Source code for celmech.secular

import numpy as np
import warnings
from . import Poincare
from sympy import symbols, S, binomial, summation, sqrt, cos, sin, atan2, expand_trig,diff,Matrix,Poly
from .disturbing_function import df_coefficient_C,evaluate_df_coefficient_dict,get_df_coefficient_symbol
from scipy.linalg import expm
from .rk_integrator import RKIntegrator, _rk_methods 
from scipy.linalg import expm
from celmech.miscellaneous import getOmegaMatrix, _machine_eps
from collections import defaultdict

from celmech.disturbing_function import list_secular_terms
from celmech.disturbing_function import df_coefficient_C, _add_dicts,_consolidate_dictionary_terms
from celmech.disturbing_function import terms_list_to_HamiltonianCoefficients_dict
from celmech.disturbing_function import resonant_secular_contribution_dictionary
from celmech.poisson_series import DFTermSeries

[docs]class LaplaceLagrangeSystem(Poincare): r""" A class for representing the classical Laplace-Lagrange secular solution for a planetary system. Attributes ---------- eccentricity_matrix : sympy.Matrix The matrix :math:`\pmb{S}_e` appearing in the secular equations of motion for the eccentricity variables, .. math:: \frac{d}{dt}(\eta_i + i\kappa_i) = [\pmb{S}_e]_{ij} (\eta_j + i\kappa_j)~. or, equivalently, .. math:: \frac{d}{dt}\pmb{x} = -i \pmb{S}_e \cdot \pmb{x} The matrix is given in symbolic form. inclination_matrix : sympy.Matrix The matrix :math:`\pmb{S}_I` appearing in the secular equations of motion for the eccentricity variables, .. math:: \frac{d}{dt}(\rho_i + i \sigma_i ) =[\pmb{S}_I]_{ij} (\rho_j + i \sigma_j)~. or, equivalently, .. math:: \frac{d}{dt}\pmb{y} = -i \pmb{S}_I \cdot \pmb{y} The matrix is given in symbolic form. Neccentricity_matrix : ndarray Numerical value of the eccentricity matrix :math:`\pmb{S}_e` Ninclination_matrix : ndarray Numerical value of the inclination matrix :math:`\pmb{S}_I` Tsec : float The secular timescale of the system, defined as the shortest secular period among the system's inclination and eccentricity modes. eccentricity_eigenvalues : ndarray Array of the eccentricity mode eigenvalues (i.e., secular frequencies) inclination_eigenvalues : ndarray Array of the inclination mode eigenvalues (i.e., secular frequencies) """ def __init__(self,G,poincareparticles=[]): super(LaplaceLagrangeSystem,self).__init__(G,poincareparticles) self.params = {S('G'):self.G} for i,particle in enumerate(self.particles): if i==0: continue # skip the star m,mu,M,Lambda = symbols('m{0},mu{0},M{0},Lambda{0}'.format(i)) self.params.update({m:particle.m,,M:particle.M,Lambda:particle.Lambda}) self.ecc_entries = {(j,i):S(0) for i in xrange(1,self.N) for j in xrange(1,i+1)} self.inc_entries = {(j,i):S(0) for i in xrange(1,self.N) for j in xrange(1,i+1)} self.tol = np.min([p.m for p in self.particles[1:]]) * np.finfo(np.float64).eps ps = self.particles[1:] self.eta0_vec = np.array([p.eta for p in ps]) self.kappa0_vec = np.array([p.kappa for p in ps]) self.rho0_vec = np.array([p.rho for p in ps]) self.sigma0_vec = np.array([p.sigma for p in ps]) self._update()
[docs] @classmethod def from_Poincare(cls,pvars): """ Initialize a Laplace-Lagrange system directly from a :class:`celmech.poincare.Poincare` object. Arguments --------- pvars : :class:`celmech.poincare.Poincare` Instance of Poincare variables from which to initialize Laplace-Lagrange system Returns ------- system : :class:`celmech.secular.LaplaceLagrangeSystem` """ return cls(pvars.G,pvars.particles[1:])
[docs] @classmethod def from_Simulation(cls,sim): """ Initialize a Laplace-Lagrange system directly from a :class:`rebound.Simulation` object. Arguments --------- pvars : :class:`rebound.Simulation` rebound simulation from which to initialize Laplace-Lagrange system Returns ------- sim : :class:`celmech.secular.LaplaceLagrangeSystem` """ pvars = Poincare.from_Simulation(sim) return cls.from_Poincare(pvars)
@property def eccentricity_matrix(self): return Matrix([ [self.ecc_entries[max(i,j),min(i,j)] for i in xrange(1,self.N)] for j in xrange(1,self.N) ]) @property def inclination_matrix(self): return Matrix([ [self.inc_entries[max(i,j),min(i,j)] for i in xrange(1,self.N)] for j in xrange(1,self.N) ]) @property def Neccentricity_matrix(self): return np.array(self.eccentricity_matrix.xreplace(self.params)).astype(np.float64) @property def Ninclination_matrix(self): return np.array(self.inclination_matrix.xreplace(self.params)).astype(np.float64) @property def Tsec(self): Omega_e = np.max( np.abs(self.eccentricity_eigenvalues()) ) Omega_i = np.max( np.abs(self.inclination_eigenvalues()) ) return 2 * np.pi / max(Omega_e,Omega_i) def _chop(self,arr): arr[np.abs(arr)<self.tol] = 0 return arr
[docs] def eccentricity_eigenvalues(self): return np.linalg.eigvalsh(self.Neccentricity_matrix)
