Q=(lambda2-lambda1)/k` at which to apply transformation. Equilibrium points of the averaged model correspond to orbits that are periodic in Q in the full phase space. z : ndarray Dynamical variables of the averaged model, math::`z = (y_1,y_2,x_1,x_2,{\cal D})` N : int, optional Number of Q points to evaluate functions at when performing Fourier transformation. Default is N=256 Returns ------- zosc : ndarray, (5,) or (M,5) The osculating values of the dynamical varaibles for the input Q values. The dimension of the returned variables is set by the dimension of the input 'Q'. If Q is a float, then z is an array of length 5. If Q is an array of length M then zosc is an (M,5) array. """ omega_syn = self.omega_syn(z) OmegaMtrx = getOmegaMatrix(2) Omega_del2H = self.H_flow_jac(z)[:-1,:-1] vals,S = np.linalg.eig(Omega_del2H) S = np.transpose([S.T[i] for i in (0,2,1,3)]) s1 = (S.T @ OmegaMtrx @ S)[0,2] s2 = (S.T @ OmegaMtrx @ S)[1,3] S.T[0]*=1/np.sqrt(s1) S.T[2]*=1/np.sqrt(s1) S.T[1]*=1/np.sqrt(s2) S.T[3]*=1/np.sqrt(s2) Sinv = np.linalg.inv(S) Qarr = np.atleast_1d(Q) dchi = np.zeros((4,len(Qarr)),dtype=np.complex128) # Fill arrays for FFT Qs = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,N) X = np.zeros((N,4),dtype=np.complex128) gradHkep = -1 * OmegaMtrx @ self.H_kep_flow(z)[:-1] domega_syn_dz = self.grad_omega_syn(z) domega_syn_dw = S.T @ domega_syn_dz for i,q in enumerate(Qs): gradHosc = self.grad_H_pert_full(q,z)[:-1] + gradHkep X[i] = S.T @ (gradHosc) X[i] -= self.H_pert_osc(q,z) * domega_syn_dw/omega_syn omegas = +1*np.imag(np.diag(Sinv @ Omega_del2H @ S))[:2] for I in range(2): A = np.fft.fft(X[:,I]) freqs = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(N)*N) amps = np.fft.fftshift(A)/N for l in range(1,N//2 - 1): sig = -1j * self.k * amps[N//2+l] * np.exp(1j * freqs[N//2+l] * Qarr) / (-l*omega_syn - self.k * omegas[I]) sig +=-1j * self.k * amps[N//2-l] * np.exp(1j * freqs[N//2-l] * Qarr) / (l*omega_syn - self.k * omegas[I]) dchi[I] += sig dchi[2] = -1j * np.conjugate(dchi[0]) dchi[3] = -1j * np.conjugate(dchi[1]) # Get AMD correction j,k = self.j,self.k L20 = self.beta2 L10 = self.beta1 * np.sqrt(self.alpha) f = L10/L20 s = (j-k)/k prefactor = (1+f) / (f*(1+s) + s) / k dAMD = prefactor * np.array([self.H_pert_osc(q,z) for q in Qarr]) / omega_syn dz = np.transpose(-1 * (S @ OmegaMtrx @ dchi).T) result = np.transpose(z + np.vstack((dz,dAMD)).T) result = np.real(result) # trim small imaginary parts cause by numerical errors if result.shape[1] == 1: return result.reshape(-1) return result
[docs] def integrate_initial_conditions(self,dyvars0,times,dissipation=False): r""" Integrate initial conditions and calculate dynamical variables and orbital elements at specified times. Integration is done with the scipy.integrate.odeint method. Arguments --------- dyvars0 : ndarray Initial conditions in the form of an array of dynamical variables. times : ndarray Times at which to calculate output. Returns ------- soln : dict Dictionary containing both the dynamical variables and the orbital elements of the integrated solution. The dictionary keys are - 'times': Times at which solutin is computed. - 'dynamical_variables': ndarray of dynamical at each of the times in 'times'. - 