[docs] def inclination_eigenvalues(self): answer = np.linalg.eigvalsh(self.Ninclination_matrix) return self._chop(answer)
[docs] def secular_solution(self,times,epoch=0): """ Get the solution of the Laplace-Lagrange secular equations of motion at the user-specified times. Arguments --------- times : ndarray Array of times at which to evaluate the solution to the equations of motion. epoch : float, optional Current time of system state. Default is t=0. Returns ------- soln : dict The solution dictionary contains various dynamical quantites computed at the input times. """ e_soln = self.secular_eccentricity_solution(times,epoch) solution = {key:val.T for key,val in e_soln.items()} T,D = self.diagonalize_inclination() R0 = T.T @ self.rho0_vec S0 = T.T @ self.sigma0_vec t1 = times - epoch freqs = np.diag(D) cos_vals = np.array([np.cos(freq * t1) for freq in freqs]).T sin_vals = np.array([np.sin(freq * t1) for freq in freqs]).T S = S0 * cos_vals - R0 * sin_vals R = S0 * sin_vals + R0 * cos_vals rho = np.transpose(T @ R.T) sigma = np.transpose(T @ S.T) Yre = 0.5 * sigma / np.sqrt([p.Lambda for p in self.particles[1:]]) Yim = -0.5 * rho / np.sqrt([p.Lambda for p in self.particles[1:]]) kappa,eta = solution['kappa'],solution['eta'] Xre = kappa / np.sqrt([p.Lambda for p in self.particles[1:]]) Xim = -eta / np.sqrt([p.Lambda for p in self.particles[1:]]) Ytozeta = 1 / np.sqrt(1 - 0.5 * (Xre**2 + Xim**2)) zeta_re = Yre * Ytozeta zeta_im = Yim * Ytozeta zeta = zeta_re + 1j * zeta_im solution.update({ "rho":rho, "sigma":sigma, "R":R, "S":S, "p":zeta_im, "q":zeta_re, "zeta":zeta, "inc":2 * np.arcsin(np.abs(zeta)), "Omega":np.angle(zeta) }) return {key:val.T for key,val in solution.items()}
def secular_eccentricity_solution(self,times,epoch=0): T,D = self.diagonalize_eccentricity() H0 = T.T @ self.eta0_vec K0 = T.T @ self.kappa0_vec t1 = times - epoch freqs = np.diag(D) cos_vals = np.array([np.cos(freq * t1) for freq in freqs]).T sin_vals = np.array([np.sin( freq * t1) for freq in freqs]).T K = K0 * cos_vals - H0 * sin_vals H = K0 * sin_vals + H0 * cos_vals eta = np.transpose(T @ H.T) kappa = np.transpose(T @ K.T) Xre = kappa / np.sqrt([p.Lambda for p in self.particles[1:]]) Xim = -eta / np.sqrt([p.Lambda for p in self.particles[1:]]) Xtoz = np.sqrt(1 - 0.25 * (Xre**2 + Xim**2)) zre = Xre * Xtoz zim = Xim * Xtoz solution = { "time":times, "H":H, "K":K, "eta":eta, "kappa":kappa, "k":zre, "h":zim, "z":zre + 1j * zim, "e":np.sqrt(zre*zre + zim*zim), "pomega":np.arctan2(zim,zre) } return {key:val.T for key,val in solution.items()}
[docs] def diagonalize_eccentricity(self): r""" Solve for matrix S, that diagonalizes the matrix T in the equations of motion: .. math:: \frac{d}{dt}(\eta + i\kappa) = i A \cdot (\eta + i\kappa) The matrix S satisfies .. math:: T^{T} \cdot A \cdot T = D where D is a diagonal matrix. The equations of motion are decoupled harmonic oscillators in the variables (P,Q) defined by .. math:: H + i K = S^{T} \cdot (\eta + i \kappa) Returns ------- (T , D) : tuple of n x n numpy arrays """ vals,T = np.linalg.eigh(self.Neccentricity_matrix) return T, np.diag(vals)
[docs] def diagonalize_inclination(self): r""" Solve for matrix U, that diagonalizes the matrix B in the equations of motion: .. math:: \frac{d}{dt}(\rho + i\sigma) = i B \cdot (\rho + i\sigma) The matrix S satisfies .. math:: U^{T} \cdot B \cdot U = D where D is a diagonal matrix. The equations of motion are decoupled harmonic oscillators in the variables :math:`(R,S)` defined by .. math:: R + i S = U^{T} \cdot (\rho + i \sigma) Returns ------- (U , D) : tuple of n x n numpy arrays """ vals,U = np.linalg.eigh(self.Ninclination_matrix) return U, self._chop(np.diag(vals))
def _update(self): G = symbols('G') ecc_diag_coeff = df_coefficient_C(*[0 for _ in range(6)],0,0,1,0) inc_diag_coeff = df_coefficient_C(*[0 for _ in range(6)],1,0,0,0) js_dpomega = 0,0,1,-1,0,0 js_dOmega = 0,0,0,0,1,-1 ecc_off_coeff = df_coefficient_C(*js_dpomega,0,0,0,0) inc_off_coeff = df_coefficient_C(*js_dOmega,0,0,0,0) l1,l2=0,0 for i in xrange(1,self.N): for j in xrange(1,self.N): if j==i: continue indexIn = min(i,j) indexOut = max(i,j) particleIn = self.particles[indexIn] particleOut = self.particles[indexOut] alpha = particleIn.a / particleOut.a mIn,muIn,MIn,LambdaIn = symbols('m{0},mu{0},M{0},Lambda{0}'.format(indexIn)) mOut,muOut,MOut,LambdaOut = symbols('m{0},mu{0},M{0},Lambda{0}'.format(indexOut)) Cecc_diag = get_df_coefficient_symbol(*[0 for _ in range(6)],0,0,1,0,l1,l2,indexIn,indexOut) Cinc_diag = get_df_coefficient_symbol(*[0 for _ in range(6)],1,0,0,0,l1,l2,indexIn,indexOut) aOut_inv = G*MOut*muOut*muOut / LambdaOut / LambdaOut prefactor = -G * mIn * mOut * aOut_inv self.params[Cecc_diag] = evaluate_df_coefficient_dict(ecc_diag_coeff,alpha) self.params[Cinc_diag] = evaluate_df_coefficient_dict(inc_diag_coeff,alpha) if