'orbital_elements': dict containing arrays of the various orbital elements. """ if dissipation: f = lambda y,t: self.flow(y) Df = lambda y,t: self.flow_jac(y) else: f = lambda y,t: self.H_flow(y) Df = lambda y,t: self.H_flow_jac(y) soln_dyvars = odeint( f, dyvars0, times, Dfun = Df ) el_dict0=self.dyvars_to_orbital_elements(dyvars0) els_dict = {key:np.zeros(len(soln_dyvars)) for key in el_dict0}; els_dict['times'] = times for i,sol in enumerate(soln_dyvars): els = self.dyvars_to_orbital_elements(sol) for key,val in els.items(): els_dict[key][i]=val return {'times':times,'dynamical_variables':soln_dyvars,'orbital_elements':els_dict}
####################### ####### Spatial ####### ####################### def _get_spatial_compiled_theano_functions(N_QUAD_PTS): # Planet masses: m1,m2 m1,m2 = T.dscalars(2) mstar = 1 mu1 = m1 * mstar / (mstar + m1) mu2 = m2 * mstar / (mstar + m2) Mstar1 = mstar + m1 Mstar2 = mstar + m2 beta1 = mu1 * T.sqrt(Mstar1/mstar) / (mu1 + mu2) beta2 = mu2 * T.sqrt(Mstar2/mstar) / (mu1 + mu2) j,k = T.lscalars('jk') s = (j-k) / k # Angle variable for averaging over psi = T.dvector() # Quadrature weights quad_weights = T.dvector('w') # Dynamical variables: Ndof = 3 Nconst = 1 dyvars = T.vector() y1, y2, y_inc, x1, x2, x_inc, amd = [dyvars[i] for i in range(2*Ndof + Nconst)] a20 = T.constant(1.) a10 = ((j-k)/j)**(2/3) * (Mstar1 / Mstar2)**(1/3) L10 = beta1 * T.sqrt(a10) L20 = beta2 * T.sqrt(a20) Ltot = L10 + L20 f = L10/L20 L2res = (Ltot + amd) / (1+f) Psi = -k * (s * L2res + (1+s) * f * L2res) ### # actions ### I1 = 0.5 * (x1*x1 + y1*y1) I2 = 0.5 * (x2*x2 + y2*y2) Phi = 0.5 * (x_inc*x_inc + y_inc*y_inc) L1 = -s*Ltot - Psi/k - s * (I1 + I2 + Phi) L2 = (1+s)*Ltot + Psi/k + (1+s) * (I1 + I2 + Phi) # Set lambda2=0 l2 = T.constant(0.) l1 = -1 * k * psi theta_res = (1+s) * l2 - s * l1 cos_theta_res = T.cos(theta_res) sin_theta_res = T.sin(theta_res) kappa1 = x1 * cos_theta_res + y1 * sin_theta_res eta1 = y1 * cos_theta_res - x1 * sin_theta_res kappa2 = x2 * cos_theta_res + y2 * sin_theta_res eta2 = y2 * cos_theta_res - x2 * sin_theta_res sigma = x_inc * cos_theta_res + y_inc * sin_theta_res rho = y_inc * cos_theta_res - x_inc * sin_theta_res # y = (sigma-i*rho)/sqrt(2) # = sqrt(Phi) * exp[i (Omega1+Omega2) / 2] # Malige+ 2002, Eqs 20 and 21 r2byr1 = (L2 - L1 - I2 + I1) / Ltot sigma1 = rho * T.sqrt( 1 + r2byr1) / T.sqrt(2) sigma2 = -rho * T.sqrt( 1 - r2byr1) / T.sqrt(2) rho1 = -sigma * T.sqrt( 1 + r2byr1) / T.sqrt(2) rho2 = sigma * T.sqrt( 1 - r2byr1) / T.sqrt(2) Xre1 = kappa1 / T.sqrt(L1) Xim1 = -eta1 / T.sqrt(L1) Yre1 = 0.5 * sigma1 / T.sqrt(L1) Yim1 = -0.5 * rho1 / T.sqrt(L1) Xre2 = kappa2 / T.sqrt(L2) Xim2 = -eta2 / T.sqrt(L2) Yre2 = 0.5 * sigma2 / T.sqrt(L2) Yim2 = -0.5 * rho2 / T.sqrt(L2) absX1_sq = 2 * I1 / L1 absX2_sq = 2 * I2 / L2 X_to_z1 = T.sqrt(1 - absX1_sq / 4 ) X_to_z2 = T.sqrt(1 - absX2_sq / 4 ) Y_to_zeta1 = 1 / T.sqrt(1 - absX1_sq/2) Y_to_zeta2 = 1 / T.sqrt(1 - absX2_sq/2) a1 = (L1 / beta1 )**2 k1 = Xre1 * X_to_z1 h1 = Xim1 * X_to_z1 q1 = Yre1 * Y_to_zeta1 p1 = Yim1 * Y_to_zeta1 e1 = T.sqrt( absX1_sq ) * X_to_z1 inc1 = 2*T.arcsin(T.sqrt(p1*p1+q1*q1)) a2 = (L2 / beta2 )**2 k2 = Xre2 * X_to_z2 h2 = Xim2 * X_to_z2 q2 = Yre2 * Y_to_zeta2 p2 = Yim2 * Y_to_zeta2 e2 = T.sqrt( absX2_sq ) * X_to_z2 inc2 = 2*T.arcsin(T.sqrt(p2*p2+q2*q2)) beta1p = T.sqrt(Mstar1) * beta1 beta2p = T.sqrt(Mstar2) * beta2 Hkep = -0.5 * beta1p / a1 - 0.5 * beta2p / a2 Hdir,Hind = calc_Hint_components_spatial( a1,a2,l1,l2,h1,k1,h2,k2,p1,q1,p2,q2,Mstar1,Mstar2 ) eps = m1*m2/ (mu1 + mu2) / T.sqrt(mstar) Hpert = eps * (Hdir + Hind/mstar) Hpert_av = Htot = Hkep + Hpert_av ##################################################### # Set parameters for compiling functions with Theano ##################################################### # Get numerical quadrature nodes and weights nodes,weights = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(N_QUAD_PTS) # Rescale for integration interval from [-1,1] to [-pi,pi] nodes = nodes * np.pi weights = weights * 0.5 # 'givens' will fix some parameters of Theano functions compiled below givens = [(psi,nodes),(quad_weights,weights)] # 'ins' will set the inputs of Theano functions compiled below # Note: 'extra_ins' will be passed as values of object attributes # of the 'ResonanceEquations' class 'defined below extra_ins = [m1,m2,j,k] ins = [dyvars] + extra_ins Stilde = Phi * (L2-I2 - L1 + I1) / (Ltot) Q1 = 0.5 * (Phi+Stilde) Q2 = 0.5 * (Phi-Stilde) inc1 = T.arccos(1-Q1/(L1-I1)) inc2 = T.arccos(1-Q2/(L2-I2)) orbels = [a1,e1,inc1,k*T.arctan2(y1,x1),a2,e2,inc2,k*T.arctan2(y2,x2),T.arctan2(y_inc,x_inc)] orbels_dict = dict(zip( ['a1','e1','inc1','theta1','a2','e2','inc2','theta2','phi'], orbels ) ) actions = [L1,L2,I1,I2,Q1,Q2] actions_dict = dict( zip( ['L1','L2','Gamma1','Gamma2','Q1','Q2'], actions ) ) # Conservative flow gradHtot = T.grad(Htot,wrt=dyvars) gradHpert = T.grad(Hpert_av,wrt=dyvars) gradHkep = T.grad(Hkep,wrt=dyvars) hessHtot = theano.gradient.hessian(Htot,wrt=dyvars) hessHpert = theano.gradient.hessian(Hpert_av,wrt=dyvars) hessHkep = theano.gradient.hessian(Hkep,wrt=dyvars) Jtens = T.as_tensor(np.pad(getOmegaMatrix(Ndof),(0,Nconst),'constant')) H_flow_vec = Hpert_flow_vec = Hkep_flow_vec = H_flow_jac = Hpert_flow_jac = Hkep_flow_jac = ########################## # Compile Theano functions ########################## func_dict={ # Hamiltonians 'H':Htot, #'Hpert':Hpert_av, #'Hkep':Hkep, ## Hamiltonian flows 'H_flow':H_flow_vec, #'Hpert_flow':Hpert_flow_vec, #'Hkep_flow':Hkep_flow_vec, ## Hamiltonian flow Jacobians 'H_flow_jac':H_flow_jac, #'Hpert_flow_jac':Hpert_flow_jac, #'Hkep_flow_jac':Hkep_flow_jac, ## Extras 'orbital_elements':orbels_dict, 'actions':actions_dict } compiled_func_dict=dict() with tqdm(func_dict.items()) as t: for key,val in t: t.set_description("Compiling '{}'".format(key)) if key == 'timescales': inputs = extra_ins else: inputs = ins cf = theano.function( inputs=inputs, outputs=val, givens=givens, on_unused_input='ignore' ) compiled_func_dict[key]=cf return compiled_func_dict