i > j: particleIn = self.particles[indexIn] Cecc = get_df_coefficient_symbol(*js_dpomega,0,0,0,0,l1,l2,indexIn,indexOut) Cinc = get_df_coefficient_symbol(*js_dOmega,0,0,0,0,l1,l2,indexIn,indexOut) alpha = particleIn.a/particleOut.a assert alpha<1, "Particles must be in order by increasing semi-major axis!" Necc_coeff = evaluate_df_coefficient_dict(ecc_off_coeff,alpha) Ninc_coeff = evaluate_df_coefficient_dict(inc_off_coeff,alpha) self.params[Cecc] = Necc_coeff self.params[Cinc] = Ninc_coeff ecc_entry = prefactor * Cecc / sqrt(LambdaIn) / sqrt(LambdaOut) inc_entry = prefactor * Cinc / sqrt(LambdaIn) / sqrt(LambdaOut) / 4 self.ecc_entries[(indexOut,indexIn)] = ecc_entry self.inc_entries[(indexOut,indexIn)] = inc_entry else: pass LmbdaI = S('Lambda{}'.format(i)) self.ecc_entries[(i,i)] += 2 * prefactor * Cecc_diag / LmbdaI self.inc_entries[(i,i)] += 2 * prefactor * Cinc_diag / LmbdaI / 4 def add_first_order_resonance_terms(self,resonances_dictionary): for indices,resonance_k in resonances_dictionary.items(): self.add_first_order_resonance_term(*indices,resonance_k)
[docs] def add_first_order_resonance_term(self,indexIn, indexOut,jres): """ Include a correction to the Laplace-Lagrange secular equations of motion that arise due to a nearby first-order mean motion resonance between two planets. Note-- corrections are not valid for planets in resonance! Arguments --------- indexIn : int Index of inner planet near resonance. indexOut : int Index of inner planet near resonance. jres : int Specify the jres:jres-1 mean motion resonance. """ assert indexIn < indexOut, "Input 'indexIn' must be less than 'indexOut'." particleIn = self.particles[indexIn] particleOut = self.particles[indexOut] alpha = particleIn.a / particleOut.a G = symbols('G') mIn,muIn,MIn,LambdaIn = symbols('m{0},mu{0},M{0},Lambda{0}'.format(indexIn)) mOut,muOut,MOut,LambdaOut = symbols('m{0},mu{0},M{0},Lambda{0}'.format(indexOut)) l1,l2 = 0,0 CIn = get_df_coefficient_symbol(*[jres,1-jres,-1,0,0,0],0,0,0,0,l1,l2,indexIn,indexOut) COut = get_df_coefficient_symbol(*[jres,1-jres,0,-1,0,0],0,0,0,0,l1,l2,indexIn,indexOut) self.params[CIn] = evaluate_df_coefficient_dict(df_coefficient_C(*[jres,1-jres,-1,0,0,0],0,0,0,0),alpha) self.params[COut] = evaluate_df_coefficient_dict(df_coefficient_C(*[jres,1-jres,0,-1,0,0],0,0,0,0),alpha) aOut_inv = G*MOut*muOut*muOut / LambdaOut / LambdaOut eps = -G * mIn * mOut * aOut_inv omegaIn = G * G * MIn * MIn * muIn**3 / (LambdaIn**3) omegaOut = G * G * MOut * MOut * muOut **3 / (LambdaOut**3) domegaIn = -3 * G * G * MIn * MIn * muIn**3 / (LambdaIn**4) domegaOut = -3 * G * G * MOut * MOut * muOut**3 / (LambdaOut**4) kIn = 1 - jres kOut = jres k_Domega_k = kIn**2 * domegaIn + kOut**2 * domegaOut prefactor = (k_Domega_k / (kIn * omegaIn + kOut * omegaOut)**2) xToXIn = sqrt(2/LambdaIn) xToXOut = sqrt(2/LambdaOut) InIn = eps**2 * prefactor * CIn * CIn * xToXIn * xToXIn / 4 InOut = eps**2 * prefactor * COut * CIn * xToXOut * xToXIn / 4 OutOut = eps**2 * prefactor * COut * COut * xToXOut * xToXOut / 4 self.ecc_entries[(indexIn,indexIn)] += InIn # Note-- only upper entries are stored so # changing (indexOut,indexIn) also implicitly # changes (indexIn,indexOut) self.ecc_entries[(indexOut,indexIn)] += InOut self.ecc_entries[(indexOut,indexOut)] += OutOut
def _get_pair_SecularHamiltonian_coefficients(Nmin,Nmax,G,mIn,mOut,MIn,MOut,Lambda0In,Lambda0Out,res_jk_list=[]): """ Calculate the coefficients appearing in secular Hamiltonian expansion. """ terms = list_secular_terms(Nmin,Nmax) extra_args = G,mIn,mOut,MIn,MOut,Lambda0In,Lambda0Out dsec = terms_list_to_HamiltonianCoefficients_dict(terms,G,mIn,mOut,MIn,MOut,Lambda0In,Lambda0Out) for j,k in res_jk_list: dres = resonant_secular_contribution_dictionary(j,k,Nmin,Nmax,*extra_args) dsec = _add_dicts(dsec,dres) dsec = _consolidate_dictionary_terms(dsec) return _consolidate_dictionary_terms(dsec) class _SecularDerivativesSystem(): """ A class for calculating the derivatives of a secular system. """ def __init__(self,N,Hamiltonian_coefficients_dictionary,Lambda0): self.Lambda0 = np.array(Lambda0[1:]) self.rtLambda0_inv = 1 / np.sqrt(Lambda0[1:]) self.qp_to_XY_factors = np.concatenate((self.rtLambda0_inv,0.5*self.rtLambda0_inv)) self.N=N self.Npl = self.N-1 self.Ndim = 4*self.Npl self.DFSeries_dict=dict() for key,term_coeff_dict in Hamiltonian_coefficients_dictionary.items(): i,j=key Lambda0In = self.Lambda0[i-1] Lambda0Out = self.Lambda0[j-1] if len(term_coeff_dict) > 0: self.DFSeries_dict[key] = DFTermSeries(term_coeff_dict,Lambda0In,Lambda0Out) def Hamiltonian_from_qp_vec(self,qp_vec): """ Compute Hamiltonian of the operator from the equations of motion for the 'qp_vec' variables returned by method 'state_vec_to_qp_vec'. Arguments --------- qp_vec : ndarray Input variable vector in the from [eta1,eta2,...,etaN,rho1,...,rhoN,kappa1,...,kappaN,sigma1,...sigmaN] Returns ------- Hamiltonian : float The value of the Hamiltonian (i.e., the sum of the disturbing function terms modeled by the operator) """ l = np.zeros(2) eta,rho,kappa,sigma = qp_vec.reshape(-1,self.Npl) H = eta * self.rtLambda0_inv K = kappa * self.rtLambda0_inv R = 0.5 * rho * self.rtLambda0_inv S = 0.5 * sigma * self.rtLambda0_inv Hamiltonian = 0. for iPair,series in self.DFSeries_dict.items(): iIn, iOut = iPair indices = np.array(iPair) - 1 X = K[indices] - 1j * H[indices] Y = S[indices] - 1j * R[indices] XYvec = np.concatenate((X,Y)) dH = series._evaluate(l,XYvec) Hamiltonian += dH return Hamiltonian def deriv_from_qp_vec(self,qp_vec): """ Compute the time derivatives from the equations of motion for the 'qp_vec' variables returned by method 'state_vec_to_qp_vec'. Arguments --------- qp_vec : ndarray Input variable vector in the from [eta1,eta2,...,etaN,rho1,...,rhoN,kappa1,...,kappaN,sigma1,...sigmaN] Returns ------- qp_vec_dot : ndarray Time derivative of qp_vec. """ derivs = np.zeros(self.Ndim) l = np.zeros(2) eta,rho,kappa,sigma = qp_vec.reshape(-1,self.Npl) H = eta * self.rtLambda0_inv K = kappa * self.rtLambda0_inv R = 0.5 * rho * self.rtLambda0_inv S = 0.5 * sigma * self.rtLambda0_inv for iPair,series in self.DFSeries_dict.items(): iIn, iOut = iPair indices = np.array(iPair) - 1 X = K[indices] - 1j * H[indices] Y = S[indices] - 1j * R[indices] XYvec = np.concatenate((X,Y)) _, _deriv= series._evaluate_with_derivs(l,XYvec) index_list = np.array([ iIn,iOut, iIn + self.Npl,iOut + self.Npl, iIn + 2*self.Npl,iOut + 2*self.Npl, iIn + 3*self.Npl,iOut + 3*self.Npl ]) - 1 for i,I in enumerate(index_list): derivs[I] += _deriv[i] return derivs def deriv_and_jacobian_from_qp_vec(self,qp_vec): """ Compute the time derivatives and Jacobian from the equations of motion for the 'qp_vec' variables returned by method 'state_vec_to_qp_vec'. Arguments --------- qp_vec : ndarray shape (4 * Nplanet,) Input variable vector in the from [eta1,eta2,...,etaN,rho1,...,rhoN,kappa1,...,kappaN,sigma1,...sigmaN] Returns ------- qp_vec_dot : ndarray, shape (4 * Nplanet,) Time derivative of qp_vec. qp_vec_dot_jac : ndarray, shape (4 * Nplanet, 4 * Nplanet) Jacobian matrix of the equations of motion for the variables contained in qp_vec. """ derivs = np.zeros(self.Ndim) jac = np.zeros((self.Ndim,self.Ndim)) l = np.zeros(2) eta,rho,kappa,sigma = qp_vec.reshape(-1,self.Npl) H = eta * self.rtLambda0_inv K = kappa * self.rtLambda0_inv R = 0.5 * rho * self.rtLambda0_inv S = 0.5 * sigma * self.rtLambda0_inv for iPair,series in self.DFSeries_dict.items(): iIn, iOut = iPair indices = np.array(iPair) - 1 X = K[indices] - 1j * H[indices] Y = S[indices] - 1j * R[indices] XYvec = np.concatenate((X,Y)) _, _deriv, _jac, _ = series._evaluate_with_jacobian(l,XYvec) index_list = np.array([ iIn,iOut, iIn + self.Npl,iOut + self.Npl, iIn + 2*self.Npl,iOut + 2*self.Npl, iIn + 3*self.Npl,iOut + 3*self.Npl ]) - 1 for i,I in enumerate(index_list): derivs[I] += _deriv[i] for j,J in enumerate(index_list): jac[I,J] += _jac[i,j] return derivs, jac class SecularRKIntegrator(RKIntegrator): """ Integrator for direct integration of secular equations of motion. """ def __init__(self,N,hamiltonian_coefficients_dictionary,Lambda0s,dt, rtol=_machine_eps, atol=0, rk_method='ImplicitMidpoint', rk_root_method='Newton', max_iter=10 ): self._derivatives = _SecularDerivativesSystem(N,hamiltonian_coefficients_dictionary,Lambda0s) Ndim = 4 * (N-1) super(SecularRKIntegrator,self).__init__( self._derivatives.deriv_from_qp_vec, self._derivatives.deriv_and_jacobian_from_qp_vec, Ndim, dt, rtol, atol, rk_method, rk_root_method, max_iter ) self.step = self.rk_step def init_step(self,qpvec): return qpvec def final_step(self,qpvec): return qpvec def calculate_energy(self,qp): return self._derivatives.Hamiltonian_from_qp_vec(qp) class SecularSplittingIntegrator(RKIntegrator): """ Integrator for applying splitting method to secular equations of motion. """ def __init__(self,N,hamiltonian_coefficients_dictionary,Lambda0s,dt, rtol=_machine_eps, atol=0, rk_method='ImplicitMidpoint', rk_root_method='Newton', max_iter=10 ): all_hcoeffs = hamiltonian_coefficients_dictionary.copy() Npl = N-1 Ndim = 4 * Npl self.Se = np.zeros((Npl,Npl)) self.SI = np.zeros((Npl,Npl)) for i in range(Npl): for j in range(i+1,Npl): hcoeffs=all_hcoeffs[(i+1,j+1)] # Get second-order eccentricity terms and add them to Laplace-Lagrange matrix self.Se[i,i] += hcoeffs.pop(((0,0,0,0,0,0),(0,0,1,0)),0) self.Se[j,j] += hcoeffs.pop(((0,0,0,0,0,0),(0,0,0,1)),0) term = hcoeffs.pop(((0,0,1,-1,0,0),(0,0,0,0)),0) self.Se[i,j] += 0.5 * term self.Se[j,i] += 0.5 * term # Get second-order inclination terms and add them to Laplace-Lagrange matrix self.SI[i,i] += hcoeffs.pop(((0,0,0,0,0,0),(1,0,0,0)),0) self.SI[j,j] += hcoeffs.pop(((0,0,0,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0)),0) term = hcoeffs.pop(((0,0,0,0,1,-1),(0,0,0,0)),0) self.SI[i,j] += 0.5 * term self.SI[j,i] += 0.5 * term rtLambda0s_inv = 1/np.sqrt(Lambda0s[1:]) self.Se = 2 * np.diag(rtLambda0s_inv) @ self.Se @ np.diag(rtLambda0s_inv) self.SI = 0.5 * np.diag(rtLambda0s_inv) @ self.SI @ np.diag(rtLambda0s_inv) self._derivatives = _SecularDerivativesSystem(N,all_hcoeffs,Lambda0s) Se,SI = self.Se,self.SI Zeros = np.zeros((Npl,Npl)) self.generator_matrix = np.block([ [Zeros,Zeros,Se,Zeros], [Zeros,Zeros,Zeros,SI], [-Se,Zeros,Zeros,Zeros], [Zeros,-SI,Zeros,Zeros], ]) self._update_A_step_matrices(dt) self.corrector= False super(SecularSplittingIntegrator,self).__init__( self._derivatives.deriv_from_qp_vec, self._derivatives.deriv_and_jacobian_from_qp_vec, Ndim, dt, rtol, atol, rk_method, rk_root_method, max_iter ) self.Bstep = self.rk_step def _update_A_step_matrices(self,dt): gen_matrix = self.generator_matrix self.A_half_step_forward_matrix = expm(0.5 * dt * gen_matrix) self.A_half_step_backward_matrix = expm(-0.5 * dt * gen_matrix) self.A_full_step_forward_matrix = self.A_half_step_forward_matrix @ self.A_half_step_forward_matrix @property def dt(self): return self._dt @dt.setter def dt(self,dt): self._update_A_step_matrices(dt) self._dt = dt def init_step(self,qpvec): if self.corrector: qpvec = self.corrector3(qpvec,self.dt) return self.A_half_step_forward_matrix @ qpvec def step(self,qpvec): qpvec = self.Bstep(qpvec) return self.A_full_step_forward_matrix @ qpvec def final_step(self,qpvec): qpvec = self.A_half_step_backward_matrix @ qpvec if self.corrector: qpvec = self.corrector3inv(qpvec,self.dt) return qpvec def _apply_A_step_for_dt(self,qpvec,h): return expm(h * self.generator_matrix) @ qpvec def _apply_B_step_for_dt(self,qpvec,h): h0 = self.dt self.dt = h qpvec1 = self.rk_step(qpvec) self.dt = h0 return qpvec1 def X(self, qpvec, a, b, h): qpvec = self._apply_A_step_for_dt(qpvec,-a*h) qpvec = self._apply_B_step_for_dt(qpvec,b*h) qpvec = self._apply_A_step_for_dt(qpvec,a*h) return qpvec def Z(self, qpvec, a, b, h): qpvec = self.X(qpvec, -a, -b, h) qpvec = self.X(qpvec, a, b, h) return qpvec def corrector3(self, qpvec, h): alpha = (7./40.)**0.5 beta = 1/48./alpha a1 = -alpha a2 = alpha b2 = beta/2. b1 = -beta/2. qpvec = self.Z(qpvec, a2, b2, h) qpvec = self.Z(qpvec, a1, b1, h) return qpvec def corrector3inv(self, qpvec, h): alpha = (7./40.)**0.5 beta = 1/48./alpha a1 = -alpha a2 = alpha b2 = beta/2. b1 = -beta/2. qpvec = self.Z(qpvec, a1, -b1, h) qpvec = self.Z(qpvec, a2, -b2, h) return qpvec def calculate_energy(self,qp): Epert = self._derivatives.Hamiltonian_from_qp_vec(qp) Omega = getOmegaMatrix(self.Ndim//2) E0 = -0.5 * qp @ Omega @ self.generator_matrix @ qp return E0 + Epert
[docs]class SecularSystemSimulation(): """ A class for integrating the secular equations of motion governing a planetary system. Arguments --------- state : :class:`celmech.poincare.Poincare` The initial dynamical state of the system. dt : float, optional The timestep to use for the integration. Either dt or dtFraction must be specified. dtFraction : float, optional Set the timestep to a constant fraction the period of shortest-period linear secular eigenmode. max_order : int, optional The maximum order of disturbing function terms to include in the integration. By default, the equations of motion include terms up to 4th order. method : str Integration method to use. Options include: - 'RK' - Direct integration of equations of motion using an Runge-Kutta integration method. - 'splitting' - Applies splitting to the flow generated by the system's Hamiltonian. resonances_to_include : dict, optional A dictionary containing information that sets the list of MMRs for which the secular contribution will be accounted for (at second order on planet masses). Dictionary key and value pairs are specified in the form .. code:: {(iIn,iOut) : [(j_0,k_0),...(j_N,k_N)]} include the resonances :math:`j_i` : :math:`j_i-k_i` with :math:`i=0,...,N` between planets iIn and iOut. Note that harmonics should **NOT** be explicitly included. I.e., if (2,1) appears in the list [(j_0,k_0),...(j_N,k_N)] then the term (4,2) should **NOT** also appear; these terms' contributions will be added automatically when the (2,1) term is added. By default, no MMRs are included. rk_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments that determine details of the Runge-Kutta scheme used to integrate equations of motion. Keywoards include: - :code:`rtol`: float Relative tolerance of root-finding step in the implicit Runge-Kutta scheme. Default is set to machine precision. - :code:`atol`: float Absolute tolerance of the root-finding step in the implicit Runge-Kutta scheme. Default is 0 so that tolerance is set solely by :code:`rtol` argument. - :code:`rk_method`: str Runge-Kutta method to use. Available options include: - 'ImplicitMidpoint' - 'LobattoIIIB' - 'GL4' - 'GL6' - 'ExplicitMidpoint' - 'RK4' 'GL4' and 'GL6' are `Gauss-Legendre methods <–Legendre_method>`_ of order 4 and 6, respectively. 