[docs]class SpatialResonanceEquations(): """ A class for equations describing the dynamics of a pair of planets in/near a mean motion resonance. Attributes ---------- j : int Together with k specifies j:j-k resonance k : int Order of resonance. alpha : float Semi-major axis ratio a_1/a_2 eps : float Mass parameter m1*m2 / (mu1+mu2) m1 : float Inner planet mass m2 : float Outer planet mass """ def __init__(self,j,k, n_quad_pts = 40, m1 = 1e-5 , m2 = 1e-5): self.j = j self.k = k self.m1 = m1 self.m2 = m2 self.mstar = 1 self.n_quad_pts = n_quad_pts self._funcs = _get_spatial_compiled_theano_functions(n_quad_pts) @property def extra_args(self): return [self.m1,self.m2,self.j,self.k] @property def mu1(self): return self.m1 / (1 + self.m1) @property def mu2(self): return self.m2 / (1 + self.m2) @property def beta1(self): return self.mu1 * np.sqrt(1+self.m1) / (self.mu1 + self.mu2) @property def beta2(self): return self.mu2 * np.sqrt(1+self.m2) / (self.mu1 + self.mu2) @property def eps(self): return self.m1 * self.m2 / (self.mu1 + self.mu2) @property def alpha(self): alpha0 = ((self.j-self.k)/self.j)**(2/3) return alpha0 * ((1 + self.m1) / (1+self.m2))**(1/3)
[docs] def H(self,z): """ Calculate the value of the Hamiltonian. Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- float : The value of the Hamiltonian evaluated at z. """ return self._funcs['H'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def H_kep(self,z): """ Calculate the value of the Keplerian component of the Hamiltonian. Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- float : The value of the Keplerian part of the Hamiltonian evaluated at z. """ return self._funcs['Hkep'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def H_pert(self,z): r""" Calculate the value of the perturbation component of the Hamiltonian. Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- float : The value of the perturbation part of the Hamiltonian evaluated at z. """ return self._funcs['Hpert'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def H_flow(self,z): r""" Calculate flow induced by the Hamiltonian .. math:: \dot{z} = \Omega \cdot \nabla_{z}H(z) Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- ndarray : Flow vector """ return self._funcs['H_flow'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def H_flow_jac(self,z): r""" Calculate the Jacobian of the flow induced by the Hamiltonian .. math:: \Omega \cdot \Delta H(z) Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- ndarray : Jacobian matrix """ return self._funcs['H_flow_jac'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def dyvars_to_orbital_elements(self,z): r""" Convert dynamical variables .. math: z = (y_1,y_2,y_inc,x_1,x_2,y_inc,{\cal D}) to orbital elements .. math: (a_1,e_1,inc_1,\theta_1,a_2,e_2,inc_2,\theta_2) """ return self._funcs['orbital_elements'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def dyvars_to_Poincare_actions(self,z): r""" Convert dynamical variables .. math: z = (y1,y2,yinc,x1,x2,xinc,amd) to canonical Poincare action variables .. math: (L1,L2,Gamma1,Gamma2,Q1,Q2) Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Returns ------- dict : Dictionary of canonical actions with strings as keys. """ return self._funcs['actions'](z,*self.extra_args)