'ImplicitMidpoint', 'GL4', and 'GL6' are symplectic methods while 'LobattoIIIB' is a 4th order time-reversible method (but not symplectic). 'ExplicitMidpoint' and 'RK4' are explicit methods that are neither symplectic nor time-reversible. - :code:`rk_root_method` : str Method to use for root-finding during implicit RK step. Available options are: - 'Newton' - 'qausi-Newton' - 'fixed_point' - 'explicit' 'Newton' (default) uses Newton's method whereas 'fixed_point' uses a fixed point iteration method. Newton's method requires computing the Jacobian of the equations of motion but has quadratic convergence. """ def __init__(self, state, dt=None,dtFraction=None, max_order=4,method='RK', resonances_to_include={}, rk_kwargs = {} ): self.state = state self._hamiltonian_coefficients_dictionary = dict() Npl = self.N-1 self.resonances_to_include = resonances_to_include self._hamiltonian_coefficients_dictionary = {(i+1,j+1):{} for i in range(Npl) for j in range(i+1,Npl)} self._max_order = 0 self._update_matrcies_and_coefficient_dictionary(max_order) ecc_eigenvalues = np.linalg.eigvals(self.Se) inc_eigenvalues = np.linalg.eigvals(self.SI) self.Tsec_e = np.abs(2 * np.pi / ecc_eigenvalues) self.Tsec_inc = np.abs(2 * np.pi / inc_eigenvalues) self.Tsec = min(np.min(self.Tsec_e),np.min(self.Tsec_inc)) self.t = 0 if dt: self._dt = dt elif dtFraction: self._dt = dtFraction * self.Tsec else: raise AttributeError("Must specify either 'dt' or 'dtFraction'") self.secular_rk_integrator = SecularRKIntegrator( self.N, self.Hamiltonian_coefficients_dictionary, self.Lambda0s, self.dt, **rk_kwargs ) self.secular_splitting_integrator = SecularSplittingIntegrator( self.N, self.Hamiltonian_coefficients_dictionary, self.Lambda0s, self.dt, **rk_kwargs ) self.method = method @property def method(self): """ Integration method to use. Valid options are - RK - splitting """ return self._method_name @method.setter def method(self,method): if method == 'RK': self._method_name = 'RK' self._integrator = self.secular_rk_integrator elif method == 'splitting': self._method_name = 'splitting' self._integrator = self.secular_splitting_integrator else: raise ValueError("{} is not a valid method option.".format(method)) @property def t(self): """Simulation time""" return self.state.t @t.setter def t(self,val): self.state.t = val @property def dt(self): """Simulation time step""" return self._dt @dt.setter def dt(self,h): self._dt = h self.secular_rk_integrator.dt = h self.secular_splitting_integrator.dt = h @property def Lambda0s(self): """Values of particle's :math:`\Lambda` canonical momenta""" return np.array([p.Lambda for p in self.state.particles]) @property def state_vector(self): """Current state vector of systems' canonical Poincare variables.""" state_vec = [] for p in self.state.particles[1:]: state_vec += [p.kappa,p.eta,p.Lambda,p.l,p.sigma,p.rho] return np.array(state_vec) @property def max_order(self): """Maximum order of disturbing function expansion in :math:`e` and :math:`I`""" return self._max_order @max_order.setter def max_order(self,new_max_order): self._update_matrcies_and_coefficient_dictionaries(new_max_order) self._set_up_derivative_systems() self.EccentricityLinearEvolutionOperatorMatrix = expm(0.5 * self.dt * self.Se) self.InclinationLinearEvolutionOperatorMatrix = expm(0.5 * self.dt * self.SI) @property def N(self): """Number of particles (including central body)""" return self.state.N @property def Npl(self): return self.N - 1 @property def G(self): """Value of the gravitational constant""" return self.state.G @property def Hamiltonian_coefficients_dictionary(self): """ A dictionary containing the coefficients appearing in the Hamiltonian. Dictionary is organized by pair-wise interaction terms. """ return self._hamiltonian_coefficients_dictionary
[docs] @classmethod def from_Simulation(cls,sim, dt=None,dtFraction=None, max_order=4,method='RK', resonances_to_include={}, rk_kwargs = {} ): """ Initialize a :class:`SecularSystemSimulation <celmech.secular.SecularSystemSimulation>` object from a rebound simulation. Arguments --------- sim : :class:`rebound.Simulation` REBOUND simulation to convert to :class:`SecularSystemSimulation <celmech.secular.SecularSystemSimulation>` dt : float, optional The timestep to use for the integration. Either dt or dtFraction must be specified. dtFraction : float, optional Set the timestep to a constant fraction the period of shortest-period linear secular eigenmode. max_order : int, optional The maximum order of disturbing function terms to include in the integration. By default, the equations of motion include terms up to 4th order. method : str Integration method to use. Options include: - 'RK' - Direct integration of equations of motion using an Runge-Kutta integration method. - 'splitting' - Applies splitting to the flow generated by the system's Hamiltonian. resonances_to_include : dict, optional A dictionary containing information that sets the list of MMRs for which the secular contribution will be accounted for (at second order on planet masses). Dictionary key and value pairs are specified in the form .. code:: {(iIn,iOut) : [(j_0,k_0),...(j_N,k_N)]} include the resonances :math:`j_i` : :math:`j_i-k_i` with :math:`i=0,...,N` between planets iIn and iOut. Note that harmonics should **NOT** be explicitly included. I.e., if (2,1) appears in the list [(j_0,k_0),...(j_N,k_N)] then the term (4,2) should **NOT** also appear; these terms' contributions will be added automatically when the (2,1) term is added. By default, no MMRs are included. rk_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments that determine details of the Runge-Kutta scheme used to integrate equations of motion. Keywoards include: - :code:`rtol`: float Relative tolerance of root-finding step in the implicit Runge-Kutta scheme. Default is set to machine precision. - :code:`atol`: float Absolute tolerance of the root-finding step in the implicit Runge-Kutta scheme. Default is 0 so that tolerance is set solely by :code:`rtol` argument. - :code:`rk_method`: str Runge-Kutta method to use. Available options include: - 'ImplicitMidpoint' - 'LobattoIIIB' - 'GL4' - 'GL6' 'GL4' and 'GL6' are `Gauss-Legendre methods <–Legendre_method>`_ of order 4 and 6, respectively. 'ImplicitMidpoint', 'GL4', and 'GL6' are symplectic methods while 'LobattoIIIB' is a 4th order time-reversible method (but not symplectic). - :code:`rk_root_method` : str Method to use for root-finding during implicit RK step. Available options are: - 'Newton' - 'qausi-Newton' - 'fixed_point' - 'explicit' 'Newton' (default) uses Newton's method whereas 'fixed_point' uses a fixed point iteration method. Newton's method requires computing the Jacobian of the equations of motion but has quadratic convergence. """ pvars = Poincare.from_Simulation(sim) return cls(pvars,dt,dtFraction,max_order,method,resonances_to_include,rk_kwargs)
def update_state_from_vector(self,state_vec): vecs = np.reshape(state_vec,(-1,6)) for vals,p in zip(vecs,self.state.particles[1:]): p.kappa,p.eta,p.Lambda,p.l,p.sigma,p.rho = vals def _update_matrcies_and_coefficient_dictionary(self,new_max_order): ps=self.state.particles G = self.G Npl = self.Npl old_max_order = self._max_order self.Se = np.zeros((Npl,Npl)) self.SI = np.zeros((Npl,Npl)) for i in range(1,self.N): I = i-1 for j in range(i+1,self.N): J = j-1 pIn = ps[i] pOut = ps[j] extra_args = G,pIn.m,pOut.m,pIn.M,pOut.M,pIn.Lambda,pOut.Lambda res_jk_list = self.resonances_to_include.get((i,j),[]) hamiltonian_coeff_dict = self._hamiltonian_coefficients_dictionary[(i,j)] if new_max_order > self.max_order: coeff_dict = _get_pair_SecularHamiltonian_coefficients( old_max_order+2, new_max_order, *extra_args, res_jk_list ) hamiltonian_coeff_dict.update(coeff_dict) elif new_max_order < self.max_order: for k,z in hamiltonian_coeff_dict: order= np.sum(np.abs(k)) + 2 * np.sum(z) if order > new_max_order: hamiltonian_coeff_dict.pop((k,z)) # Get second-order eccentricity terms and add them to Laplace-Lagrange matrix self.Se[I,I] += hamiltonian_coeff_dict.get(((0,0,0,0,0,0),(0,0,1,0)),0) self.Se[J,J] += hamiltonian_coeff_dict.get(((0,0,0,0,0,0),(0,0,0,1)),0) term = hamiltonian_coeff_dict.get(((0,0,1,-1,0,0),(0,0,0,0)),0) self.Se[I,J] += 0.5 * term self.Se[J,I] += 0.5 * term # Get second-order inclination terms and add them to Laplace-Lagrange matrix self.SI[I,I] += hamiltonian_coeff_dict.get(((0,0,0,0,0,0),(1,0,0,0)),0) self.SI[J,J] += hamiltonian_coeff_dict.get(((0,0,0,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0)),0) term = hamiltonian_coeff_dict.get(((0,0,0,0,1,-1),(0,0,0,0)),0) self.SI[I,J] += 0.5 * term self.SI[J,I] += 0.5 * term Lambda0s = self.Lambda0s[1:] rtLambda0s_inv = 1/np.sqrt(Lambda0s) self.Se = 2 * np.diag(rtLambda0s_inv) @ self.Se @ np.diag(rtLambda0s_inv) self.SI = 0.5 * np.diag(rtLambda0s_inv) @ self.SI @ np.diag(rtLambda0s_inv)
[docs] def state_to_qp_vec(self): r""" Convert full state vector to vector of variables that enter in the secular equations. Returns ------- qp_vec : ndarray Vector containing eccentricity and inclination variables :math:`\eta,\rho,\kappa,\sigma`. The variables are returned in the order: .. math:: (\eta_1,\eta_2,...,\eta_N,\rho_1,...,\rho_N,\kappa_1,...,\kappa_N,\sigma_1,...,\sigma_N) """ vecs = np.reshape(self.state_vector,(-1,6)) kappa = vecs[:,0] eta = vecs[:,1] sigma = vecs[:,4] rho = vecs[:,5] return np.concatenate((eta,rho,kappa,sigma))