[docs] def dyvars_from_rebound_simulation(self,sim,iIn=1,iOut=2,osculating_correction=False,full_output=False): r""" Convert rebound simulation to dynamical variables. Arguments --------- sim : rebound.Simulation Simulation object iIn : int, optional Index of inner planet in simulation particles list. Default is 1. iOut : int, optional Index of outer planet in simulation particles list. Default is 2. osculating_correction : boole, optional If True, correct the orbital elements of the rebound simulation by transforming to the mean variables of the resonance model. Default is False. full_output : boole, optional Return a dictionary containing the re-scaling factors from time and distance units of the input simulation to the time and distance units used by SpatialResonanceEquations. Returns ------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables for resonance equations of motion. scales : dict, optional Returned if 'full_output' is True. 'scales' contains conversion factors from simulation to resonance equation units such that: distance_sim = scales['distance'] * distance_eqs time_sim = scales['time'] * time_eqs """ if osculating_correction: warnings.warn("Osculating corrections are currently not implemented.") align_simulation(sim) star = sim.particles[0] p1 = sim.particles[iIn] p2 = sim.particles[iOut] self.m1 = p1.m/star.m self.m2 = p2.m/star.m orbits = get_canonical_heliocentric_orbits(sim) o1 = orbits[iIn-1] o2 = orbits[iOut-1] L1 = self.beta1 * np.sqrt(o1.a) L2 = self.beta2 * np.sqrt(o2.a) Gamma1 = L1 * (1 - np.sqrt(1-o1.e**2)) Gamma2 = L2 * (1 - np.sqrt(1-o2.e**2)) Q1 = (L1 - Gamma1) * (1 - np.cos( Q2 = (L2 - Gamma2) * (1 - np.cos( k = self.k j = self.j Mstar = self.mstar m1 = self.m1 m2 = self.m2 alpha_res = self.alpha s = (j - k) / k Ltot = L1 + L2 - Gamma1 - Gamma2 - Q1 - Q2 factor = self.beta2 + self.beta1 * np.sqrt(alpha_res) action_scale = (factor/Ltot) L1 *= action_scale L2 *= action_scale Gamma1 *= action_scale Gamma2 *= action_scale Q1 *= action_scale Q2 *= action_scale Ltot *= action_scale dscale = 1 / action_scale**2 tscale = dscale**(1.5) scales = {'action':action_scale,'distance':dscale, 'time':tscale} I1 = Gamma1 I2 = Gamma2 Phi = Q1 + Q2 Psi = -k * ( s * L2 + (1+s) * L1) s1 = (1 + s) * o2.l - s * o1.l - o1.pomega s2 = (1 + s) * o2.l - s * o1.l - o2.pomega phi = (1 + s) * o2.l - s * o1.l - 0.5 * (o1.Omega + o2.Omega) y1 = np.sqrt(2*I1)*np.sin(s1) x1 = np.sqrt(2*I1)*np.cos(s1) y2 = np.sqrt(2*I2)*np.sin(s2) x2 = np.sqrt(2*I2)*np.cos(s2) y_inc = np.sqrt(2*Phi)*np.sin(phi) x_inc = np.sqrt(2*Phi)*np.cos(phi) L1byL2res = self.beta1 * np.sqrt(alpha_res) / self.beta2 denom = L1byL2res + s * (1 + L1byL2res) amd = (-Psi/k) * (1+L1byL2res) / denom - Ltot if full_output: return np.array([y1,y2,y_inc,x1,x2,x_inc,amd]),scales else: return np.array([y1,y2,y_inc,x1,x2,x_inc,amd])
[docs] def mean_to_osculating_dyvars(self,psi,z,N = 256): r""" Apply perturbation theory to transfrom from the phase space coordiantes of the averaged model to osculating phase space coordintates of the full phase space. Assumes that the transformation is being applied at the fixed point of the averaged model. Arguemnts --------- Q : float or ndarry Value(s) of angle (lambda2-lambda1)/k at which to apply transformation. Equilibrium points of the averaged model correspond to orbits that are periodic in Q in the full phase space. z : ndarray Dynamical variables of the averaged model, :math:`z = (y_1,y_2,y_I,x_1,x_2,x_I,\mathcal{D})` N : int, optional Number of Q points to evaluate functions at when performing Fourier transformation. Default is N=256 Returns ------- zosc : ndarray, (7,) or (M,7) The osculating values of the dynamical varaibles for the input Q values. The dimension of the returned variables is set by the dimension of the input 'Q'. If Q is a float, then z is an array of length 5. If Q is an array of length M then zosc is an (M,5) array. """ warnings.warn("Correction from mean to osculating variables is not currently implemented!") return z