def integrate(self,time,exact_finish_time=False): assert time >= self.t, "Backward integration is currently not implemented." Nstep = int( np.ceil( (time-self.t) / self.dt) ) Npl=self.Npl state_vec = self.state_vector qp = self.state_to_qp_vec() qp = self._integrator.init_step(qp) for _ in xrange(Nstep): qp = self._integrator.step(qp) qp = self._integrator.final_step(qp) if exact_finish_time: warnings.warn("Exact finish time is not currently implemented.") for i in xrange(Npl): eta,kappa,rho,sigma = symbols("eta{0},kappa{0},rho{0},sigma{0}".format(i+1)) # eta self.state.qp[eta] = qp[i] # state_vec[6*i+1] = qp[i] # kappa self.state.qp[kappa] = qp[i + 2 * Npl] #state_vec[6*i] = qp[i + 2 * Npl] # rho #state_vec[6*i+5] = qp[i + Npl] self.state.qp[rho] = qp[i + Npl] # sigma #state_vec[6*i+4] = qp[i + 3 * Npl] self.state.qp[sigma] = qp[i + 3 * Npl] #self.update_state_from_vector(state_vec) self.state.t += Nstep * self.dt def calculate_energy(self): qp = self.state_to_qp_vec() return self._integrator.calculate_energy(qp) def calculate_AMD(self): return sum([p.Q + p.Gamma for p in self.state.particles[1:]]) def _get_symbol_vec(self,sybmol_str): return symbols(",".join([r'{}_{}'.format(sybmol_str,i) for i in range(1,self.Npl+1)]))
[docs] def diagonalizing_tranformations(self): r""" Calculate transformations .. math:: \begin{align} D_e &=& T_e^\mathrm{T}S_e T_e\\ D_I &=& T_I^\mathrm{T}S_I T_I\\ that diagonalize the matrices :math:`S_e` and :math:`S_I`. Returns ------- Te : ndarray TI : ndarray De : ndarray DI : ndarray """ vals_e,Te = np.linalg.eigh(self.Se) vals_I,TI = np.linalg.eigh(self.SI) vals_I[0] = 0 De = np.diag(vals_e) DI = np.diag(vals_I) return Te,TI,De,DI
[docs] def Hamiltonian_as_polynomial(self, transformed = False): r""" Return the Hamiltonian of the secular system as a :py:obj:`sympy.Poly` object. Argmunets --------- transformed : bool, optional If :code:`True`, transform to the complex canonical variables :math:`\pmb{u}` and :math:`\pmb{v}`, that represent the proper secular modes and are related to the usual complex canonical variables via :math:`\pmb{x} = T_e\cdot\pmb{u}` and :math:`\pmb{y}=T_I\cdot\pmb{v}`. Returns ------- H : sympy.Poly Polynomial representation of the Hamiltonian. """ H = self._hamiltonian_to_poly(not transformed) if transformed: Npl = self.Npl get_symbol_vec = self._get_symbol_vec u=get_symbol_vec("u") ubar=get_symbol_vec(r"\bar{u}") v=get_symbol_vec("v") vbar=get_symbol_vec(r"\bar{v}") Te,TI,De,DI = self.diagonalizing_tranformations() cvars = H.gens transformed_vars = np.concatenate((,,, rule={a:b for a,b in zip(cvars,transformed_vars)} H = H.as_expr().xreplace(rule) H += + H = H.as_poly(u+v+ubar+vbar) return H
def _hamiltonian_to_poly(self,include_linear_terms): get_symbol_vec = self._get_symbol_vec Npl = self.Npl x=get_symbol_vec("x") xbar=get_symbol_vec(r"\bar{x}") y=get_symbol_vec("y") ybar=get_symbol_vec(r"\bar{y}") poly_dict = defaultdict(float) hdict = self.Hamiltonian_coefficients_dictionary Lambdas = self.Lambda0s for ij,terms_dict in hdict.items(): i,j=ij Lin,Lout = Lambdas[i],Lambdas[j] coeff_dict = _XYcoeff_to_xycoeff(terms_dict,Lin,Lout) for kz, val in coeff_dict.items(): pows = _ijkz_to_Vpows(i,j,*kz,Npl) cpows = _conj_powers(pows) poly_dict[tuple(pows)]+=0.5*val poly_dict[tuple(cpows)]+=0.5*val H = Poly.from_dict(poly_dict,x+y+xbar+ybar) if include_linear_terms: H2 = np.array(xbar).dot( H2 += np.array(ybar).dot( H += H2.as_poly() return H
def _ijkz_to_Vpows(ii,jj,k,z,N): # Planets indexed from 1 # array entries indexed from 0 i=ii-1 j=jj-1 vpows = np.zeros(4*N,dtype=int) k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6 = k z1,z2,z3,z4 = z if k3 != 0: vpows[i + N * (1 - np.sign(k3))] = abs(k3) if k4 != 0: vpows[j + N * (1 - np.sign(k4))] = abs(k4) if k5 != 0: vpows[i + N + N * (1 - np.sign(k5))] = abs(k5) if k6 != 0: vpows[j + N + N * (1 - np.sign(k6))] = abs(k6) # eccentricity terms vpows[i] += z3 vpows[i + 2 * N] += z3 vpows[j] += z4 vpows[j + 2 * N] += z4 # inclination terms vpows[i + N] += z1 vpows[i + 3 * N] += z1 vpows[j + N] += z2 vpows[j + 3 * N] += z2 return vpows def _conj_powers(powers_arr): N = powers_arr.shape[0]//2 return np.concatenate((powers_arr[N:],powers_arr[:N])) def _XYcoeff_to_xycoeff(d,Lin,Lout): dnew = dict() for kz,val in d.items(): k,z=kz Xpow = abs(k[2]) + 2 * z[2] X1pow = abs(k[3]) + 2 * z[3] Ypow = abs(k[4]) + 2 * z[0] Y1pow = abs(k[5]) + 2 * z[1] factor = (2/Lin)**(Xpow/2) * (2/Lout)**(X1pow/2) * (0.5/Lin)**(Ypow/2) * (0.5/Lout)**(Y1pow/2) dnew[kz] = val * factor return dnew