[docs] def dyvars_to_rebound_simulation(self,z,psi=0,Omega=0,osculating_correction = True,include_dissipation = False,**kwargs): r""" Convert dynamical variables to a Rebound simulation. Arguments --------- z : ndarray Dynamical variables Omega : float, optional Value of cyclic coordinate Omega psi : float, optional Angle variable psi = (lambda1-lambda2) / k. Default is psi=0. Resonant periodic orbits are 2pi-periodic in Q. include_dissipation : bool, optional Include dissipative effects through reboundx's external forces. Default is False Keyword Arguments ----------------- Mstar : float Default=1.0 Stellar mass. inc : float, default = 0.0 Inclination of planets' orbits. period1 : float Default = 1.0 Orbital period of inner planet units : tuple Default = ('AU','Msun','days') Units of rebound simulation. Returns ------- tuple : Returns a tuple. The first item of the tuple is a rebound simulation. The second item is a reboundx.Extras object if 'include_dissipation' is True, otherwise the second item is None. """ mean_orbels = self.dyvars_to_orbital_elements(z) if osculating_correction: zosc = self.mean_to_osculating_dyvars(psi,z) orbels = self.dyvars_to_orbital_elements(zosc) else: orbels = mean_orbels j,k = self.j, self.k s = (j-k) / k sim = rb.Simulation() Mstar = self.mstar mpl1 = self.m1 mpl2 = self.m2 orbels['l1'] = orbels['phi'] + k * (1 + s) * psi + Omega orbels['l2'] = orbels['phi'] + k * s * psi + Omega orbels['pomega1'] = orbels['phi'] + Omega - orbels['theta1']/k orbels['pomega2'] = orbels['phi'] + Omega - orbels['theta2']/k orbels['Omega1'] = np.pi/2 - Omega orbels['Omega2'] = -np.pi/2 - Omega for i in range(1,3): orbels['omega{}'.format(i)] = orbels['pomega{}'.format(i)] - orbels['Omega{}'.format(i)] sim.add(m=Mstar) for i,mpl in enumerate([mpl1,mpl2]): elements = {key:orbels[key + str(i+1)] for key in ['a','e','inc','l','omega','Omega']} add_canonical_heliocentric_elements_particle(mpl,elements,sim) sim.move_to_com() rebx = None if include_dissipation: pass return sim
[docs] def integrate_initial_conditions(self,dyvars0,times): """ Integrate initial conditions and calculate dynamical variables and orbital elements at specified times. Integration is done with the scipy.integrate.odeint method. Arguments --------- dyvars0 : ndarray Initial conditions in the form of an array of dynamical variables. times : ndarray Times at which to calculate output. """ f = lambda y,t: self.H_flow(y) Df = lambda y,t: self.H_flow_jac(y) soln_dyvars = odeint( f, dyvars0, times, Dfun = Df ) el_dict0=self.dyvars_to_orbital_elements(dyvars0) els_dict = {key:np.zeros(len(soln_dyvars)) for key in el_dict0}; els_dict['times'] = times for i,sol in enumerate(soln_dyvars): els = self.dyvars_to_orbital_elements(sol) for key,val in els.items(): els_dict[key][i]=val return {'times':times,'dynamical_variables':soln_dyvars,'orbital_elements':els_dict}